Drugs for menopause (the best): non-hormonal new generation (slow down aging)


  1. What menopause symptoms need to be treated
  2. Types of menopause
  3. Early
  4. Artificial (planned)
  5. Pathological
  6. Preparations for menopause
  7. The best hormonal drugs (HRT)
  8. Angelique
  9. Livial
  10. Kliogest
  11. The best phytoestrogens (plant hormones) for menopause
  12. Hormones and excess weight
  13. Supplements against menopausal syndrome

Hormone-containing drugs for menopause stabilize the hormonal background and maintain the condition of the whole organism. But estrogen or progesterone components have many contraindications and are not allowed for everyone. patients (although, frankly, women "who can" are also in no hurry to agree to hormonal therapy). In this regard, alternative methods of alleviating menopausal symptoms are increasingly being used. Phytopreparations, dietary supplements and even “grandmother's” recipes cope with the task no worse than hormonal agents and do not have a detrimental effect on a woman's health. This is what our review will be about.


What menopause symptoms need to be treated

After 40 years, the ovaries "fall asleep", which leads to a decrease in the production of sex hormones and the inability to conceive a child. A severe climacteric period lasts for years, and estrogen deficiency negatively affects the state of the whole body and the woman's well-being.

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Pharmaceutical companies are trying to alleviate the course of menopause and are releasing all new drugs for women of "dangerous" age. But, alas, the pill for menopause has not yet been found and women have to put up with regular ailments, decreased performance and other troubles.

However, not everything is so bad, because severe symptoms can be weakened, the psychoemotional state can be stabilized, if you turn to a gynecologist at the first "bells" of menopause. These include:

  • irritability, mood swings, increased excitability;
  • the menstrual cycle is irregular;
  • sleep disturbance, chronic weakness, headaches;
  • decreased performance, memory, concentration of attention;
  • hot flashes, accompanied by sweating, increased blood pressure, dizziness;
  • dryness and burning sensation in the vagina, pain during intercourse, decreased attraction to a partner;
  • crunching joints, bone pain, morning stiffness.

Types of menopause

Depending on the age of the patient and the factors provoking the development of symptoms, the following types of menopause can be distinguished:


It occurs when the ovarian reserves are depleted (by the age of 40–45). Factors provocateurs: heredity, regular stress, radiation therapy. The main manifestation: menstruation comes with delays at first insignificant, then more and more prolonged. Menopause is diagnosed if menstruation is absent for 12 months.

Artificial (planned)

Doctors provoke its onset with the help of drugs that inhibit the production of estrogen, by removing the genitals, beams. The symptomatology of artificial menopause does not differ from the physiological manifestations. As a treatment, hormone replacement therapy is used.


It is accompanied by climacteric syndrome, which is why it has the most severe course and requires medical attention. It rarely lasts less than 5 years. A sharp decrease in the level of hormones can be caused by a long and severe pathology of the organs of the reproductive system. The manifestations are classic, but much more pronounced, rapidly growing.

To relieve symptoms and stabilize the estrogen level in pathological menopause, hormonal and non-hormonal drugs of a new generation are prescribed.

Without timely, adequate therapy, you can get dermatological problems, thinning of bone tissues, and the formation of malignant tumors.

Regardless of the type of menopause, a woman needs treatment. After all, the body will not test the cause of the hormone deficiency that has arisen, it will simply start to "go off the rails." Therefore, do not delay the visit to the gynecologist if there is a suspicion of the onset of menopause. The earlier treatment is started, the lower the risk of complications.

Common menopausal symptoms that interfere with life:

  1. Hot flashes, increased sweating, redness of the face, neck.
  2. Sudden mood swings, unmotivated aggression, apathy, depression, resentment, tearfulness.
  3. Disturbances in the work of the heart, blood vessels: jumps in blood pressure, increased cholesterol levels in the blood, tachycardia.
  4. Decreased libido and the quality of intimate life (vaginal mucous membranes dry out, periods go haphazardly, PMS manifestations intensify.
  5. I constantly want to go "small", and the urination itself is painful. With prolonged menopause and no treatment, urinary incontinence may occur.
  6. Metabolic changes and pronounced aging. Metabolism slows down, a woman begins to "grow" with extra pounds, bone density decreases, collagen content in the skin and joints drops sharply.

