Strawberry, stunningly tasty and healthy smoothies!

Strawberry smoothies of home making will always favorably differ from the store. After all, for him we select the best products, we add a drop of his warmth and good mood. In addition, during cooking, you can fantasize a bit and please your homemade strawberry smoothies with a banana, ice cream or blueberries.

Milk smoothies

Smoothies made from strawberries are usually prepared using milk. However, you can diversify it by adding ice cream, yoghurt, other berries or fruit. A spicy zest will give honey, lemon juice and spices.

From strawberries with ice cream

Smoothies with ice cream - a drink, irreplaceable on a hot summer day. He will give coolness, replacing the unhealthy Coca-Cola. It will require the following products:

  • 100 g of ice cream;
  • strawberry - 200 g;

  • 3 cube of ice;
  • milk - 200 ml.

Initially, put the strawberry in the blender with ice cream, pour everything with milk and beat until a puree is formed. Then the drink is poured over glasses, and ice is poured into the appliance. Crushed ice chips are added to the glasses just before they are served on the table.

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An interesting fact! Smoothie relieves stress! This property has been recently proved by scientists.

With yoghurt

Yoghurt smoothie contains live milk bacteria and is very useful for health. Recommended for children in the absence of allergies, as well as for dietary nutrition.

Products for yoghurt-strawberry smoothies:

  • berries frozen or fresh strawberries - 200 g;
  • a glass of milk of 2.5% fat content or higher;
  • natural yoghurt - 150 g.
Milk perfectly complements the strawberry in the milk smoothie

All the products are pre-cooled in the refrigerator, except for frozen strawberries. If the berries are fresh, then they are washed, and then dried on a towel. The peduncle is removed, discarded rotten, pest-eaten fruits. In a blender, lay strawberries, add yogurt and whisk for several minutes. Then pour in the milk and beat again. You can sweeten it a bit by putting honey or sugar in the glass to taste. The resulting cocktail is poured over tall glasses, decorated with mint leaves.

With vanilla flavor

Reminds childhood strawberry smoothies with vanillin. The recipe for its preparation is simple and does not require much effort. For vanilla smoothies, the following products will be required:

  • strawberry - 200 g;
  • ice cream - 150 g;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • pinch of vanillin.

Strawberry is ground in a blender with ice cream until it is pure. Then pour in the milk, put the sugar, lemon juice, vanillin and whisk. Served with a straw, half a lemon or strawberries.

Tip! To drink does not lose its taste and icy freshness, the glasses are cooled for it, and the ice is added immediately before serving to the table.

With banana

Banana-strawberry smoothies do not require the addition of sugar, because it itself has a sweet taste. This is a high-calorie drink, it can be advised to athletes, children and those who want to get better.

Banana-strawberry smoothies thick and well quenches hunger

Products for banana-strawberry smoothies:

  • a glass of strawberry;
  • 1 banana;
  • half a glass of milk.

Strawberry before washing is washed and slightly dried. Bananas are peeled, cut into slices. Milk is pre-cooled. All products are put in a blender and beat. As a result, a homogeneous, thick mass with a characteristic banana-strawberry odor should be obtained. On the edge of the glass you can hang a small berry or a slice of a banana.

With oatmeal

Such smoothies can hardly be called a drink. It is characterized by a thicker consistency and can replace breakfast. It will require:

  • 4 tbsp.spoons of oat flakes that do not require cooking;

  • strawberries - 200-300 g;
  • glass of milk.

Flakes must be soaked in milk for one hour before cooking. Then this mass is spread into a blender, add the same strawberries and crushed. In the end, add milk. Blend well until smooth. If the mass is too thick, then it can be diluted. Green tea is good for this purpose. Honey and spices will add variety.

Tip! Smoothies with oatmeal helps cleanse the intestines. If you have problems with a stool, then eat this dish for breakfast daily, the problems will be resolved quickly within a few hours.

Smoothies on fruit and berry juice

Strawberry smoothies can be cooked without using milk. To do this, take a variety of fruit or berry juices, as well as their mixture. Such cocktails will suit people with intolerance to milk. They have a low calorie and help you lose weight without too much effort in a short time.

With orange juice and banana

This cocktail has a pleasant acidity and is rich in vitamin C. Banana somewhat softens the orange, and the strawberry adds an unforgettable aroma of summer.

Products for strawberry smoothie with banana and orange juice:

  • strawberries - 250-300 g;
  • banana - 1 piece;
  • orange juice - 200 ml;
  • ice - 4 dice.

Strawberries are chopped together with a slice of bananas in a blender. Then pour orange juice and whisk. The drink is poured over the glasses, and ice is put in the blender. The resulting ice crumb is added to the glasses with a cocktail. You can decorate the glasses with a sprig of mint or strawberries.

Vitamin smoothies from strawberries, blueberries and grapefruit juice

In winter, in the fall, early spring, strengthen the weakened immunity will help smoothies from berries of strawberries, blueberries, grapefruit juice. It is rich in vitamins and microelements, essential for our health. It will require the following products:

  • strawberry - 200 g;
  • blueberries - 100 g;
  • a glass of grapefruit juice;
  • honey spoon.

Put blooms in the blender under running water. There also add freshly squeezed juice from grapefruit, honey. All is beaten to a homogeneous mass and bottled in glasses. You can decorate the drink by sprinkling it with grated chocolate on top or laying a mint leaf.

Smoothies can be made from almost any fruit and berries

Exotic Smoothies

This cocktail contains so exotic ingredients that you will surely like all the fans of the unusual. At the same time it is not difficult to prepare. You will need:

  • coconut ice - 3 cubes;
  • coconut milk - 100 ml;
  • strawberry yogurt - 3 tbsp.spoons;
  • frozen slice of watermelon pitted;
  • strawberries - 100 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.spoons.

Ice is prepared from coconut milk, pouring it into molds and leaving it for several hours before solidification. It is added to the glasses immediately before use. The remaining ingredients are whipped in a blender until a puree state, poured into glasses and served to the table.

Step-by-step process of making smoothies can be seen in this video

  • Mar 10, 2018
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