The choice in favor of one or another dental implant accepted on the basis of a combination of price and quality. Traditionally, the leaders in the field of dental implantology are Germany, Switzerland, USA, Israel, Korea. The products of these countries are reliable and made on the basis of advanced developments, but the high cost makes them unaffordable for many patients.
An alternative could be domestic implantation systems. Over the past 20 years, Russian manufacturers have applied international experience in the development of their systems, while they can offer affordable prices for their products. The leader among domestic developers is the Rusimplant company.
- 20 years of experience in the market
Features of the systems "Rusimplant" (NIKO)
- Material
- Surface
- Geometry
- Clinical objectives
- Sterility
- Life time
- Tools
- Quality assurance
Series of products "Rusimplant" (NIKO)
- "Leader"
- "Short"
- "Assets"
- "Lux"
- "Standard"
- "Solo"
- Small
- "Mini"
- "Standard plus"
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Features of domestic IRIS systems
IRIS models
Comparison of domestic models with German ICX
- Price
20 years of experience in the market
The Rusimplant Company began the development and implementation of the domestic implantation system in 1998. Their products were produced under the LIKO brand. In 2009, the company began joint development with the German company NIKO DENTAL GmbH. From that moment on, the implants began to be produced under the NIKO brand, and later - “Rusimplant”.
In 2017, the company entered the European group NDI Medical. It has its own production facility located in Germany with state-of-the-art German, Japanese and Swiss equipment. The products are developed by qualified dentists and engineers from Russia and Europe.
The company's products meet all international standards, which is confirmed by the EN ISO 14801: 2007 certificate.
Implant systems are delivered directly to clinics in Russia, bypassing intermediaries.
Features of the systems "Rusimplant" (NIKO)
All Rusimplant models are made of Grade 4 titanium alloy. It is a biocompatible and bioinert material that has been successfully tested for integration with the tissues of the human body. This alloy is distinguished by its strength and durability, and also does not cause allergic reactions in the body.
An important feature of Rusimplant products is the unique Smart surface. Due to it, an accelerated integration of the bone with the surface of the implant is achieved - osseointegration. Recent tests around the world have shown that the Smart surface is best suited to the implant contact surface.
The Smart surface is created by sandblasting with corundum particles, which results in a macro-roughness on the titanium surface. This is followed by intense acid etching at a high temperature, during which micro-indentations are formed on the surface. Such macro- and micro-irregularities allow the bone to "grow" into the metal, thereby ensuring maximum stability of the prosthesis.
This is how the Smart surface looks when viewed through a scanning electron microscope.
The models are cylindrical. Depending on the series, their designs have geometric features, combinations of different types of thread, different shape of the lower part - apex, various shapes of connecting elements for prostheses - implant-abutment connections. All this allows us to make the installation process atraumatic, achieve maximum stability, and also solve a wide range of clinical problems.
Clinical objectives
The company's products have many different modifications. Each of them is designed to solve specific tasks:
- installation in an area with insufficient bone mass;
- mounting in an area with poor quality bone;
- one-step operation;
- temporary prosthetics;
- mounting for bone atrophy.
The design of the prosthesis is specially treated with gamma rays. This process completely disinfects the surface. After processing, the implant is placed in a sealed double package that maintains sterility. Each package is completed with a quality certificate.
Life time
The service life of all models is at least 15 years. Subject to rules and regular maintenance, the installed structures will last 20-25 years.
Rusimplant provides a wide range of dental instruments for working with its products. All instruments are made of high quality surgical steel.
Quality assurance
All products of the company are manually tested. The quality is confirmed by the EN ISO 14801: 2007 certificate and a number of other international certificates.
Series of products "Rusimplant" (NIKO)
The company's products are divided into several series. Each series contains models with design features for solving specific dental problems.
Implants of the Leader series are suitable for solving a wide range of clinical tasks. Thanks to a special manufacturing technology, a good level of primary fixation is achieved.
This effect is provided by the compaction of the bone tissue during the installation of the prosthesis and the formation of its strong functional connection with the bone. The surface of the structure is absolutely sterile.
The design has a thread with a self-tapping function of 2 types: coarse aggressive and six-way fine.
