How to increase estrogen levels: is it possible to do without synthetic hormones

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  1. Why does a woman need estrogens
  2. Estrogen production process
  3. Classification of estrogens
  4. Estradiol
  5. Estriol
  6. Estron
  7. What estrogens affect
  8. Estrogen is the hormone of youth
  9. Than hormone deficiency threatens
  10. Thyroid and estrogens
  11. Where estrogens are produced in the body
  12. Estrogen rate in women
  13. What signs determine hormone deficiency
  14. How to increase estrogen in women
  15. Correction of estrogen levels through nutrition
  16. Condiments and spices
  17. Flax seed
  18. Dairy products
  19. Soy
  20. Vegetables and fruits
  21. Is it possible to drink coffee with estrogen deficiency?
  22. The use of phytoestrogens
  23. Folk remedies for raising estrogen levels
  24. Hop cone decoction
  25. Red brush
  26. Raspberry, mint, licorice root
  27. Vitex sacred
  28. Nettle
  29. Borovaya uterus
  30. Sage
  31. Hibiscus
  32. Donnik
  33. The role of vitamins in the synthesis of the hormone estrogen
  34. Hormonal drugs to normalize the background
  35. Is it possible to do without hormonal agents
  36. Aromatherapy
  37. Weight control
  38. Physical exercises
  39. Rejection of bad habits
  40. Regular sex life
  41. Low estrogen: which doctor to contact

Why does a woman need estrogens

Natural steroid hormones are responsible for the complete formation of the internal and external genital organs, prepare the female body for conception and bearing a fetus, and normalize the skin condition. It is estrogens that contribute to the formation of the rounded contours of the female body, velvety skin and the development of the natural functions of the mammary glands. Almost all oral contraceptives include estradiol.

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Sources of estrogen

Estrogen production process

Estrogen synthesis is impossible without its predecessors: testosterone and androstenedione. All this happens under the control of the aromatase enzyme. If any genetic defects in the enzyme affect the production of estrogen, then the level of male hormones may increase.

Estrogen production is impossible without androgen synthesis, which occurs through cholesterol. That is why women who are adherents of a cholesterol-free diet face unpleasant consequences in the form of hormonal problems.

Classification of estrogens

Estrogen is not a separate hormone, it is a class of compounds that have similar properties. Estrogens are present in both humans and animals. In humans, there are three of them: estradiol, estrone and estriol.


The most active estrogen, which is constantly produced in the female body. The substance is responsible for a number of important functions in the body: it forms the breast, regulates the secretory functions in the body of the uterus, and promotes the growth of the endometrium during the menstrual cycle. A reduced indicator of the substance leads to many gynecological and reproductive diseases, its deficiency can threaten infertility. The hormone reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. Our doctors prescribe drugs with estradiol for women undergoing menopause to strengthen the body and maintain health. All hormonal contraceptives are based on its active action.


Estriol - inferior in activity to other types of estrogen, but is of great importance for the normal course of pregnancy. Its main amount is synthesized by the placenta, so more estriol is observed only during gestation.


The most “bad” estrogen from the point of view of specialists. According to doctors, it is this hormone that accompanies a woman in menopause, and also contributes to the development of oncological processes in the uterus and mammary glands. Thanks to the hormone, folliculin synthesis by adipose tissue is activated. This substance continues to be produced even after the completion of the natural synthesis of estradiol by the ovaries. The more lipid tissue a woman has accumulated during her life, the higher the production of folliculin in her body. That is why our experts recommend choosing an adequate HRT after reaching the age of 40-45.

What estrogens affect

Under the influence of estrogen in the body, the following changes occur:

  • secondary sexual characteristics are formed (hair appears in the armpits and on the pubis, a characteristic shape of the pelvis is formed, the mammary glands enlarge);
  • an acidic environment is created in the vagina (for the period from puberty to menopause);
  • the size of the uterus increases;
  • fat cells are distributed (on the chest, thighs, buttocks, knees), which gives the figure a more feminine shape.

If the female body contains enough of this hormone, the woman's menstrual cycle is stable.

Estrogen is the hormone of youth

Estrogens are hormones that help maintain youthful skin and hair, which largely determines a woman's appearance. With age, their production in the ovaries fades. Low levels of estrogen in the blood cause accelerated aging of the skin, a decrease in its elasticity and the appearance of wrinkles. And an increase in the content of testosterone in the blood relative to the level of estrogen makes age-related changes in the skin more noticeable, and also contributes to increased hair loss. High follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is another indicator of the onset of menopause. By producing this hormone, the body tries to maintain and maintain estrogen levels.

