Dental endboxes, stands, organizers, containers for storing small instruments

endoboxThe Dental Endo Box is a storage device clasps, hog, pulpoextractors, root needles, files. It has a large number of modifications that differ in size and capacity. Each variety has an instrument compartment with sockets for endofiles and other small dental instruments, as well as a housing that provides stability on the surface.


Endboxes, dental organizers and stands are used:

  1. To ensure the convenience and speed of the dentist's work. In an ordinary tray, it is impossible to arrange small instruments in the required sequence; they are often lost and mixed with each other. Endobox allows you to put files in order, immediately pick them up and start manipulating, while significantly saving time.
  2. For sterilization hog, proteapers, rimmers.
  3. As a fixture for storage.
dental instrument box

Large storage box for burs and other dental instruments

Depending on the desired purpose, the dentist chooses a device for instrumentation. CleanStand (a ring with foam rubber) is more suitable for canal treatment, and a large metal endobox is more suitable for storing files in one place.

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Acquaintance with a dental instrument: types, selection, work, storage:

Comparative characteristics of models

Modifications in demand:

  1. A round cylinder with a disposable foam sponge fixed on it like a hoop. Files are inserted into it, and an antiseptic is poured into the keeper (chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide). It is used directly during operation (passing and root canal treatment),
  2. Metal or plastic organizer or container. Has a stand with compartments for files, closes on top with a lid for sterility.

Overview of the most popular models with distinctive features:

Name Technical features, functions Material Cost, in rubles
CleanStand It can be round or oval. Used with disposable foam inserts.

Root canal treatment (ergonomics)

Plastic 700-900
Endodontic Storage with sockets for burs, small tools. Has in the set endoline.

Storage, sterilization

Plastic 4600-4800
Endo box Large Oblong File storage, color-coded slots for visual convenience.

Used both in work and for storage and sterilization of instruments

Metal case, plastic compartments 4800-5000
Endo box Large Combi It has several compartments of different structure for working and keeping the tool.

For storage and sterilization of instruments

Metal case, plastic compartments 6400-6600
Endo stand mani Metal stand with color-coded slots.

For collecting and storing files

Metal 1100-1300
Dentsply CleanStand

Dentsply CleanStand

An endobox for dentists must meet the following requirements:

  • be small, easy to work with;
  • easy to disinfect and sterilize;
  • be made of non-toxic materials;
  • component parts must not oxidize or react with the working part of the files.

The modern dental market produces many modifications of endboxes with different characteristics. (size, capacity, price), allowing you to choose the necessary option for any clinic for any needs.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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