Pregnancy leads to changes in a woman's body, and even the most familiar processes can begin to proceed differently. Sometimes this leads to a worsening of the condition. The situation is complicated by restrictions in the use of drugs.
For example, to treat gum disease during pregnancy somewhat more complicated than usual.
- Causes of Gingivitis During Pregnancy
- Types of gum disease
- Influence on the fetus
Gingivitis treatment
- Medicines allowed during pregnancy
- ethnoscience
- Prevention of gum disease
Causes of Gingivitis During Pregnancy
Gingivitis - a typical problem from which more than half of pregnant women suffer. In this case, the gum becomes inflamed, it hurts, especially during meals, sometimes even bleeds. The disease not only causes inconvenience, but also affects the health of a woman, and in the future can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the dentition.
The reasons for this deviation are, first of all, hormonal changes. During pregnancy, the production of hormones changes, as a result, the concentration of progesterone, somatomammotropin, and gonadotropin increases. Due to their action, defense mechanisms change and the amount of pathogenic microflora that causes inflammation can increase in the oral cavity.
In addition, the development of gingivitis is facilitated by:
- changes in metabolism;
- toxicosis;
- frequent stress;
- violation of immunity;
- insufficient oral hygiene;
- lack of vitamins and minerals and others.
Often, women themselves provoke the onset of the disease by switching to a carbohydrate diet. They begin to actively eat pastries and sweets, which are an excellent basis for the development of microorganisms in the oral cavity. Any source of gingivitis can also be gum injury, for example, when removing jammed pieces or eating rough food.
Common diseases that a woman has can also push the development of gingivitis:
- diabetes;
- blood diseases;
- diseases of the digestive system;
- difficult nasal breathing and others.
Inflammation may appear as early as the second or third month, and then progress literally to the birth itself. In the absence of treatment at a later date, gingivitis can become chronic, which is very difficult to cure in the future.
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Types of gum disease
The inflammatory process can manifest itself in several degrees:
- the first degree is mild, with it the gum covers no more than a third of the crown of the tooth;
- the second is of moderate severity - when the gum reaches the middle of the crown;
- the third, severe, is characterized by the creeping of the gums over most of the tooth.
Any of them is characterized by:
- swelling and redness of tissues;
- painful sensations;
- an increase in the size of the gums;
- bleeding;
- the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
Only the severity of the symptoms differs. Gingivitis can be subdivided into acute and chronic along the course. The first is manifested by pronounced symptoms, soreness, and is easily treatable. If the acute form is started, it turns into a chronic one, in which the process becomes sluggish with periodic exacerbations, it is much more difficult to cure this form.
In addition to the degree, there are forms of gingivitis:
- catarrhalaccompanied by the formation of plaque on the teeth;
- atrophicin which the tissues can change, as a result of which the root of the tooth is literally exposed;
- hypertrophic, which is characterized by the appearance of grooves between the gum and the tooth, called pockets - food accumulates in them, which only enhances the inflammation process;
- ulcerative, accompanied by the appearance of sores on the gums, as a result of which burning and itching are added to the main symptoms.
In pregnant women, catarrhal and hypertrophic forms are more common.
Influence on the fetus
Treatment of bleeding and inflammation of the gums during pregnancy is a mandatory process, since it is not only affects the mother's body, provoking the development of a chronic form, but also affects fetus.
Severe inflammation in early pregnancy can lead to miscarriage caused by the body's immune response. In the later stages, it can lead to infection of the infant, which will lead to polyhydramnios, placental insufficiency, or even premature birth.
In addition, gingivitis can affect the development of the infant's teeth, as a result of which the mineralization process will be disrupted and in the future the child will often have dental problems.
Also, the infection that caused the inflammation can enter the woman's bloodstream and lower her immunity. In this case, the risks of infection of the fetus with various infections increase.
The process of treatment itself can also have an impact on the fetus, in particular, some drugs have a negative effect on the development of the baby. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out therapeutic measures even before pregnancy, and having found the first signs of inflammation, contact a dentist.
Gingivitis treatment
Treatment of gum disease during pregnancy is a complex process and includes a whole range of procedures aimed at restoring the normal state of tissues and eliminating the very cause of the inflammation.