Age-related hormonal changes hide a threat to another indicator of female beauty - posture. Estrogens delay the release of calcium from bone tissue, preventing the development of osteoporosis. Therefore, a low amount of estrogen in the blood in women over 50 leads to a deterioration in posture and increased bone fragility.

Than hormone deficiency threatens

Women often have to deal with symptoms such as hair loss and brittleness, dry skin, mood swings, insomnia, headaches, decreased sex drive, engorgement and breast pain glands. As a result of numerous attempts to identify the cause, long visits to various specialists begin. And they end at the gynecologist, who, noticing such symptoms, immediately directs the patient to be tested for hormones.

The hormone estrogen promotes the growth of the endometrium. Consequently, estrogen is a growth hormone, so its increased content in the blood can lead to various diseases, including dangerous ones. For example, hormone-dependent pathologies include:

  • allergy;
  • endometriosis;
  • fibrocystic breast disease;
  • endometrial and breast cancer, etc.

Also, the level of zinc and magnesium in the blood may decrease - the most important elements responsible for the condition of the skin and muscles. Possible decrease in mental capacity, weight gain. An excess of estrogen is processed by the liver, the diseased organ cannot cope with the load, and the excess of the hormone remains in the body. Therefore, with a weakened liver, the use of a large amount of drugs, alcohol, unhealthy diet, checking the level of estrogen is a must.

Thyroid and estrogens

The thyroid gland and the hormones secreted by it are closely related to other organs of the endocrine system. If the level of estrogen in the blood is increased, then the thyroid gland is also disrupted. A hormonal imbalance begins in the body.

In this case, women have the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the hands and feet;
  • skin problems (dryness, pallor, flaking);
  • hair loss;
  • insomnia;
  • pain in the mammary glands.

The body falls into a vicious circle. The increase in estrogen forces other organs to increase hormone production as well in order to maintain proportion. The metabolic processes fail. The woman begins to gain weight and becomes overgrown with adipose tissue.

The fatty layer in the waist area is synthesized by estradiol (estrogen), which is already in excess in the body. Therefore, in such cases, the endocrinologist will definitely prescribe blood tests for hormones: the entire hormonal line of the thyroid and ovaries (estradiol, LH and FSH). After this, treatment begins to correct the levels.

Where estrogens are produced in the body

The main organ for the synthesis of estrogen is the ovaries. In general, there are 3 types of estrogens in a woman's body: the most active estradiol, then estrone and estriol. They are formed under the influence of a special enzyme aromatase from testosterone (including dehydroepiandrosterone) and androstenedione.


Before menopause, these processes take place mainly in the ovaries, in special cells - tecocytes, where estrogen precursors are formed. After menopause, the main site of synthesis is adipose tissue and other peripheral tissues.

They convert dehydroepiandrosterone, synthesized by the adrenal cortex, into estrone, under the influence of the same aromatase. This estrogen sometimes has an irregular structure that does not allow it to perform the full functions of this sex hormone.

Therefore, with diseases of the ovaries, as well as in menopause, there is a decrease in the total level of estrogen in the body. In addition to estrogen, the female body produces a number of important hormones necessary for the functioning of the reproductive system, therefore, their balance is very important for health, not quantity.

You can read about other female hormones and their restoration with herbs here.

Estrogen rate in women

Estrogen levels should change throughout the menstrual cycle. In the first phase, their concentration is low. It begins to grow with the development of the dominant follicle. In the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs, the follicle bursts and releases the matured egg outside. The level of estrogen at this point reaches its highest point.

In the second phase of the cycle, there is a slow decrease in concentration.


The norm of estrogen by type, depending on the phase of the cycle, is shown in the table:

Type of hormone 1st phase of the cycle Ovulation 2 phase of the cycle
Estron, ng% 5-9 4-16 3-25
Estradiol, ng / l 15-60 34-400 27-246

The rate of hormones changes with age. Every year, estrogens are produced less and less.

What signs determine hormone deficiency

estrogen formula

The lack of an important hormone has a bad effect on the functionality of the body of women. It is possible to determine the imbalance of the hormonal background by the following signs:

  • Young girls "lag behind" in sexual development (absence of menstruation, cessation of breast enlargement, massive bone tissue);
  • In women in the age group under 40, menopause occurs, which is characterized by an increase in sweating, hot flashes, fatigue, apathy, mood swings, lack of sexual attraction, etc.
  • During menopause, a decrease in estrogen is a natural process. Their low concentration inhibits the functioning of the ovaries. It can begin after 40 years, in rare cases earlier.

