How to remove extensions at home - tips on video

Mysterious female look from under the long fluffy eyelashes - what could be more attractive? A popular procedure for beauty salons for their growth has been tried by many women, most of them that by nature can not boast of long eyelashes. When the optimal period expires in 15-20 days, and there is no time to visit the salon, the question arises as to how to remove the extensions of eyelashes at home. You can consult with the master who did the procedure for you, or, after reading our recommendations carefully, start the removal yourself.

Ways to remove eyelashes by yourself without harm to the eyes

There are several ways how to remove the extensions yourself at home without causing harm to the eyes. Armed with the necessary knowledge and resources, you will safely carry out this procedure yourself. Familiarize yourself with the technique of using several methods, find out how to remove extensions without the help of a master, choose the one that is more acceptable for you and start practicing.

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Remover is a modern tool for removing extensible eyelashes, which is available in the form of gel, paste, cream. The gel preparation has a thick consistency, so it does not get into the eyes during use. But evaporating, it can cause irritation of the eyelids. Cream remover eliminates evaporation, has no sharp odors, so it is ideal even for sensitive skin. Uniform distribution of the cream from the base of growth and along the entire length ensures a painless, easy removal of the exposed hairs. Additional components of the cream take care of natural cilia.

With the help of

oil The longest in time, but at the same time the most gentle method. You may need any vegetable oil, including olive oil, sunflower oil. If you want to simultaneously care for your natural eyelashes, then use castor or burdock oil, which will promote the rapid growth and restoration of damaged hair.

At night, lubricate the lashes with oil over the entire length, paying special attention to the base. In the morning you will find that most of the hair has been peeled off. The glue on which eyelashes are kept, vegetable oil for several hours will successfully dissolve. Those hairs that will still hold, you can easily remove with a cotton swab dipped in oil.

With the application of

cream, you can not buy expensive preparations for removing artificial eyelashes, but use any fat cream for the face, preferably hypoallergenic. It is necessary to grease the eyelid area with a suitable cream and leave it for 10-15 minutes, so that during this time the adhesive base managed to lose its firmness and dissolve. Remove the glued eyelashes with a cotton disc.

With the use of the debodder

Thanks to an affordable price, the debander has gained popularity both among professional beauty salon masters and in the category of lovers of home procedures. The liquid is sold in specialized stores, pharmacies, online stores that sell cosmetic professional medications. Debonder contains an active substance that quickly dissolves the base of the glue, but evaporates, irritating the mucous membrane of the eye. Use the drug very carefully, especially for those who are prone to allergies and have a high sensitivity of the skin.

Step-by-step technology for removing eyelashes with castor oil

Castor oil is a hypoallergenic drug, but if you decide to use it for the first time, perform a skin reaction test, as for any remedy. In advance, apply oil for several hours on the inside of the elbow, if no rashes have occurred - boldly start to use. So, you need:

  • Thoroughly clean your eyes of decorative cosmetics with milk or lotion to remove makeup.
  • A small amount of castor oil should be heated in a water bath.
  • Use a cotton swab or a small clean brush to apply oil to the eyelashes, paying special attention to the roots.
  • After a few hours with a cotton swab, wipe the remains of oil from the eyelids, along with artificial hairs.
  • If part of the artificial hairs is not removed, repeat the procedure.

How to restore your eyelashes at home

The very nature of the woman lies in the desire to be attractive. An important element for appearance was and remains the presence of long thick eyelashes and beautifully outlined eyebrows. The use of decorative cosmetics of questionable production or abuse of make-up can lead to the fact that your own hairs become brittle, drop out. Salon recovery procedures give good results, but they cost a lot of money.

Many women are looking for affordable ways to care and restore eyelashes at home. We recommend paying attention to the informative nature of our tips, which are easy to use and do not require special skills. The most common natural products, useful for eyelashes and eyebrows, are burdock and castor oil. Having a huge amount of positive feedback after their application, you will not doubt that these inexpensive but effective drugs are worthy to be noticed.

In order to restore damaged eyelashes, you need to apply a selected oil to their surface for a month before going to bed for an hour. As an instrument, use an old clean brush from the carcass or ear wand. Microelements and vitamins contained in oils, evoke the growth of the bulb, and the hairs become smooth, obedient. The presence of ricinoleic acid in the composition, strengthens the roots, reduces dryness and brittleness.

To obtain a lasting result after restoration of the natural beauty of the eyelashes, the procedures should not have a sporadic nature: it is recommended to repeat the weekly course every three months. Use oils in the heated form, which increases the efficiency of the procedure. It is not necessary to wash off the oil, a sufficient amount is absorbed into the roots of the hairs and the skin of the eyelid, the surpluses are removed with a napkin.

Video tutorial on the removal of artificial eyelashes

How to properly remove the extensions of eyelashes, you can learn by viewing the thematic video tutorial. Using a special dissolving substance will help quickly and efficiently remove artificial hairs. How can you remove the extensions without causing harm? Oil, cream, other compounds. Dissolution of glue is always carried out according to the growth of hairs. If the drug was used on a chemical basis, do not forget to rinse the eyes with warm water after the procedure. The presented video demonstrates the simplicity and accessibility of the procedure for removing artificial eyelashes.

  • Mar 10, 2018
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