It includes:
- dentist visit and elimination dental calculus;
- the use of anti-inflammatory drugs;
- the use of physiotherapy methods;
- adherence to a diet.
The earlier treatment is started, the lower the risk of exposure to the infection on the unborn child. First of all, the mother needs to come to the dentist for regular check-ups and hygiene procedures. The doctor will identify problems and prescribe treatment. It is based on the removal of tartar and plaque, and disinfection procedures.
Medicines allowed during pregnancy
The period of pregnancy complicates the treatment process by the fact that not every medicine can be used. The choice is very limited. As a rule, these are external agents with minimal penetration into the blood.
The solution allows to relieve inflammation on the gums Chlorhexidine, with which soft tissues are processed from the outside, the drug cannot be swallowed. In addition, injections of lidase and glucose into the gums are used, they allow you to act from the inside, eliminating microorganisms.
For pregnant women, gums can be treated ointments, in particular, heparin and acetylsalicylic are used. They are applied to the gums and, with the help of a special film, are fixed for two hours, then the residues are removed. Apply gels Holisal, Metrogyl Denta other. They are tested and considered safe, but still apply in short courses.
The doctor may prescribe home remedies for the oral cavity. it mouth rinsesused for the treatment of gingivitis, since they do not need to be swallowed, there are practically no restrictions on the use of such agents.
You can also use a special Toothpaste for people suffering from bleeding and inflammation of the gums. It can also be used without restrictions. But it is worth remembering that such remedies are auxiliary in the general treatment, they alone will not allow you to get rid of the disease.
In addition, medications can be used to help eliminate common diseases. But they are already prescribed by a therapist or a narrower specialist, to whose field these diseases belong. It is necessary to warn the dentist about their presence.
Drug therapy is usually reinforced physiotherapy:
- electrophoresis;
- vacuum massage;
- iontophoresis and others.
Such procedures can improve blood circulation in the gums, relieve inflammation and reduce soreness. The doctor should prescribe them according to the indications.
Traditional medicine can be used as an additional material. They are used at home to relieve inflammation and discomfort. Treatment of gums during pregnancy folk remedies includes the use of decoctions of medicinal herbs, lotions, pastes, and more.
An effective remedy is considered propolis tincture, prepared at the rate of 100 grams of propolis per 0.5 liters of vodka, a teaspoon of this tincture is dissolved in a glass of water and used to rinse the mouth.
Helps Relieve Inflammation and Rubbing Oils into Gums sea buckthorn, eucalyptus, fir and others. But in this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since in the presence of wounds there can be severe irritation, as well as additional tissue infection.
Chewing an aloe leaf helps to relieve inflammation due to the substances contained in the plant. It can be applied to the affected area for 10-15 minutes.
You can use decoctions of medicinal herbs every day:
- a mixture of flowers of calendula, chamomile and yarrow in equal proportions is taken in the amount of 1 tablespoon and pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for about 40 minutes, after which the broth can be used for rinsing oral cavity;
- sage has good bactericidal properties, 2 tablespoons of which are poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for about half an hour, after which they are used for rinsing;
- in folk medicine, it is recommended to use a decoction of a teaspoon of dried celandine and a teaspoon of oak bark, which are filled with boiling water and infused for half an hour. Then the solution is used for rinsing.
All decoctions are recommended to be used warm, then their effect will be maximum. To do this, it is better to store funds in a thermos, where the temperature is constantly maintained. These rinses are used 3 to 6 times a day, usually with a break of 2 hours. A fresh portion is used every time.
Folk remedies for gingivitis:
Prevention of gum disease
Prevention of the disease consists in strengthening the gums and taking care of oral hygiene.
This requires:
- perform all hygiene procedures in full;
- monitor your own diet, increasing the amount of "healthy" food in it - vegetables and fruits, and reducing the amount of "harmful" foods - sweets, pastries, pickles, and so on;
- if necessary, take vitamin complexes;
- use a non-hard toothbrush and actively use dental floss;
- use rinses both of industrial production and of our own production based on natural components: sage, chamomile, oak bark and others;
- visit the dentist regularly and monitor the condition of the oral cavity.
How to prevent gingivitis during pregnancy:
The likelihood of developing gingivitis in a pregnant woman is quite high, but it is easy to eliminate the disease in the initial stages. To do this, you need to contact your dentist and follow his recommendations.
The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.