Period calendar calculate cycle online (free): with irregular cycle


  1. Why keep a monthly calendar
  2. Paper or electronic
  3. How to calculate irregular periods

From puberty to menopause, every woman's reproductive system undergoes monthly changes called the menstrual cycle. Its stability is influenced by many factors: from a slight violation of the hormonal background to serious pathological processes in the body. Doctors say that the monthly calendar plays an important role in the timely detection of cycle failures, determining dangerous conditions. And for expectant mothers, regular marks of the beginning of critical days will help determine the duration of pregnancy, the gender of the unborn baby and the date of the upcoming birth.

Period calendar

Why keep a monthly calendar

Many women and girls of reproductive age keep “intimate” calendars and regularly mark in them the dates of the onset of menstruation. Under normal conditions, at the end of the cycle, the level of estrogen drops, the mucous layer of the genital organ (endometrium) is rejected and leaves with the blood.

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According to gynecologists, even a slight "daub" indicates the beginning of regulation, which means that it is entered into the calendar with a corresponding note.

It is impossible to measure the volume of bloody discharge, so definitions such as scanty, moderate or abundant are sufficient.

A healthy woman has 50 ml of blood loss during menstruation. The normal cycle time is 28 days plus / minus a week.

Why mark the start of regulation:

  1. A graph showing the first days of menstruation will help not to miss violations in the work of the female reproductive system. This is very important, because failures are provoked by serious pathologies, when the timeliness of medical care determines the prognosis.
  2. By tracking the regularity of menstruation, you can plan important events, if necessary, accelerate the onset of critical days by several days, or cause delayed ones.
  3. When using the online notification, the problem with the lack of gaskets at the most unexpected moment will be solved automatically. You will always know in advance when your next period starts.
  4. The marked periods of fertility (favorable for conception) allow planning the onset of pregnancy. During the ovulatory period, the mature egg leaves the follicle, moves into the fallopian tube and waits for a "meeting" with the sperm. The fertile period lasts about a week: starting 5 days before ovulation and ending one day after the release of the egg.
  5. To prevent the symptoms of severe PMS (premenstrual syndrome) - start drinking sedatives in advance, stock up on pain relievers.
  6. Do not miss a possible pregnancy, or rather, a delay. Experience shows that most women start a calendar of the female menstrual cycle precisely for these purposes.
  7. Calculate "barren" days - periods safe for conception (beginning and end of the cycle). However, you should not rely on this method of protection and refuse contraceptives. There are cases when pregnancy occurred during the safest periods.
  8. Planning the sex of the unborn child. If fertilization happened 1-2 days before ovulation, a girl will be born, and if in the middle of the cycle, a boy will be born. The statistics are due to the greater mobility of sperm - carriers of the male chromosome. Chromosomes-girls are not so mobile, but they are more hardy, more patient, able to remain viable inside their "mistress" for up to several days.
  9. For pregnant women, the calendar will help to calculate the date of birth of the child by the date of the last menstruation. The duration of pregnancy is on average 280 days. By adding this number to the date of conception (ovulation), you will know when to prepare for your trip to the hospital. And you can also use the following formula: from the first day of the last menstruation, minus 3 months and add 7 days. In this case, the veracity of the result depends on the regularity and size of the menstrual cycle.

The electronic version of the monthly calendar is used by many as a diary, which allows you not only to follow the cycle, but also to control your weight, temperature and other features. A universal online application will save you from tedious calculations and, when required, will display the finished result on the monitor.

Knowing the day of the onset of menstruation, you can most likely calculate the moment of ovulation.

With a regular cycle, the second phase (luteal) begins 2 weeks before the next menstrual bleeding.

Paper or electronic

You can calculate the menstrual calendar on an ordinary cardboard calendar that fits in your wallet. Just circle the start and end days of the cycle with a marker. However, few people use this method of control, because it is much more convenient to download an online calendar for monitoring periods for free and calculate the cycle automatically. The popular program can be easily downloaded to any gadget, monitors the cycle and indicates the presence of problems, if any. You can take notes in the program installed on your desktop computer. But before visiting the antenatal clinic, you will have to print the charts.

To calculate the onset of your next periods, mark the first day of your last menstrual bleeding in the online calendar, as well as the length of your cycle.

How to calculate irregular periods

To correctly calculate the length of the periods between critical days, mark the first day of your period and the date before the next period on your calendar. Observe for 3 consecutive months or even a year. The online monthly calculator will help you calculate the date of your period, even with an irregular cycle.

Let's consider the possible options:

  1. The first day of the appearance of spotting is 6.05, the next - 0.6. We count: 31 (days in May) - 6 (the beginning of critical days) + 3 = 28. The next periods will go on July 1st.
  2. If the calculations regularly "float" in 1-3 days, then the duration of the intervals between critical days is the average of three indicators. We count: June: 27 + July: 25 + August: 29: 3 = 27. If only one month is knocked out of the general picture, this is not taken into account in the calculations, since the failure can be triggered by moving, overwork, stress or other unfavorable factor.
  3. The calendar marks not only the days of the beginning of menstruation, but also the days of their end. Often, this is 3–6 days. Keeping a regular schedule will allow you to calculate not only the day of the beginning, but also the end of your period. If your periods are regular, an online calculator will help you accurately calculate them 3 months in advance.

Every woman of reproductive age is simply obliged to keep a cycle calendar. This measure will not only protect against unwanted pregnancy, but also become an indicator of the state of women's health. Remember! Too early or late, scanty or abundant menstruation, long-term or short-term - grounds for visiting a gynecologist.

  • Aug 15, 2021
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