The nutrition method developed by French nutritionist Michel Montignac is a method that is recommended to be used all life. It consists of two phases. The purpose of the first phase is the cleansing of the body and, if necessary, weight loss;The second phase is the maintenance of the achieved result.
Basic principles of the Montignac method
Everyone knows that food includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates and ballast substances( dietary fibers, fiber, etc.).So, Montignac believes that all these components( and primarily carbohydrates) are divided into "bad" and "good."And if we completely exclude from the diet "bad" products, we can significantly lose weight and clean your body well. This is the essence of the first phase of the Montignac method. And in the second phase, you can give yourself some loosening of the "bad" products, but not very serious. And then you will be able to keep the result obtained in the first phase.
In addition, in the first and second phases of the Montignac method, the right combination of products at every meal is of great importance.
The greatest harm to our body, according to Montignac, causes an increased level of sugar( glucose) in the blood. The level of sugar in the blood rises almost immediately after eating, but the speed and magnitude of this rise depends on what foods and in what combination we ate. And then a complex physiological chain comes into play: the pancreas - insulin - spending / storing the calories consumed. Without going into medical details, we can say: excess glucose, not expended quickly to meet the immediate energy needs of the body, is very conducive to the accumulation of fat stores. And if simultaneously with carbohydrates( especially with "bad" carbohydrates) to eat more and something fat - the buildup of "stocks" is almost inevitable.
Bad and good products
Which products are good and which are bad? Montignac all products are divided into the so-called "glycemic index", which characterizes the increase in blood glucose levels after using this product. The higher the glycemic index, the "worse" the product. Here is the table of glycemic indices of the most commonly used products:
Malt | 110 |
Glucose | 100 |
Baked potato chips | 95 |
White bread made from white flour | 95 |
Mashed potatoes | 90 |
Honey | 90 |
Carrots | 85 |
Cornflakes, popcorn | 85 |
Sugar | 75 |
White bread from ordinary flour | 70 |
Muesli with sugar | 70 |
Milk chocolate | 70 |
Boiled potatoes | 70 |
Cookiesbiscuits | 70 |
Corn | 70 |
White rice | 70 |
Gray and black bread | 65 |
Beet | 65 |
Melon | 60 |
Bananas | 60 |
Jam | 55 |
Pasta from white flour | 55 |
Wholemeal bread withbran | 50 |
crude( brown) rice | 50 |
Peas | 50 |
Muesli without | 50 |
sugar Oatmeal | 40 |
Fruit juice without sugar | 40 |
Rye bread with bran | 40 |
Buckwheat | 40 |
Pasta wholemeal | 40 |
Beans | 40 |
Dairy | 35 |
Dry beans | 30 |
Fresh fruits | 30 |
Canned fruitswithout sugar | 25 |
Black chocolate | 22 |
Fructose | 20 |
Soybean | 15 |
Green vegetables, tomatoes | & lt;15 |
Lemons | & lt;15 |
Mushrooms | & lt;15 |
"Bad", according to Montignac, are products whose glycemic index is more than 50. For the time of the first phase, they should be completely excluded from the diet, during the second phase, they can be consumed in very small quantities. Products with an index of 20 to 50, can be eaten, but separately from products containing a large amount of fat - the interval between meals of heterogeneous food should be at least three hours. Products with a glycemic index of 15 or less can be eaten with almost no restrictions and combine them with any others.
And yet. It is very important to eat regularly, at least three times a day and at about the same time. At the same time, breakfast should be quite dense, lunch is medium, and dinner is light and as early as possible.
Power supply in the first phase
As already mentioned, in the first phase, it is necessary to completely eliminate from the diet products whose glycemic index is more than 50. In addition, one can not eat foods rich in fats and foods containing many carbohydrates in one meal. Each meal should be either protein-lipid( without carbohydrates), or protein-carbohydrate( without fats).Between meals of heterogeneous food should take at least 3 hours. Accordingly, products containing both fats and carbohydrates( chocolate, nuts, liver, chips, baked goods) should also be excluded.
Here are examples of products that are recommended for use in the first phase.
- meat, fish, poultry( not very fatty, and excluding the liver);
- cheese;
- eggs;
- vegetable salads( from green vegetables or tomatoes), they can be filled with sour cream or vegetable oil;
- unsweetened yogurt;
- vegetable and butter, margarine, mayonnaise;
- sauces that do not contain flour.
- low-fat yogurt;
- vegetable soups( from any vegetables allowed in the first phase, ie with a glycemic index below 50);
- vegetable salads( also from any vegetables allowed in the first phase, ie with a glycemic index below 50), seasoned with vinegar or lemon juice;
- porridge( on water): wheat, buckwheat, brown rice;
- pasta from wholemeal.
Compatible with both protein-lipid and protein-carbohydrate:
- fat-free curd;
- beans, beans, soybeans;
- green vegetables, tomatoes;
- lemons;
- mushrooms.
Not at all a small choice! Moreover, the amount of food that can be consumed is not limited. The main thing is not to violate the above rules.
Transition to the second phase of the Montignac
method. To complete the first phase and go to the second one, it is necessary when your weight reaches the desired value( or, despite all your efforts, will cease to decrease).The reservation in brackets is not a joke. If you did not violate the rules of the first phase, and the weight, nevertheless, ceased to decline - this means that it reached a threshold value, individual for you. Of course, you can try to lose weight further, but it will already be the rape of your own organism!
If weight reduction for you is not relevant, then the improvement of well-being, a feeling of lightness, which indicates that cleaning from the main amount of slag in the body has occurred, can serve as a criterion for completing the first phase.
The power mode of the second phase of the Montignac method is recommended to stick all your life.
Food in the second phase of
In the second phase, the use of foods with a glycemic index of more than 50 is allowed( in small quantities and infrequently), it is recommended only to refrain from consuming sugar, honey, white bread and starchy foods( potatoes, white rice, maize, pasta fromrefined flour).If you really want to eat these "very bad" carbohydrates, then use them with foods that contain a lot of fiber( the same green vegetables, for example).
It is allowed( also in small quantities and infrequently) and the joint use of fat and hydrocarbon-containing products. Similarly, reduce the bad consequences of this will help foods that contain high amounts of fiber. Dietary fiber slows the absorption of fats and carbohydrates in the digestive tract, adsorbs some of them, that is, serves as a kind of buffer that softens and "smears" the jump in blood sugar.
If the rules of the second phase were seriously violated, for example, a great celebratory feast occurred, then after this it is necessary to return to the food for the first phase for 2-3 days.
One of the main advantages of the Montignac method is that, unlike many diets, it forms rational nutrition skills. First, strictly adhere to the diet regime for Montignac can be quite difficult, but after a while you will be surprised to notice that you do not want to eat fried potatoes or cream cakes. You will discover a lot of other, no less delicious dishes and quietly learn to "automatic" avoid "bad" carbohydrates.