Cystitis tablets for men (inexpensive and effective) fast-acting (no doctor's prescription)


  1. Inflammation of the bladder in men
  2. Acute and chronic cystitis
  3. Medication for cystitis
  4. Antibiotics
  5. Furagin
  6. Zedex
  7. 5-NOC
  8. Levofloxacin
  9. Phytopreparations
  10. Anti-inflammatory drugs
  11. The danger of self-medication

The problem of male cystitis is less common than the same disease in women. However, in the stronger sex, inflammation of the bladder is often accompanied by complications or concomitant ailments.

Cystitis pills for men

It is important to diagnose cystitis on time and treat it correctly.

Next, we will find out the causes of urological inflammation, the features of its treatment and which pills for cystitis for men are most effective.

Inflammation of the bladder in men

Cystitis is more often perceived as a female disease, however, it is not alien to men either. Representatives of the stronger sex are protected from frequent inflammation of the bladder by anatomical structural features urethra - the urethra is long and narrow, it is difficult for infections to get through it to the urinary organs systems.

Therefore, if a man is sick with cystitis, urologists tend to look for concomitant pathology. Often the cause of the disease is:

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  • pathology of the prostate, urethra or seminal canals;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • descending kidney infections;
  • respiratory infections;
  • candidiasis, balanitis and balanoposthitis;
  • sand and stones in the kidneys, ureters or bladder;
  • inflammation of the intestinal tract;
  • postoperative and postdiagnostic infections;
  • cancer of the prostate or urethra;
  • autoimmune and endocrine disorders.

Acute and chronic cystitis

Primary inflammation of the bladder is diagnosed as an acute form of the disease. The symptomatology of the disease makes its debut suddenly and vividly. However, such cystitis is fairly easy to diagnose and treat.

Drugs for the treatment of acute cystitis in men are prescribed at the first consultation, even before the test results are received. After receiving analyzes, the primary purpose is confirmed or corrected. Usually, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used, aimed at quickly eliminating painful symptoms:

  • frequent, painful and false urge to urinate;
  • cut in the urethra;
  • pain in the groin and penis;
  • increased body temperature;
  • in advanced cases - white or bloody impurities in the urine.

Treatment lasts about 7-14 days, painful symptoms usually completely disappear 3-4 days after the start of therapy.

The temptation to quit treatment after the discomfort and pain has been eliminated is very great, but this should not be done. Otherwise, you run the risk of under-treating the infection and it will easily turn into chronic.

Chronic inflammation is diagnosed if the disease recurs more than 2 times a year. Such cystitis is more difficult to cure, since the course of the disease is characterized by two stages - remission and exacerbation. During the period of remission, the patient is almost not worried about any discomfort, but the stage of exacerbation in terms of symptoms is similar to acute inflammation.

This form of the disease is often the result of poor-quality treatment of the primary exacerbation. In men, recurrent inflammation of the bladder is often accompanied by pathologies of the prostate, urethra and testicles. In chronic inflammation, antibiotic resistance of the infection is tested before prescribing the drug.

It is important for doctors to understand why the disease was not cured in its acute onset. In this case, the patient is in no hurry to prescribe antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action, but a sterile urine test is done, which makes it possible to accurately determine the type of infectious pathogen.

Medication for cystitis

Antibiotics for cystitis in men are prescribed if there are clinical signs of an infectious inflammatory process. Drugs with anti-inflammatory and broad antimicrobial effects are prescribed at the first consultation in order to reduce pain.

Common diagnostic measures include:

  • collection of anamnesis (patient complaints and prehistory of the disease);
  • general laboratory analysis of urine;
  • Ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys.

After receiving the test results, a second appointment with a doctor should take place, where the specialist can confirm the primary appointment, expand it or replace the drug. The dosage, duration and regimen of antibiotic administrations are prescribed individually.

It is impossible to abandon treatment after the disappearance of symptoms, since the infection has not yet been completely cured.

Oral medicines for cystitis in men are taken 1 tablet 3-4 times a day with plenty of water. Depending on the severity of the inflammation, the doctor may increase the single dose of the medication. Most drugs are drunk an hour before or after a meal, but you need to clarify this nuance in the annotation to a specific drug.

If you have chronic diseases or you are taking any medications at the same time, be sure to inform your doctor about it.

This situation may require more careful selection of drugs and individual adjustment of the treatment regimen.