With menopause with moderate manifestations, you can help yourself at home, but only if you know how. Illiterate actions can aggravate the problem, lead to the development of climacteric syndrome.

If menopause is accompanied by a whole range of discomfort and negatively affects the quality of life, it is better to see a doctor. With the help of HRT (hormone replacement therapy) or non-hormonal drugs, the specialist will relieve hot flashes and sweating, reduce the intensity of other "inconveniences" arising from menopause. As a result, the state of health will improve, and the quality of life will be restored, and the likelihood of severe complications will decrease.

Preparations for menopause

In some, hormonal changes are not accompanied by severe symptoms, and a woman normally tolerates menopause. But there are only a few such lucky women. As a rule, women over 40 years old complain of mood swings, deterioration in well-being, discomfort, etc. If the transition period is complicated by health problems, we are talking about climacteric syndrome, which requires immediate therapy.

Fortunately, modern menopause pills cope with any manifestations of a difficult period, smooth out the risks of complications. But do not think that it is enough to drink a single pill and severe symptoms will disappear. After all, hot flashes or irritability provoked by the "hormonal swing" will not go away until the estrogen level is stabilized with the help of special drugs. And headaches, nausea, or rashes are unlikely to go away without symptomatic treatment.

The choice of drugs or natural anti-climacteric agents is made by the doctor who is familiar with the patient's condition.

The best effect is given by hormone-containing drugs or oral contraceptives. However, their effectiveness does not always correlate with safety (any estrogen-containing agent literally consists of side effects). Natural phytopreparations are safer in menopause. However, their effectiveness is much lower.

Please note that self-medication can lead to the most serious consequences, and the illiterate use of hormonal drugs is fraught with the appearance of neoplasms.

The best hormonal drugs (HRT)

Menopause is the extinction of reproductive function, provoked by the fading of the ovaries. The latter stop producing female sex hormones and ovulation, which means that pregnancy no longer occurs. It would seem that everything is simple: well, there will be no more children, and okay (especially since on the threshold of the 50th anniversary, few people will be delighted with the opportunity to become a mother).

However, any coin has two sides. And the danger of the menopausal period is that a decrease in the level of estrogen has a detrimental effect on the state of the whole organism. This is not surprising, because the health of the cardiovascular, hematopoietic, etc. systems, the condition of the joints and bones are tied to the stability of the hormonal background.

Since the symptoms of climacteric syndrome are only a consequence of hormone deficiency, the main task of therapy is to stabilize the hormonal background. That is why for women with menopause, estrogenic, proheterone drugs are used under the following names:


Anti-climacteric agent with a combined mechanism of action. Supports natural hormonal balance due to the content of progestogens and estrogens. If you are thinking about what drugs to take during menopause to slow down the physiological aging of the body - this drug is for you. Moreover, an effective agent inhibits the softening of bone tissue, which means it protects against the development osteoporosis, reduces the intensity of hot flashes, prevents involuntary urination and development atherosclerosis.


The drug is based on a synthetic steroid with estrogen-progestational characteristics. The main effect is achieved by acting on the parts of the brain (hypothalamus, pituitary gland) and reducing LH, FSH. In the course of treatment, the woman's sweat glands activity decreases, headaches and hot flashes weaken. Libido is normalized, the psychoemotional state is stabilized, depressive moods do not arise.


The preparation is based on synthetic estrogen, which is an absolute analogue of a natural hormone. Progesterone (also artificial) was used as an additional component. During therapy, a woman's intensity of climacteric manifestations decreases and the risk of complications is minimized.

As you can see, the principle of operation of such funds is to compensate for the lack of production of their own hormones. For this, synthetic analogs or herbal preparations are used, which are used more and more often for menopause.

The best phytoestrogens (plant hormones) for menopause

Substances of plant origin with estrogen-like action are not fully understood, but it is impossible to overestimate their usefulness in menopause. Experts assure that, with proper use, phytoestrogens prevent the risk of developing cardiovascular disorders, oncological pathologies, and reduce the severity of climacteric manifestations. If you have started menopause, herbal pills will help to normalize hormones and ease the symptoms of a difficult period. The most powerful natural hormones include:

  • cimicifuga root (soothes inflammation, relieves irritability, improves concentration);
  • dioscorea (slows down aging at the cellular level);
  • fruits of the cane (improves the quality of sleep, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, relieves anxiety, relieves the unpleasant symptoms of menopause);
  • motherwort (calms, improves brain activity, improves sleep, stabilizes the psycho-emotional background, relieves nervous tension).

