- When should menopause begin normally
- Causes of the premature onset of menopause
- Hereditary factor
- Acute and chronic inflammation
- Surgical interventions on the pelvic organs
- Autoimmune pathologies
- Radiation and chemotherapy
- Other reasons for the early onset of menopause
- How to recognize the early onset of menopause
- What is the danger of the early arrival of menopause
- Treatment
- Prophylaxis
Menopause is a pronounced restructuring in the functioning of the hormonal system of a woman, in which the volume of estrogen and progesterone (substances that control the work of the reproductive sphere) gradually is depleted. A decrease in the concentration of these hormones in the body leads to the fact that the ovaries empty their reserves, and the woman's ability to conceive is sharply reduced. If this occurs in a woman younger than thirty-five years old, doctors write down the diagnosis of early menopause in the patient's card.
When should menopause begin normally
To understand what constitutes early menopause, it is necessary to understand how the process of gradual cessation of the functioning of the female reproductive system occurs. The number of eggs that will mature in the appendages and wait for a meeting with the sperm for fertilization is laid even before the birth of the girl. Each monthly cycle, 1–2 eggs are lost from this amount.
The faster the supply of oocytes is used up during her life, the earlier a woman will begin menopause.
Normally, the gradual extinction of reproductive function begins after 45 years, more often by 50–55 years. Less commonly, cases are diagnosed when a woman retains the ability to fertilize up to 60 years. Upon reaching 45-50 years of age, the level of estrogen begins to fall, and natural physiological changes are complemented by the following:
- Endometrioid tissue is replaced by muscle tissue, which prevents the fertilized gamete from invading the uterine wall and continuing to carry.
- Atrophic processes are triggered in the mammary glands, as a result of which many patients with the onset of menopause are diagnosed with the formation of cysts and tumors in the chest.
- Symptoms of diseases of the endocrine system, heart and blood vessels are becoming more pronounced.
Menopause is not a one-time phenomenon, during which a woman completely loses the ability to conceive. The onset of menopause can take up to 10-15 years, during which time a woman can become pregnant and become a mother.
In the structure of the normal onset of menopause, three stages are distinguished:
- Premenopause is the initial phase of menopause, which can last 5–8, and sometimes 10–15 years. It begins at the age of 40–45 years, is characterized by a deterioration in the work of the ovaries, a decrease in the concentration of sex hormones, interruptions in the arrival of menstruation.
- Menopause is the second phase, the actual onset of menopause and the final cessation of the functioning of the appendages, in connection with which menstruation ceases to come. Menopause is considered to have occurred if a woman has not had critical days within 12 months, and this is not associated with any diseases.
- Postmenopause is a period lasting up to 15 years, during which the body adapts to existence without the participation of sex hormones. Lasts up to 65-70 years, of which 5 years are considered early postmenopausal, and the next 10 - late.
About 1–2 out of 10 women experience signs of premature menopause. An early unexpected menopause begins in women of 30–35 years old, sometimes it happens that the first bells appeared already at the age of 25 and markedly shift the normal range.
Options for the early onset of menopause:
- up to 40 years - premature ovarian depletion (PIA);
- 40–45 years - early onset of menopause;
- at any age after the removal of the appendages - post-castration syndrome.
The most reliable way to determine early menopause is to donate blood for hormone levels.
The functioning of the appendages is carried out under the control of follicle-stimulating and luteising hormones, which are produced in close connection with the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. When the ovaries are depleted, they stop responding to the usual levels of these substances, and the body begins to produce more of them. The higher the level of concentration of the hormones FSH and LH in the blood, the "deeper" the menopause proceeds.
Causes of the premature onset of menopause
Since the menopause, which occurred at the age of 32 to 37 years, does not apply to the variant of the norm, it necessarily requires therapy, because the earlier the lady noted the first signs of the approaching menopause, the more severe the consequences can be syndrome. The early onset of menopause differs in symptoms and causes, but most factors affect the ovaries, leading to irreversible damage.
Hereditary factor
The early arrival of menopause can be considered hereditary if several generations of loved ones female relatives (mother, grandmother, great-grandmother) also experienced premature extinction sexual function. But you cannot take this for granted and not take any measures - the syndrome can be provoked by pathologies of a chronic nature, not excluding autoimmune processes.
If a lady had several facts of early menopause in her family, it is important for her not to have abortions, to practice breastfeeding. feeding, use hormonal pills for contraception, since they allow you to save the supply of eggs for more number of years of life.