- high primary stability;
- resistance to lateral loads;
- geometry that promotes compaction and formation of bone mass;
- the possibility of setting in a weakened bone;
- area of application for tasks of any complexity.
There are situations when the use of traditional implants is difficult. Such cases are caused by problems with the bone tissue at the implantation sites or by a decrease in the height of the part of the jaw that carries the teeth - the alveolar process.
In this situation, before implantation, the base for prosthetics is built up with synthetic materials. This procedure takes additional time and money. A full-fledged alternative in this case can be the "Short" series.
A distinctive feature of these prostheses is their shortened size and wide diameter. "Short" has a self-tapping thread. The body of the implant sinks below the protective layer of the bone. The design allows you to transfer the load to the adjacent bone.
The body has a self-tapping three-start thread. The shoulder of the implant body is beveled at an angle.
- the possibility of using in case of bone deficiency;
- no need for bone grafting;
- quick installation;
- fast fusion with the bone (osseointegration).
The "Active" series is intended for installation in areas with particularly low bone quality. It features a hollow design and a unique apex geometry with two through holes.
The shape of the implant is designed in such a way that the bone is almost not destroyed during installation, and thanks to the cavity and holes, its nutrition under the metal surface is preserved.
The body is tapered with two apex holes. In the neck part there is a fine thread, which turns into a large thread in the main part of the structure. Self-tapping thread.
- no bone injuries during installation;
- maintaining bone nutrition;
- fast osseointegration.
The Lux series is equally suitable for any type of gum. It has the greatest durability and stability.
The upper part of the structure has a fine thread, the lower one has a large one. Due to the special geometry of the thread, the implant painlessly penetrates into the bone of any type and quickly gains stability. This type of implant can be installed immediately after tooth extraction.
The design has 2 types of self-tapping threads: small in the neck and large in the main body.
- low shear zone in the protective layer of the bone;
- large contact area;
- uniform load.
Models of the "Standard" series have a pronounced aggressive thread and a semicircular apex. They have been used in dentistry for almost 20 years. Well suited for the operation of raising the floor of the maxillary sinus. Currently out of production.
The apex has a rounded shape with aggressive trapezoidal threads on the body.
- large contact area;
- no vertical displacement under load.
The Solo series is used in one-stage implantation. With this method, the implant remains open after insertion and is subjected to immediate or delayed loading.
The use of this type of prosthesis must meet several conditions:
- good quality of the basis for prosthetics;
- a certain height and width of the bone;
- a certain area of the adjacent gums;
- the presence of adjacent teeth;
- the possibility of complete stabilization of the implant at the time of installation.
There are 2 types of self-tapping threads: small in the neck and large. The head of the implant can be spherical or conical.
- the installation procedure is not injurious;
- rapid achievement of primary stability;
- osseointegration;
- undervoltage at load.
Designs of the Small series have a small diameter of 3 mm and are designed to be installed in the anterior part of the jaw in place of the upper lateral incisors or lower central and lateral incisors. They are well implanted in the case of insufficient bone mass and a low alveolar ridge.
Good stability of the structure is provided by two threads: a small one in the neck part and a large one on the body of the implant. An external hexagon screw serves as a fixture for the fixing element of the prosthesis. It provides a reliable connection between the implant and the prosthesis, reduces the likelihood of fracture under load.
An external hexagon is provided for attaching the abutment to the body. Self-tapping thread of 2 types: small six-way in the cervical part and large aggressive two-way on the body of the implant.
- primary stability;
- stability;
- even load distribution;
- accelerated osseointegration.
The "Mini" series is used for the installation of temporary prostheses in cases of a long and complex restoration process of the dentition. The structures have a small diameter of 2 mm. Installed for up to 6 months.
Cases of application of models "Mini":
- an immediate installation of a temporary prosthesis is required for an aesthetic effect;
- it is necessary to protect the soft tissues in the area of permanent dentures;
- with a low height of the alveolar process;
- with bone atrophy;
- with a weak protective layer of the bone.
It is produced in two versions: with a ball-shaped head for a removable prosthesis, with a cone-shaped head for a fixed one.
- restoration of aesthetics in the frontal area of the oral cavity;
- primary stability;
- additional stability for permanent dentures;
- easy installation.
"Standard plus"
Standard Plus models are suitable for restoring one or several teeth at once.