A low estrogen woman is different:

  • a sharp change in mood;
  • "Coldness" in bed;
  • irregular monthly cycles;
  • pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased performance;
  • memory impairment.

With a deficiency of an important hormone, the process of conceiving a child becomes difficult.

In addition, a woman with a hormonal imbalance also observes external changes - her skin becomes dry, lifeless, premature wrinkles appear, hair splits, falls out, nails begin to exfoliate, grow slowly, nail plate softens.

How to increase estrogen in women

There are two ways to normalize the reduced level of sex hormones:

  1. In a natural way. This implies the optimization of nutrition, vitamin and mineral complexes, medicinal plants.
  2. Substitution therapy. This is the way of traditional medicine, the use of drugs that replace natural estrogens in the female body.

Most attention is paid to nutrition. It is recommended to introduce into the menu foods rich in phytoestrogens - substances of plant origin, which by themselves make up for the deficiency of "their" sex hormones (2). These properties are possessed by three groups of substances: isoflavones, coumestans and lignans.

But you cannot be thoughtless about your health: phytoestrogens can both have a positive effect on health and further aggravate the deficiency of sex hormones. That is, to have an antiestrogenic effect.

In addition, sex drive can suffer for other reasons. We have material on how to increase libido in women in natural ways.

Correction of estrogen levels through nutrition

The female hormone estrogen can be increased by eating the right diet. Correct nutrition significantly improves the levels of hormones in the blood. Both plant and animal products increase female estrogen.


Nutritionists do not get tired of repeating the need for a healthy and balanced diet. Receiving all the nutrients necessary to maintain normal life, the body works harmoniously and produces hormones in the right amounts, but there are foods that can suppress the production of estrogens and reduce their levels in blood. These include sweets, pastries and pastries that are rich in sugar and simple carbohydrates. Refined foods and transgenic fats have the same effect.

Therefore, it is better to build your food on the basis of natural products - meat and fish, cereals, fruits and vegetables. Most of the fats on the menu should be represented by vegetable oils, but animal fats cannot be completely abandoned, since they include cholesterol, which is necessary for the synthesis of hormones.

Products that increase the concentration of the sex hormone can and should be included in the diet. However, we must not forget that everything is useful in moderation. As soon as the balance is stabilized, the menu must be enriched with other food in order to avoid the lack of vital substances.

Condiments and spices

Hormonal disruptions are a serious reason to think about reducing the amount of salt you consume. It is better to add expressiveness to the taste by experimenting with spices. The largest amounts of phytoestroenes are found in garlic, parsley, sage, and oregano. Moreover, it is not necessary to look for fresh herbs - in dried form, they contain no less useful microelements.

As for the habit of eating everything with bread, you have to learn how to eat flour products correctly. If you want to boost estrogen levels in your body, forget about white rolls and switch to wholemeal rye bread or whole grain breads.

Flax seed

This product, like nothing else, is rich in Omega -3,6,9 polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition, it is a natural phytoestrogen. Flaxseed is also used to create medicines to maintain women's health during menopause. It can be ground on a coffee grinder and added to salads or cereals to taste. For treatment, the dose of seeds is 2 tablespoons per day. It is also good to use sesame seeds or sunflower seeds for such purposes.

Dairy products

Especially cottage cheese, sour cream and cream are natural phytoestrogens. You should also pay attention to hard cheeses, especially those with mold. Mold itself is a beneficial food for maintaining estrogen levels.


Another product with a high level of estrogen in the composition. The phytohormones in soy are called isoflavones. They affect the metabolism. The daily rate is 100 g. It contains 103,920 mcg of phytoestrogens and 23 mg of isoflavone. Boil the beans before use. They can be added to any dish.

Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables - red tomatoes, pumpkin. It is advisable to eat fresh vegetables. In the winter season, vegetables are heat treated - pumpkin is added to porridge, compotes and jam are prepared, tomatoes are added to first courses.

Fruits. Absolutely all fruits are useful for the female body (with the exception of fruits - provocateurs of the development of allergies). Pomegranates, dates, strawberries, all varieties of citrus fruits help to increase the composition of the hormone.

