Work as a freelancer: pros and cons!

Are you tired of standing in traffic jams for several hours? Can not you find a common language with your leadership?

Constantly torn between work and family?

Did you already wear this "damned" dress code: white top and black bottom?

It's time to think about working for yourself !

is a freelancer , which will give you the opportunity to become a boss and a subordinate in one person!

No one over you has the power, you want to work for yourself - work when and how much you want, succeed with your own work!

I want to tell you a fascinating story( on real events) about the pros and cons of work as a freelancer !

An interesting story about working for yourself!

Nick was smiling cheerfully.

A thick bundle of money in a purse gave a feeling of complete freedom.

The girl looked defiantly at passers-by, who did not suspect that she was so happy.

She was always proud of herself when she received unexpectedly large fees.

Nick was 25 years old, she graduated from journalism.

instagram viewer

First she worked as a tutor, but once a former classmate asked her to write for the magazine she worked for.

And zapotelos: one article, then another. ..

A year later Nick wrote for four editions.

At first she was simply reveling in her new role as a free journalist: everyone around is so trendy, now and again you meet famous people, besides banquets, press shows, tickets for concerts.

Even compared to friends, journalists, she seemed to take a more advantageous position.

After all, Nika worked as a freelancer .

What did this mean? A lot of free time and the opportunity to do only what you like.

How to start your own business?

However, the euphoria from the first successes soon passed - a new fashionable life required ever higher costs.

It was summer, Nick went to rest on the sea.

After the return had to deal with urgent matters, and the girl fell out of the working schedule for a whole month.

An unpleasant surprise was waiting for her in the editorial office: she did not take any materials - all the headings were crammed into two numbers ahead. And she had almost no money left.

And then Nick realized for the first time: 's work on itself has a flip side - insecurity in the future.

Of course, it's nice to wake up at twelve, walk around the city, write at night. ..

But you should fall out of the system as an idyll's end.

You do not owe anything to anyone, but they will not hold onto you either.

Employers are not always satisfied with the result of your work - and you've been sitting on beans all month.

"Established unit" will be reprimanded, but they will not leave without a salary.

When is working as a freelancer - you can not plan anything, its life schedule resembles a sinusoid: then it is at the top, then falls rapidly down.

What are the pros and cons of working as a freelancer?

On the one hand, all these unexpected turns introduce a variety, but when head on, like the snow in May, there are only troubles, you start thinking about the future too often.

And these thoughts are unhappy.

To succeed as a "free worker", one must have a certain character trait and belief in oneself and in oneself!

And Nick started mentally bending her fingers.

First, you need to be able to communicate and like, quickly get in touch. Secondly, be mobile, because the competition is huge and you must do everything better and faster than others. Freelancer knows: he, like a wolf, is fed by his feet.

To be asleep here and there, not to miss anything, unobtrusively but persistently to offer your services, tirelessly to climb up, to look for more profitable ways of realizing the talent. ..

But with a lucky coincidence, your name will become known, and then you will not be looking foremployers, and they are you.

At first glance, work for yourself - this is the most ideal option when you can combine your favorite business, leisure and good wages.

But just make a reservation: the above-mentioned type of activity is suitable only for people of "creative professions".However, for them this way is by no means strewn with roses.

This option is rarely chosen consciously, as a rule, freelancers have in the workbook a long list of established posts.

Most likely, either they once had to look for ways to increase their income, or someone offered a lucrative sub-work, which started to bring more profit than the main job.

So you can not become a freelancer if there are no potential customers or employers.

And it's not so easy to create it.

On the other hand, to work as a freelancer - opens up new perspectives for the development of personality and career.

I suggest watching an inspirational video about the benefits of remote work( freelancing)!

. .. and also look at the pleasant statistics of working in freelancing. ..

A person does his favorite thing, having all the opportunities for professional growth, and at the same time he has a lot of free time, which he devotes to sports, beauty salons, museums, theaters.

One job can spend the rest of your life secretly dreaming of raising and making big profits.

Freelancer himself determines his salary, corresponding to his professional and creative success.

  • Mar 10, 2018
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