Proper nutrition of the preschooler

How fast time flies! You do not have time to look back, and yesterday's baby is already a preschooler, starting to show his own culinary preferences. The child has long taken a place at the common table and eats the same thing as adult family members.

Is this correct? Rather, wrong, even harmful. Consequently, the foundations of a healthy diet are not laid, the full value of which determines the formation of the correct operation of all systems of a growing child organism.

Features of the preschooler's nutrition

First of all, it should be noted that the food should be offered to the child at the same time. It must be fed 4 times a day. Between the main meals a child should not organize snacks in the form of buns, cookies or sweets.

The energy value of a diet should correspond to the age of the child, that is, the food should provide the children's body with a sufficient number of mineral elements and vitamins. Preschool children( children from 3 to 6 years) are characterized by increased motor activity, the development of mental abilities and their own emotional sphere. The child's diet should take into account the activation of growth and improvement of the musculoskeletal system.

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products are the most valuable for a child. These are the milk products and milk, meat, fish, bakery products, fruits, vegetables, greens, butter and vegetable oil, cereals, eggs. Within a week, the child should also offer cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, fruit juices.

It is possible to vary the taste palette when preparing food by adding a small amount of iodized salt, parsley, dill, bay leaf, cinnamon to the dish. Sauces, ketchups, mayonnaise, spicy seasonings or spices do not have a place on the children's plate.

And what can not be given to the baby? Categorically, one should not offer the child fried and spicy food, pickles, pickled and sugar. Sugar is necessary, but easily digestible, that is fructose and glucose. Instead of chocolate and sweets, it is better to offer sweet compotes and dried fruits.

Why is it important to offer the child products of plant and animal origin? Vegetable products are rich in fructose, pectin, fiber, vitamin C, vitamin P, vitamin E, beta-carotene and vegetable protein. Products of animal origin - this is an inexhaustible source of high-grade proteins, as well as vitamins, microelements and minerals essential for the child's body.

We make food useful, tasty and beautiful

It is necessary to take into account such factor as unwillingness of the child to use any products, for example, milk. Then it is better to offer the kid an attractive casserole with berries, cheese cakes, yogurt or ryazhenka. Meat, so that it is better absorbed, it is better to cook for a couple. In the mess you can add jam or fruit, like an apple or a banana.

Do not completely ignore confectionery. If the child does not have allergies, then it is perfectly permissible to give him a waffle, marmalade, jam, jam or honey as a treat.

The child is constantly on the move, which means that for his body, a lack of liquid is very noticeable. Therefore, he should always have access to drink. However, it is necessary to control what the preschooler drinks. During the day it should be watered with boiled water, and compotes, juices or teas. Abuse of sugary drinks or soda leads to the development of caries and loss of calcium.

How can you stimulate a child's nutritional habits? Involve children in the preparation of a family meal, gather the whole family at the dinner table, show by your own example how useful foods can be tasty.

Eat with pleasure!

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