Is it possible to drink coffee with estrogen deficiency?

Often the question of which foods increase estrogen in women provokes heated debate. So, until recently, women suffering from a lack of estrogen were strictly prohibited by doctors from drinking coffee. Caffeine was thought to drastically reduce the production of sex hormones, but recent research has shown the exact opposite. The scientific experiment involved 498 lovers of an invigorating drink, aged 38 to 45 years. And here's what we found out: those who drank at least five cups a day (about 500 ml), the level of estrogen at the first days of the menstrual cycle was 70% higher than those of those women who were limited to one serving (no more than 100 ml). This visual experiment made it possible, once and for all, to cross caffeine off the list of estrogen-lowering foods in women.

But there is also a downside to the coin. Those who are used to replacing a full breakfast, lunch or dinner with a cup of coffee run the risk of not only harming their own cardiovascular and digestive systems, but also put themselves at risk of developing endometriosis - a gynecological disease associated with increased growth of layers endometrium. This problem manifests itself in severe menstrual bleeding and pain, but the danger is that it can grow outside the genitourinary system.

How to raise

The use of phytoestrogens

These are preparations containing herbal ingredients similar to human hormones. They have an increasing or decreasing effect, improve the general condition. Besides:

  • unlike synthetic drugs, they contain a low concentration of active ingredients;
  • accelerate regeneration and metabolism;
  • normalize cholesterol levels;
  • strengthen the body's defenses.

Phytohormones are used when it is necessary to stabilize a slight hormonal disruption. They are not medicinal and have low activity due to their plant composition. The main drugs of phytoestrogens include:

  • Estrovel. Contains extract of cimicifuga, nettle, soybeans and yam rhizomes. In addition, the composition contains vitamins of group B. With regular use, the drug reduces the frequency of hot flashes, reduces attacks of headache and dizziness, and stabilizes the psycho-emotional state.
  • Feminal. Includes red clover extract and plant flavonoids to support cardiovascular health. The remedy eliminates insomnia, normalizes blood pressure and mood.

Another popular drug is Tsi-klim. Promotes a positive mood, increases vitality, improves calcium absorption. Includes vitamins and minerals, motherwort and cymcifuga extract.

Folk remedies for raising estrogen levels

Herbs that increase the level of estrogen in the female body are an excellent alternative to hormonal drugs. Herbal ingredients act gently and gradually, without exposing the body to additional stress.

raising estrogen levels

Before drinking herbs to restore estrogen, it is imperative to obtain a doctor's permission - improper intake of herbs can cause serious hormonal complications. A preliminary consultation with an endocrinologist is not the only condition for taking medicinal herbs. Pay attention to the following rules.

  1. These or those broths need to be drunk on certain days of the cycle. Only a doctor can give more precise recommendations, based on a specific clinical picture.
  2. You cannot drink herbal teas containing phytoestrogen during menstrual bleeding - you need to give the ovaries the opportunity to rest.
  3. It is strongly not recommended to combine herbal treatment with oral contraceptives.
  4. Medicinal decoctions should not be drunk constantly. The average duration of one course is three monthly cycles, after which it is necessary to take at least a month off.
  5. The body's response to herbal teas may not be predictable - much depends on individual tolerance. At the first signs of the manifestation of side symptoms, you must immediately abandon this method of treatment.

Hop cone decoction


It is useful for women to take a warm decoction of hop cones. The prepared drink contains vitamins (A, E, C, group B) and almost all mineral components (magnesium, phosphorus, iron, etc.), together they help restore hormonal status, strengthen immunity. A decoction of dry or fresh hop cones is a great way to shape your body. In addition, such a drink gives the body more vitality - a woman's working capacity increases, she gets less tired, does not suffer from mood swings.

By the way, hops are found in large quantities in beer. That is why men who are addicted to this drink, over time, have a belly, and the figure takes on feminine features - all due to the excessive use of the female hormone.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to prepare a decoction of hop cones with the addition of mint leaves.


  • 2 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 liters of hop cones. cold water;
  • Put the container on low heat;
  • Bring to a boil and simmer for a quarter of an hour;
  • Then add mint leaves to the broth and continue simmering the drink over low heat for another quarter of an hour;
  • After cooking, leave the broth to infuse for half an hour.

A freshly prepared decoction of hop cones is taken three times a day in a dosage of 100 ml. It is recommended to drink the drink warm. After consumption, it is undesirable to consume any food for an hour.

