After the treatment of pulpitis and filling the canals, a tooth hurts: reasons for what to do

A tooth hurts without a nervePulpitis is an unpleasant and serious disease. But, it would seem, after visiting the dentist's office and tooth filling the pain should go away. It seems that it is indisputable if during the treatment there was removed nerve. But not infrequently after the recent pulpitis treatment the patient receives an unpleasant "surprise" - a toothache, it is not painful for him to bite and chew.

What are these - the natural consequences of a serious pathology or an error in the work of a doctor? Let's consider the most common causes of pain in such cases and how to get rid of it.


  • Cured pulpitis - not a reason to relax?
    • Shortcomings in working with filling material
    • Medical errors in the treatment of canals
    • Remains of dental instruments
    • Root perforation
    • Allergic reactions
  • The nature of pain
  • What can be done at first?
  • When to see a doctor
  • What is the danger of untreated pulpitis?

Cured pulpitis - not a reason to relax?

After high-quality removal of the pulp, in other words, the nerve, and the subsequent filling of the canals, the tooth should not hurt. But cases when the "dead" tooth continues to bother and, moreover, very noticeably, are not rare.

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Is it a norm or a pathology? Do I need to be patient? If so, how much? Maybe you should immediately go to the doctor again?Tooth roots

Post-filling pains are considered acceptable if they last no more than a week and their intensity is constantly decreasing.

The nature of the pain can be different. For example, a patient feels a sharp pain when pressing, biting a tooth. Or is she occurs shortly after filling and is aching permanent. At the same time, the treatment was performed correctly and there were no unexpected reactions from the patient's body.

The relative norm is moderate pain for several hours after weaning from the anesthetic.

If the discomfort and discomfort persist for a long time, you will have to visit the doctor again. With a high degree of probability, this indicates the development of complications after filling, each of which must be treated. They won't work by themselves.

After the treatment of pulpitis, the tooth may ache both through the fault of the patient and due to insufficiently qualified actions of the doctor.

Shortcomings in working with filling material

Gutta-percha behind the edges of the tooth

The exit of gutta-percha beyond the edges of the canals is one of the causes of pain syndrome

A common complication after root canal filling is elimination filling material beyond the root of the tooth. Pain usually returns very quickly, most often on the same day the treatment was given. It can last up to six months.

The intensity and duration of pain in this case depends on the amount of material trapped in the surrounding tissues, its quality and individual sensitivity of the organism. It is impossible to diagnose pathology "by eye", it will be necessary x-ray. In modern clinics with the use of new technologies and materials, this problem is less common. After eliminating this error, the discomfort disappears in a few days.

Medical errors in the treatment of canals

There may be a doctor's mistake when filling the canals. In this case, the pain develops gradually. For some time, the patient does not feel any discomfort and is in complete confidence that the tooth has been cured. Unpleasant sensations can occur a couple of weeks after filling or after several years.

If wrong canal treated, a repeat visit to the dentist is necessary. By themselves, the pain will not stop, and the tooth will gradually collapse.

Remains of dental instruments

The pain can be caused by fragments of instruments in the canal, which got there during the filling.

Dental instrument fragment

Dental instrument fragment

This complication occurs, most often, due to insufficient competence or negligence of the doctor.

If you leave a piece of the instrument in the cavity of the tooth, inflammation will surely begin. Therefore, it must be removed.

Otherwise, inflammation and rejection of parts of the dental instrument by soft tissues are inevitable.

Root perforation

Another reason for the development of pain after pulpitis treatment is root perforation. Oddly enough it sounds, but modern technologies contribute to an increase in the number of such cases. The growth of this kind of complications is associated with the replacement of the manual method of canal treatment with new machine technologies, when the rotation of the working part of the instrument is regulated by a special device.

With root perforation, pain occurs immediately, but the patient does not feel its first hours due to the action anesthesia. If the error is not eliminated, suppuration of tissues around the root can be added to severe pain. The hole must be covered with a special material.

Allergic reactions

Separately, among the reasons for the development of unpleasant sensations in a "dead" tooth, it is necessary to highlight the body's allergic reaction to the material with which the filling was carried out. In such cases, the pain is very noticeable, in addition, swelling of the cheeks and lips is added.

As a rule, severe discomfort manifests itself during eating when pressing on the tooth. The problem in this case is that not always even an experienced doctor can understand the cause of the swelling and pain. After all, the treatment was carried out correctly, the material is of high quality, and X-ray will not show deviations. In this case, only replacing the seal with a new one consisting of other components will help.

All of these situations require a visit to the dentist and re-treatment. To endure the pain and wait for it to pass is pointless under such circumstances.

There are cases when the treatment is carried out correctly, and the pain in the depulpated tooth is felt quite strongly. The reason may be inflammation in the gums.

A common situation is when the adjacent tooth hurts, and the patient thinks that it is the one that has just been treated.

The nature of pain

After treatment pulpitis painful sensations of a different nature may occur. They may appear slightly, may be Aching toothacheintolerably strong. It happens that a filled tooth bothers you periodically. In some cases, the pain is constant and gradually increases. The nature of the sensations depends on the reason that caused them.

Within normal limits: pain that occurs when biting, tending to decrease and aching sensations on the first day after treatment.

You need to focus on how long the tooth hurts, the discomfort lasts after canal treatment and whether its intensity decreases. If it intensifies, if the pain is bearable, but lasts more than a week, you should not count on self-resolution of the problem.

What can be done at first?

When the pain is caused by an inflammatory process in the gums, then an effective remedy for its elimination will be soda rinse and salt (a teaspoon of each component per 200 ml of water). To prepare the solution, the water must be warm (about 40 degrees). The procedure is carried out up to 5 times a day until recovery.

You can relieve pain syndrome Ketanov, Nise or similar drugs in accordance with the instructions. It must be remembered that if the pain intensifies, does not go away, you should not postpone the visit to the doctor. A timely visit to the dentist will help preserve the tooth and relieve discomfort.

When to see a doctor

It is imperative that you visit your dentist again if:

  • the pain is acute, intensifies over several days;
  • swollen or sore gums, cheek;
  • discomfort occurs only when biting, but does not go away for more than a week;
  • constant discomfort without a tendency to decrease over a long time (more than two weeks).

In most cases, with a timely visit to the dentist, the problem can be eliminated, and the pulped tooth can be preserved.

When a patient comes back with a complaint of pain in a depulpated tooth, in order to determine its cause, the doctor first of all prescribes x-ray. If the detected complication has not gone too far, the tooth will be re-treated. If the changes are too serious, you will have to delete it. In the future, you can install an implant or bridge.

What is the danger of untreated pulpitis?

The ideal situation is when, after the treatment of pulpitis, the doctor prescribes an X-ray for an objective assessment of the condition of the tooth. Unfortunately, this does not always happen.

The consequences of medical non-professionalism can be very serious:

  • flux, radicular cystformed if the canals are underfilled;
  • the need for re-treatment, lingering pain, discomfort and neuralgia of the facial nerve;
  • periodontitis and, as a result, the inability to save the tooth;
  • complications after root perforation can also lead to root loss.

Pulpitis is a serious pathology that requires competent and timely treatment. But even a high qualification of a doctor does not always guarantee the absence of complications. If, after filling, the "dead" tooth continues to bother you, most likely you will need a second visit to the doctor.

Unexpressed or short-term pain that tends to decrease can be considered a variant of the norm. In such cases, you can postpone it for a while, but not more than a week. Medical rinses and analgesics will come to the rescue.

But when the pain intensifies, there is swelling of the gums and face, there is no need to wait. Failure to see a doctor in a timely manner can lead to tooth loss.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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