Acute and chronic inflammation
As a result of acute inflammation in the pelvic area, such as salpingo-oophoritis, appendages and the areas of tissue adjacent to them begin to be less well nourished with blood and may gradually lose their functions. As a result, the congenital oocyte supply begins to decrease, and the stroma of the appendages produces less and less sex hormones. The risk of early menopause determines the tendency to recurrent acute inflammations and the transition of pathology to a chronic form with frequent exacerbations.
Surgical interventions on the pelvic organs
The lesions located in the pelvic area are not as harmless as they seem, even if they were diagnosed and removed in time. So a large cyst produces mechanical pressure on the surrounding areas, and its surgical removal damages the functioning tissues with follicles.
As a result of surgery for the removal of uterine fibroids, adhesions are formed in many cases, which can also affect the sex glands. The cauterization process in polycystic ovaries sometimes has an effect that is not much different from castration. Doctors warn about the rational approach required when deciding on the removal of formations in the pelvic cavity, especially young girls who have not previously given birth.
Autoimmune pathologies
Another reason for the premature onset of menopause is an autoimmune process in the body, in which immune cells begin to react to their own tissues as hostile (foreign) and proceed to their destruction.
These processes are associated with such violations:
- changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
- diseases of the skin;
- Addison's disease, which affects the adrenal glands;
- antiphospholipid syndrome;
- type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Against the background of autoimmune processes, the appendages are depleted much earlier, unable to produce hormones in the same amount. If only the sex glands are exposed to autoimmune influence, an active process of inflammation is determined in their tissues, leading to the replacement of follicles with scar tissue.
Radiation and chemotherapy
The irreversible process of destruction can begin in the appendages of the patient who received chemotherapy - under the influence of powerful drugs suppresses cell division, they accumulate "defective", mutating material. Since the number of oocytes is laid in the ovaries even before birth and cannot increase during life, as a result of taking such drugs, a woman can prematurely deplete the epididymis.
Radiation therapy is another potential contributor to early menopause. Even if the ovaries themselves were not affected, and the treatment was carried out with a targeting of neighboring organs (rectum or uterus), with irradiation at a dose of 6 Gray, follicular tissue will be irreversible damaged. If the dose is less, the complications and consequences of radiation therapy depend on the patient's age, general health, and other factors.
Other reasons for the early onset of menopause
Many women ask doctors a question whether menopause can begin early, at 38 or 39 years old - experts give comments that this is possible with premature depletion of ovarian function, which leads to the following factors:
- early (at 9-10 years of age) onset of menstruation - in this case, the stock of oocytes laid down before birth will be used up 5–6 years earlier than in a woman whose periods started at 15;
- self-prescribing oral contraceptives without prior consultation with a specialist and examinations for the content of sex hormones in a woman's body, as well as their long-term use;
- physical underdevelopment, anorexia;
- chronic stress;
- lack of sufficient daily physical activity;
- obese weight;
- long-term smoking;
- alcohol abuse;
- poor ecological situation in the place of permanent residence.
Only a specialist can determine which particular reason could affect the functions of the reproductive organs and lead to the early approach of menopause. In many cases, doctors fail to find out what triggered the onset of the extinction of the reproductive sphere.
It is assumed that the early arrival of menopause may be the result of a previous viral disease. Virus particles acquire the ability to integrate into normal cells and not manifest themselves, leading to gradual atrophy and death of germ cells.
How to recognize the early onset of menopause
A woman can guess about the approach of menopause herself if she carefully listens to the signals of her own body. The first symptoms of early menopause, manifested in women 30-35 years old:
- Disorders associated with the menstrual cycle - the intervals between the onset of menstruation become longer, the loss blood during critical days may become too abundant or, conversely, scarce, weak spotting between periods.
- Pronounced signs of PMS (premenstrual syndrome), which were not previously observed, or they did not deliver much inconveniences - headaches, severe abdominal discomfort radiating to the back, nausea in the morning, flare-ups irritability.
- The appearance of hot flashes - attacks of a sharp expansion of capillaries, as a result of which on the face and body areas of redness appear, and the body temperature rises for a short period (from 5 to 30 minutes).
Not always, by the presence of the listed signs, a lady can recognize that she is facing an early approach of menopause. If she is more attentive to such symptoms, then she will turn to the doctor in time, it will pass examination, after which the specialist will propose measures to prolong the reproductive age and maintain sexual function.
Physiological changes accompanying the signs of the onset of early menopause:
- Deterioration of metabolism.
- A gradual increase in body weight - it happens that ladies leave this fact unattended and turn to doctors only when understand that weight gain is uncontrollable, and it is not possible to get rid of extra pounds with the help of diets and exercise.