They fit well on soft bone tissue.
Immediate stability is achieved when administered.
The design has a micro-thread in the neck and a special three-start trapezoidal thread on the main body.
- preservation of bone tissue and stimulation of bone formation;
- low lateral load;
- high primary stability;
- accelerated osseointegration.
Advantages and disadvantages
The main advantage of Rusimplant systems is their cost, which is 2 times lower Israeli and Korean analogues, as well as 4 times lower than American and European.
According to experts, these implants fully justify their price. They take root well, are easy to install, durable, have a modern technological surface, and are excellent for chewing teeth.
The main drawback is that they are not able to provide the same level of aesthetics in the smile zone as foreign counterparts. Experts recommend using them to restore teeth in the invisible zone, and if you need a perfect smile, it is better to spend money on imported implant systems.
Features of domestic IRIS systems
Among domestic developments in the field of dental implantology, the Innovative Russian Implant System (IRIS) of the LIKOSTOM company is especially popular.
The technology is based on the Russian LIKO system, which has been successfully used in clinical practice for almost 20 years. Based on the collected data from this period, a new generation of LIKO-M implant systems has been developed.
The IRIS product line includes 4 series of LIKO-M implants.
IRIS models meet the most modern requirements and have the following features:
- Refined titanium alloy construction;
- special micro-relief of the surface, which accelerates the integration with the bone;
- special conical connection that prevents the multiplication of microorganisms inside the cavity of the implant;
- special geometry of the body, providing the maximum area of contact with the surrounding tissues;
- high strength indicators;
- wide range of applications.
All IRIS products are manufactured in cooperation with the Italian research and production association B&B Dental.
IRIS models
The IRIS product line includes 4 series of implants.
The basic model of the IRIS system. Possesses high indicators of strength, accelerated osseointegration, protection against twisting. The design provides a large area of contact between the bone and the body, and also prevents the growth of bacteria in the area of the prosthesis.
This series is intended for implantation in areas with low bone quality. Installation can be performed immediately after tooth extraction. It is characterized by improved primary stability and atraumatic administration.
Implants of this type are recommended for cases where the use of traditional designs is difficult. This can be installed in areas with low bone mass or very poor quality bone. It has a small diameter of 3 mm. Despite such dimensions, it shows high indicators of stability. Well suited for replacing lateral incisors.
Designed for fixing removable and temporary dentures. In cases where it is necessary to build up the base for prosthetics, the installation of this model can be done without bone grafting.
Comparison of domestic models with German ICX
German ICX implants are more expensive than domestic ones, but surpass them in several respects.
Domestic dental implantology has made great progress in its development over the past 20 years. In many respects, Russian implants are in no way inferior to imported counterparts. But foreign-made samples have a number of technical advantages that domestic models cannot boast of.
One of the top brands on the market is ICX. This implantation system is exclusively manufactured in Germany and Switzerland. It is included in the top 10 best-selling implants in the country.
ICX advantages over domestic systems:
- ICX implants are manufactured from special cold rolled titanium Grade 4 KV. Its strength is one and a half times higher than normal Grade 4 at the same purity;
- the biomorphic design developed using computer modeling ensures the preservation of bone tissue over the entire surface of the implant in combination with good primary stability;
- special no-touch production technology avoids the negative consequences of manual installation;
- ICX surgical kits consist of 20 or more drills;
- high strength and tightness of the implant-abutment connection;
- all-ceramic abutment.
Rusimplant (NIKO). The cost in Moscow, declared by the manufacturer for 2018
Model | Cost, rub. |
Leader | 6000 |
Suite | 5200 discounted |
Standard | 2300 discounted |
Standard + | 4800 discounted |
Short | 6000 |
Assets | 6000 |
Small | 2300 discounted |
Solo | from 2300 |
Mini | 3800 |
IRIS (IRIS). The cost in Moscow, declared by the manufacturer for 2018
Model | Cost, rub. |
LIKO-M | 5987 |
LIKO-M SLIM | 5987 |
LIKO-M MINI | 5987 |
Practicing dentists note that the Rusimplant company, at a relatively low price, managed to create a simple and, at the same time the same time, a durable design with good performance, and occupy a niche in the market of professional implantation systems.
The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.