The list of inexpensive and effective cystitis pills for men includes the following drugs:


The active ingredient is called furazidine, which is a nitrofuran derivative. The substance is active against bacterial strains of the gram-positive and gram-negative groups. One of the best pills for cystitis, rarely cause adverse reactions, even with long-term treatment. Relatively cheap - they cost from 120 rubles per pack.


The antibacterial substance in the composition is ceftibuten dihydrate (third generation cephalosporin). Cephalosporin antibiotics destroy the cell walls of bacteria at the stage of their synthesis, which leads to the death of the pathogen. It is active against most strains of bacteria, with the exception of staphylococci and penicillin-resistant streptococci. The price of the drug in capsules starts at 850 rubles.


The composition includes nitroxoline, a substance derived from 8-hydroxyquinoline. The antibacterial substance has a detrimental effect on the synthesis of cellular DNA of staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Salmonella, Shigella and Proteus. And also the substance is active against candida fungi and other mycoses. You can buy tablets for an amount of 370 rubles per pack.


The active ingredient is levofloxacin hemihydrate, broad-spectrum antibiotics from the fluoroquinolone class. The substance has a bactericidal effect, disrupting DNA synthesis and suppressing DNA gyrase, as a unique enzyme of some microorganisms. Levofloxacin works against most aerobic and anaerobic types of bacteria, including sexually transmitted infections. The cost of the drug in tablets starts from 500 rubles per pack.

Men should not take pills for cystitis without a doctor's prescription, since the disease may be accompanied by concomitant infections and pathologies, which is why the medicine chosen by the patient may be ineffective.

Antimicrobial drugs affect the general condition of the microflora and require the correct dosage. With self-medication, the patient may make a mistake with the diagnosis, choice of medication, dosage and duration of treatment.


The phytopreparations contain extracts of herbs and fruits with a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Herbal medicines can be prescribed in conjunction with antibacterial drugs, or independently during periods of remission and mild exacerbation. Herbal remedies provide effective assistance in relieving inflammation of the mucous membranes, spasm of the smooth muscles of the organ and the regulation of urination processes.

Phyto-medications remove fluid from the body, with cystitis this is good, since pathogenic microorganisms are naturally excreted along with urine.

Herbal remedies for cystitis in men:

  1. Kanephron;
  2. Urolesan;
  3. Cyston;
  4. Phytolysin.

Attention! You cannot take herbal pills without a doctor's prescription.

Although they contain natural ingredients, it is important to remember that this type of medication also has a range of side effects and contraindications.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Antispasmodics can quickly relieve pain, reduce cramps and improve the general condition of the patient. Medicines of this type are needed as first aid before antibiotics and herbal remedies have had time to work. The primary goal of any therapy is to reduce the physical discomfort caused by the disease as quickly as possible.

To obtain a fast-acting effect in the treatment of cystitis in men, antibacterial drugs are combined with the following antispasmodics and anti-inflammatory drugs:

  1. No-shpa;
  2. Nimesil;
  3. Ibuprofen;
  4. Spazmalgon.

The danger of self-medication

The development of chronic cystitis is often the fault of the patients themselves, who buy antibiotics without a prescription in pharmacies and are treated with them without a doctor's prescription. Today, the medical community is widely discussing the problem of resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to antibacterial drugs.

Resistance or resistance develops as a result of the uncontrolled use of drugs - bacteria just get used to them and learn to coexist with them. As a result, patients develop chronic illnesses in which strong antibiotics only temporarily relieve symptoms.

Typical mistakes in self-medication include:

  1. Ignorance of your own diagnosis. Many diseases have similar symptoms, and infections can develop both independently and in conjunction with others. The advertised drugs for cystitis will help you if you have uncomplicated cystitis, and only a doctor can determine this.
  2. Treatment until symptoms are relieved - depending on the severity of the disease, qualified therapy can last from 7 days to several months.
  3. Incorrect dosage and drug combination. The instructions contain only general information - depending on the individual needs of your body, the urologist can increase or decrease the dosage. Self-medication lovers rarely think about combinations of drugs. But it is important to remember that some medicinal substances can enhance side effects from others or dull the therapeutic effect.

Cystitis in the stronger sex is often associated with the presence of concomitant infections and pathologies. This condition always requires medical diagnosis and treatment under the supervision of a qualified physician. Inflammation of the bladder in men is treated with tablets with antibacterial, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects. Treatment is aimed at rapid relief of the general condition and effective fight against infectious agents.

  • Aug 15, 2021
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