Red brush

The red brush contains phytoestrogens. The medicinal plant is a good substitute for synthetic drugs that are prescribed to normalize the ratio of progesterone and estrogen levels. Regular intake of the herb decoction improves sleep and relieves aggression and irritability.

Raspberry, mint, licorice root

Young raspberry foliage saturates the body with vitamin Ea, puts hormones in order, strengthens the immune system: raspberry leaves are poured with boiling water and left for an hour. Add some fresh mint. This herb calms the nervous system and tones the body. The resulting composition is taken twice a day as tea.

Licorice root has an antispasmodic, diuretic, anti-allergenic, immunostimulating effect. A decoction based on it increases the level of female sex hormones, lowering the concentration of androgens. A tablespoon of the plant is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for an hour and taken instead of tea in the morning.

Vitex sacred

Another name - common prutnyak - is also a well-known plant. It is used in various forms in gynecology and in the treatment of reproductive disorders. In an experiment on rats receiving an alcoholic extract of fruits at 0.6 and 1.2 g / kg of body weight, it was possible to register an increase in estrogenic activity even in females with removed ovaries (39). It is believed that apigenin, one of the cannabis flavonoids, has this effect (40).


This plant protects the reproductive system from the appearance of inflammatory processes, and also brings the menstrual cycle back to normal. Combined with lemon juice, nettle stimulates the production of estrogen. As a result, the negative symptoms of menopause appear in a milder form.


Prescription Medication:

  1. The nettle leaves are crushed.
  2. The plant is sent to a pot of water.
  3. Add lemon juice and zest, grated on a fine grater.
  4. The food is cooked for 20 minutes. under the lid.
  5. The broth is filtered.
  6. It is taken orally like tea.

The use of a decoction of nettle may have contraindications. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before using the prescription.

Borovaya uterus

The boron uterus is no less popular. It contains substances similar to estgogen and progesterone. Prepare the broth as follows: add 20 g of dry grass to 150 ml of water. Put on a slow flame and cook for 5 minutes. Filter and take half a glass twice a day.


It is sold both in bags and by weight. Prepare the infusion as follows: take a glass of boiling water for 1 teaspoon. Insist for 15 minutes, filter and take a third of the glass 20 minutes before the main meal 3-4 times a day, but not before bedtime. A new portion is prepared daily.


The tea variety has a high estrogenic activity. Its chemical elements work like natural female hormones. It is contraindicated in early pregnancy, when taking oral contraception and carrying out replacement therapy. Hibiscus tones the walls of the uterus, which threatens a miscarriage.


A teaspoon of the plant is steamed in a glass of boiling water, infused for 1 hour and taken in a third of the glass three times a day.

The role of vitamins in the synthesis of the hormone estrogen

Vitamin D remains relevant. An active metabolite, calcitriol, is involved in the exchange of female sex hormones. In addition, it itself has an effect similar to estrogens, in particular, it improves the condition of the vaginal epithelium in women after menopause (34). It has been proven to improve reproductive function in women who are "in charge" of estrogens (35).

It was also noted that the use of contraceptives with estrogen is accompanied in women by an increase in the level of the precursor of calcitriol - vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). This phenomenon is probably due to the common links of the metabolism of these substances in the body (36).

It is logical to assume the opposite: supplementing with vitamin D will contribute to higher levels of female sex hormones. But so far, there have been no controlled large-scale studies in this direction.

For polycystic ovaries, the Differton complex can be recommended, which includes two forms of inositol, alpha-lipoic acid, vitamins B9 and D3, and manganese. These substances allow to normalize the work of the ovaries, due to which the level of male hormones decreases and the synthesis of female hormones is restored.

And with increased prolactin, the vitamin-mineral complex Pregnoton can be prescribed, which contains an extract vitex, as well as folic acid, vitamins, iodine, zinc and selenium, necessary for the normalization of the reproductive systems. Pregnoton has been shown to be effective in moderate hyperprolactinemia. In order to normalize the hormonal balance, it can be prescribed even in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Substances from this category are involved in the reactions of synthesis and exchange of sex hormones. Thus, in relation to vitamins B6 and B2, the study proved their role as factors that reduce the risk of certain forms of breast cancer.

Hormonal drugs to normalize the background

Hormone replacement therapy is used to restore normal estrogen levels. The same treatment is prescribed for a woman during menopause in order to eliminate the manifestations of menopause and to maintain mental and physical health.

