Why teeth itch in adults and children: reasons how to get rid of

itchy teethAt any time, each of us may experience unpleasant symptoms associated with pain, stiffness, numbness. But there are specific signs associated with itchy teeth. Such phenomena can occur with severe stress, psychological stress, and for other reasons.

Most often, itching can be caused by a fungal disease. candidiasis, to eliminate which you will need to take antifungal agents. Itching can be manifested by an allergic reaction to toothpasteorthodontic devices and prostheses installed in the oral cavity.

But patients rarely turn to a specialist with such a pathology and try to eliminate the unpleasant factor themselves. Almost all of them are for this rinse the mouth with a soda solution.

When itching occurs, patients try scratch the gums, but in this case, they can be damaged and harmful microorganisms - sources of more dangerous infections - enter the body through the scratches that appear.

Therefore, if your teeth itch, it is better not to use chewing gum or candy, but to seek help from a specialist.

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  • Causes of itching
  • First aid
  • It's easy to get rid of itching if you know its cause.
  • Treatment with folk methods
  • Preventive actions

Causes of itching

Why teeth itch most often:

  1. Manifestation of allergic reactions. Allergies can occur as a result of the pastes, for use braces, allergy to bracesor metal-ceramic crowns or dentures. To eliminate such reactions, you can change the paste, or put metal-free crowns, dentures or braces.
  2. Dental diseases. Dental itching can occur when periodontitis (with an inflammatory process in the deep tissues surrounding the tooth) or gingivitis (with gum inflammation). Also, pathology manifests itself in viral herpetic stomatitis, which is transmitted by airborne droplets. At the same time, in children and adults, teeth begin to itch if the appropriate hygiene procedures are not followed. A symptom of the disease is the formation of plaque, the appearance of papules with fluid, after the rupture of which ulcers remain. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment after X-ray examination or external examination of the roots and canals of the tooth. Additionally, he can prescribe a teleroentgenogram or orthopantomogram.
  3. Thrush (or oral candidiasis) is manifested as a result of the defeat of the body by Candida fungi. Symptoms of this phenomenon are the appearance of white plaque on the mucous membranes in the mouth due to a decrease in the body's immune-protective functions.
  4. Vitamin C deficiency and scurvy observed with an improper diet, a shortage of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  5. Chronic nervous disorders and stress.
  6. Other diseases. Itching can occur with influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections as a result of swelling of tissues in the oral cavity. This phenomenon can manifest itself in a precancerous state (leukoplakia) when whitish spots appear on the epithelium and gums due to changes in the bacterial flora.
  7. Dental tissues can itch if the filling is not properly sealed, with the remainder of the tooth after unqualified removal. Another reason may be meteosensitivity, eruption of wisdom teeth, lack of calcium.

First aid

mouthwash solutionWhen dental itching occurs, initial attention is paid to oral hygiene. This requires the choice of a healing paste and a new soft-bristled toothbrush.

Itching can be relieved by rinsing the mouth with herbal decoctions of chamomile, oak or soda solution, which are used several times a day.

Pour a tablespoon of oak bark or a twig with a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, cool and filter. To prepare the chamomile infusion, use 2-3 tablespoons of herbs, pour them with a glass of boiling water and leave for 60 minutes.

If these funds turned out to be helpless, then you should contact a periodontist. Sometimes, to make the correct diagnosis and identify the pathogen, a smear is taken for analysis (plaque is removed from the inflamed mucosa).

Once the pathogen is identified, topical gels, ointments, and rinses may be used. For more serious pathologies, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, which are injected into the body in the form of injections or tablets.

It's easy to get rid of itching if you know its cause.

It is known that diseases that provoke the appearance of itching in the teeth are the result of inadequate hygiene, bad habits, malnutrition and metabolic disorders.

It is not worthwhile to self-treat any inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, otherwise if improperly selected method and the use of an unsuitable remedy can aggravate the pathological process.

The methods of therapy used, depending on the factor provoking the onset of itching:

  1. Irritation of an allergic nature eliminated with antihistamines, but first the doctor must determine the provoking factor. This eliminates oral care products and certain foods, installs new braces, or seal, due to which the inflammatory process began earlier.itchy teeth
  2. To remove stress disorders sedatives are used and after the normalization of the nervous system, this phenomenon disappears.
  3. At gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease withdrawn plaque, tartar and the doctor conducts long-term treatment with non-steroidal and antiseptic drugs.
  4. Candidiasis can be eliminated by using antifungal antiseptic agents (Fluconazole, Fukortsin, Nystatin, Clotrimazole, etc.), diluted Lugol's solution and 15% Borax with glycerin. The cavity can be treated with a solution of Fukortsin or methylene blue. Additionally, the specialist recommends an appropriate diet, vitamins and immunomodulators.
  5. On manifestation stomatitis as a result herpes the doctor carries out the treatment with Oxolinic ointment, Acyclovir, prescribes Zovirax, immunoglobulin, anti-inflammatory and antiviral agents.
  6. With a lack of vitamin C consumption of the drug with its content is required. If there is not enough calcium in the body, then cottage cheese, foods with vitamin D (for the absorption of calcium), which is contained in the liver, fish oil and eggs, should be added to the diet.
  7. If your teeth itch under the seal, then the treatment is repeated again. The cause of the phenomenon may be the manifestation of allergies due to infection or the material used, as a result of unqualified doctor's work.
  8. If the cause of the development of the pathological process is cold, but the treatment of the general disease and the removal of tissue swelling with anti-inflammatory drugs and antiseptics are prescribed.

Treatment with folk methods

To eliminate itching, you can use the following folk methods:cabbage

  • treatment of the oral cavity with a soda solution (a teaspoon of soda is diluted in 250 ml of water);
  • make an infusion from the following collection: chamomile inflorescences, oak bark, sage twigs, - a tablespoon composition is poured with 300 ml of boiling water, after 60 minutes it is filtered, cooled and rinsed in the mouth every day for 4 times;
  • chewing a leaf of cabbage, carrot or apple can help eliminate itching;
  • make mouthwash with saline (dilute a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water).

In accordance with the nature of the pathology, the method of therapy can only be selected by a qualified specialist.

Preventive actions

As preventive measures, it is recommended to exclude yeast and sweet products, add vegetables and fruits to the diet, use a high-quality cleansing pastes (with calcium and fluoride), brushes, using dental floss.

The temperature of the food consumed should be no more than 36 degrees. You should also regularly brush your teeth, tongue and gums, rinse your mouth with a solution of salt, herbs or clean water.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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