- Increased blood pressure - even women who have previously suffered from attacks of hypotension (low blood pressure) with symptoms of early menopause are often put on dispensary records for hypertension.
- Change in the emotional background - the lady becomes aggressive, irritable, or whiny and suspicious, prone to depression.
- Worsening sleep - many patients with early menopause worried about insomnia, sensitive and superficial sleep, after which they feel overwhelmed.
- Sweating - Sweat is produced profusely during sleep and during light exercise, especially during hot flashes.
- Fragility of bones, fragility of hair and nails - manifests itself as a result of the leaching of calcium from the body.
- Decreased sex drive - due to a deficiency of sex hormones, the production of natural lubrication, vaginal dryness occurs, so intimate contacts bring psychological and physical the discomfort.
- Lactose intolerance - manifested by flatulence and allergic reactions, which the lady had not previously experienced. It is known that bile is produced depending on the presence in the body of a certain amount of substances, including estrogen. With a decrease in the production of the hormone, the production of bile is disrupted, which is why food intolerance reactions develop.
- Urinary incontinence - provoked by a deterioration in the work of the sphincter of the urethra, which functions in close connection with sex hormones, especially with the early onset of menopause.
According to the reviews of women, during the menopausal period, symptoms depend on age, heredity, individual characteristics of the body, but the most common sensations are hot flashes (noted in every third women).
What is the danger of the early arrival of menopause
It is important to consult a specialist in time for the early onset of menopause, because the consequences include not only the inability of a young woman to conceive and give birth to a child, but also a high risk of developing a large number pathologies. What is the danger of menopause at 30-35 years old:
- The formation of benign and malignant tumors of the uterus, ovaries, mammary glands - occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance.
- The high probability of blood clots, heart attack and stroke is explained by estrogen deficiency, leading to lipid metabolism disorders. The level of "bad" cholesterol rises in the blood, which can lead to blockage of blood vessels, heart problems.
- The development of osteoarticular diseases, in the first place, among which is osteoporosis, occurs due to the leaching of a large proportion of calcium from the bones, which is not replenished on its own. Every year the course of early menopause doubles the risk of injuries and bone fractures.
- Deterioration of the endocrine system - leads to the development of diabetes, diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, obesity, etc.
- A negative effect on the organs of the genitourinary system is a tendency to bacterial inflammation of the bladder, inflammation of the urethra and vagina of an infectious and non-infectious nature.
The most "harmless" consequence of the early onset of the climacteric phase is premature aging of the skin. In a middle-aged woman, wrinkles and folds in the area of the nasolabial triangle appear sharply, which can no longer be hidden without the use of plastic surgery methods.
Timely treatment of the early arrival of menopause can reduce the manifestation of menopause and significantly improve the quality of life of a woman. Depending on the degree of manifestation of symptoms, one of the therapy options is selected - from eliminating bad habits to phyto- and hormone replacement therapy.
Replacement therapy involves the appointment of hormonal drugs - usually estradiol or its combination with progestogens. Often, doctors prescribe to patients a combination of Dufaston and Estrofem tablets. A good effect is given by taking the drug Angelique, which contains estradiol and drospirenone - it does not provoke bleeding, you can cure the signs of early menopause.
Inferior in effectiveness to hormonal, but also often prescribed for early menopause, drugs - containing phytoestrogens (plant hormones identical to natural ones).
They allow you to treat such negative signs as hot flashes, excessive sweating, sleep disturbances, and small drops in blood pressure. The most famous means of this group are TsI-KLIM, Remens, Estrovel, Feminal. It is recommended to take them in combination with vitamin complexes and sedatives (if there is a serious disturbance of the emotional background and persistent insomnia).
What else can you do better - change your lifestyle, avoid stress, adhere to a diet that excludes a large amount of fried and fatty foods, introduce a lot of vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fish and fiber. Daily dosed physical activity (swimming, jogging, yoga) is important.
The main prevention of early menopause are:
- timely detection and treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease;
- balanced diet;
- maintaining a correct lifestyle;
- selection of leading contraceptives to avoid unwanted pregnancies and infections transmitted
- sexually;
- regular sex life;
- scheduled visits to the gynecologist.
It is important to make regular visits to doctors, not ignoring the symptoms of diseases, which can subsequently have a negative effect on ovarian function and lead to the early development of menopause.
Today, the early onset of menopause is not a sentence for women - a timely visit to a specialist will help you choose the most effective methods of prolonging the period of fertility and reduce manifestations menopause. Thanks to modern drugs and methods of therapy, a woman will be able to remain healthy, young and beautiful for many years from the onset of the first signs of early menopause.