Often, doctors prescribe tocopherol (vitamin E) to patients. It is also possible to take hormonal drugs (oral contraceptives). Each combination oral contraceptive pill contains estrogen and progesterone (in different ratios).

A doctor may prescribe drugs containing a synthetic hormone:

  • proginova;
  • marvelon;
  • sylest;
  • premarin;
  • hemafin;
  • rigevidone.

During pregnancy, the level of estrogen increases tenfold. Do not use any medicines and folk remedies during this period without consulting your gynecologist.

Is it possible to do without hormonal agents

A gynecologist knows how to increase estrogen in a woman without hormonal drugs. Experts recommend, if possible, to replace medicines with other methods. After all, drugs of synthetic origin damage health. After a course of treatment, you have to restore the body. In addition, substitution therapy is not allowed for everyone.

So, in addition to proper nutrition and the inclusion of foods that increase the level of estrogen in the diet, it is recommended to resort to the methods listed below.


Natural essential oils in the right dosage enhance estrogen production. Because the olfactory and reproductive systems are closely intertwined, aromatherapy is often used to treat hormonal imbalance. Oil is considered especially effective:

  • dill;
  • geraniums;
  • clary sage;
  • marjoram;
  • carnations;
  • roses;
  • black cumin;
  • incense;
  • vetiver;
  • yarrow;
  • nutmeg;
  • fennel;
  • cypress.

They are used for massage, oil compresses, inhalations, baths, skin care. As a result, the nervous system calms down, the metabolism is normalized. Aromatherapy is especially useful for mature women in the postmenopausal period.

Weight control

The concentration of the hormone of female attractiveness depends on many parameters. One of them is adipose tissue. In some cases, getting your dream figure is difficult. Although the woman's diet is not oversaturated. The thing is that the more weight, the more problems in the endocrine system. This complicates the process of losing weight.

how to increase estrogen levels
The figure shows ways to increase estrogen levels in women.

Calculating calories is not enough to achieve results. It is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle, carry out regular non-exhausting workouts and review your diet. Limit the use of useless foods, alcohol, sugar and fat.

Physical exercises

The Internet is full of articles on weight loss and the benefits of sports for the body. Yes, no one will deny the need to keep fit, but the most important thing here is not to go to extremes. There are many women who use strict, strict diets for weight loss, which not only harm their health, but also cause a strong decrease in the level of estrogen in the body. And all because of a sharp decrease in the volume of subcutaneous adipose tissue, in which the enzymatic reaction of converting androgens into estrogens is carried out.

For the same reason, increased physical activity is harmful when a woman is engaged in fitness, as they say, for wear and tear, leading a merciless struggle with the available fat. Moderate exercise is much more useful, so it makes sense to reconsider your preferences and replace strength training with feasible loads - aerobics, dancing, yoga. Proponents of ancient Indian practice claim that certain asanas actively stimulate the adrenal glands, thereby regulating the balance of hormones in the body.

Rejection of bad habits

Nicotine and alcoholic beverages negatively affect hormones. Laboratory studies have shown that in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle in women who smoke, there is a strong decrease in estrogen. This process can lead to the development of amenorrhea and early onset of menopause.

In addition to slowing down hormone production, alcohol also alters estrogen metabolism. This is due to liver damage.

As a result, external and internal changes in the body become visible. There are deviations from the norm in blood pressure, memory and thermoregulation. The psychological state is deteriorating. The woman becomes irritable and aggressive. The skin begins to redden, swelling and wrinkles appear under the eyes. Hair splits and nails break.

Regular sex life

Experts advise women to have regular sex with a regular partner to increase the concentration of estrogen in the blood. For a positive effect on the mood and hormonal background of a woman, it is enough 3 times a week.

Low estrogen: which doctor to contact

If you suspect that you have low estrogen levels based on certain symptoms, see your gynecologist. He will order a blood test for hormones. This will include checking the indicators of not only estrogen, but also other female hormones that make up the general hormonal background.

Hormones to be tested:

  • estradiol (E2) - the main hormone from the estrogen group;
  • testosterone (total);
  • LH (luteinizing hormone);
  • FSH (follicle stimulating hormone);
  • progesterone;
  • prolactin;
  • SHBG - a protein responsible for the transport of sex hormones to receptors distributed throughout the body;
  • DHEA-S (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate).

You may also need an endocrinologist consultation.

Sources of

  • Sep 16, 2021
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