We present a list of phytohormones prescribed for menopause more often than other drugs and showing the best results:

  1. Klimadinon.
  2. Remens.
  3. Feminal.
  4. Inoklim.

Hormones and excess weight

Many women are afraid to resort to HRT, motivating their refusal to gain weight. They are mistaken, because gaining excess weight is not a "merit" of estrogen pills, but a phenomenon common for the menopausal period associated with a deficiency of female hormones.

First, estrogen keeps body weight in check. As soon as its concentration in the body falls, the woman is "attacked" and physical activity decreases.

Secondly: the metabolism slows down during menopause. This means that the calories eaten will be processed more slowly, and the remainder will settle on the waist and sides.

Thirdly: women over 40 lose up to 3% of muscle mass every year. And people who are inactive, avoiding physical exertion, begin to accumulate fat (the less muscle, the fewer calories are burned).

Fourthly: intestinal peristalsis worsens due to a decrease in muscle tone. Food is digested more slowly, and problems such as bloating, gas, constipation, cramps and extra inches around the waist appear.

Fifth: with age, the energy decreases and the woman becomes less active. Instead of parties with dancing, a cozy sofa with a TV, instead of active recreation in nature, passive lying in a hammock.

As you can see, excess weight during menopause is more likely a natural phenomenon associated with estrogen deficiency. Therefore, even the best drugs taken during menopause for weight loss will not cope with their mission if the hormonal background is not stabilized.

To always stay in shape, combine the HRT recommended by your doctor with the following rules:

  • be sure to have breakfast to get most of the carbohydrates in the morning;
  • refrain from eating after 18.00 (ideally, at least 3 hours should pass between dinner and bedtime);
  • give preference to protein foods in the evening;
  • eat often, but in small portions;
  • balance your diet (fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, protein);
  • keep a diary in which you will note the calories eaten during the day (this will help control your weight).

Supplements against menopausal syndrome

If there are contraindications to estrogen drugs, it is better to pay attention to non-hormonal dietary supplements for women with menopause. Special, safe for health vitamin complexes show good results in the fight against climacteric manifestations. Unlike hormonal drugs, they support the body's own resources, due to which physiological aging can be delayed. The main anti-climacteric vitamins include:

  1. Vitamin E (stimulates the production of progesterone, estrogen, maintains blood pressure, fights dry skin and mucous membranes).
  2. B vitamins (normalize sleep, improve psycho-emotional background, regulate protein metabolism, cleanse cells of toxins, improve the condition of connective tissue structures).
  3. Vitamin A (a powerful antioxidant that prolongs the youthfulness of the skin, improves the condition of the vascular walls, normalizes blood flow).
  4. Vitamin D (necessary for the absorption of calcium, increasing the strength of bone tissue, improving the structure of nails and hair).

In addition to vitamins, anti-climacteric dietary supplements contain medicinal plants and the following trace elements:

  1. Calcium (the foundation for building bones and strong teeth).
  2. Magnesium (strengthens the central nervous system, relieves irritability, normalizes muscle tone, improves sleep quality).
  3. Essential fatty acids (soothes inflammation, improves tissue health, stimulates brain activity).
  4. Beta-alanine (an amino acid that eliminates hot flashes during menopause, keeps the functionality of the sebaceous and sweat glands under control).

Women who take dietary supplements easily tolerate the menopausal period, retain their youth for a long time, flaunt radiant skin and thick hair. The following non-hormonal vitamin and mineral preparations are in great demand:

  • Lignarius.
  • Serelis.
  • "Ladys formula" Menopause Day-Night.

In no case do not self-medicate with menopause, guided by the reviews of other women, because only a doctor can tell which medicine to take in a particular case.

A difficult period, accompanied by climacteric syndrome, exhausts a woman both physically and psychologically. But this is not the worst thing. The danger of menopause in a sharp decrease in estrogen, leading to the development of pathological conditions, sometimes not amenable to treatment. If you value your health, contact a specialist at the first manifestations of hormonal changes.

  • Aug 15, 2021
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