Sweet taste in the mouth

The human body is designed so that each organ performs a specific task. A failure in the functionality of one of them leads to negative changes in the state of health, which are expressed in a variety of symptoms and even in unusual smack in the mouth. A sweet or sweet-sour aftertaste can appear in both a healthy person and a person suffering from one or another ailment.


  • Understanding the reasons
  • Additional circumstances
    • Sweetness with sourness
    • With dryness
    • With nausea
    • During pregnancy
  • The importance of timely treatment
  • Based on what is the diagnosis
  • Prophylaxis

Understanding the reasons

If a sweet taste appears in the mouth, only a doctor after an examination can tell what it means. There are many reasons for such a strange symptom. Here's what this might mean:

  1. Over-saturation of food with sugar-containing foods.
  2. Taking medicinesused in chemotherapy.
  3. Quitting smoking. The previously disturbed activity of epithelial receptors resumes and the food feels more saturated.
  4. Disorders of the digestive system
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    . At the same time, taste sensations change, there is pain behind the breastbone, sweating increases at night.
  5. Non-compliance with the diet (overeating, excessive consumption of fatty foods, baking), leading to metabolic disorders and the appearance of gray, turning into a dark plaque on the tongue.
  6. Pancreatic dysfunction. In the morning, an uncharacteristic sweetish aftertaste appears, which appears after breakfast. Concerned about burning, soreness in the stomach, nausea, bloating.
  7. Diabetes. Symptoms: excessive fluid intake and, as a result, profuse urination (especially at night), general weakness, blurred vision ("veil in the eyes"), pronounced smell of acetone in the cavity mouth.
  8. Dental problems. They are explained by the development of pathogens in the mucous membrane, and in severe cases, by the appearance of purulent discharge. This happens when stomatitis (redness of the mucous membrane covered sores), periodontitis, damage to the teeth caries.
  9. Stressful situations, disrupting the functions of the central nervous system. Sometimes sweetness appears for a short time - right after a psycho-emotional shake-up, when the stress hormone (adrenaline) provokes an excess of glucose in the blood; sometimes has a protracted nature - due to a prolonged stressful state, accompanied by systematic fatigue and insomnia.
  10. Respiratory system infection. Causative agent: Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria. By producing sweet substances, they are capable of provoking various inflammatory diseases. And sweetness and loss of smell are only signs accompanying the development of this bacterium. As a rule, the nose, ears, throat are affected (nasal congestion, chest pain, heavy breathing, cough are felt). SARS, sinusitis, flu can also lead to the production of saliva with a high glucose content.
  11. Chemical poisoning. The sweet taste accompanies the ingestion of phosgene and pesticides into the body. In addition, phosgene (used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries) causes dizziness, slow breathing, redness of the skin, dry cough, increased blood pressure. With a severe degree of damage - nausea and vomiting. It enters the body through the respiratory tract. Pesticides (used in agriculture) enter the body by the respiratory tract, through the skin, with food. Pesticide poisoning is also accompanied by nausea, vomiting, disturbed consciousness, and muscle tremors.

If your mouth is constantly sweet, it is important to pay attention to other symptoms as well.

Additional circumstances

Sweetness with sourness

The reason for the sweet taste with sourness - prediabetes. At the beginning, the disease is asymptomatic. In the future, the excessive need for saturation with liquid increases; at night there are bouts of hunger, frequent urination (especially at night), gynecological problems (in women).

With dryness

Causes of the sweetish taste and dryness in the mouth:

  • acute pancreatitis;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • intoxication;
  • long-term use of antibiotics.

With nausea

The reasons for the taste of sweetness in the mouth and the feeling of nausea are associated with dysfunction of the intestines and stomach, which cause:

  • improper nutrition;
  • the consequences of gastroduodenitis or gastritis (in the language thick white bloom, stomach pain on an empty stomach or a feeling of fullness after eating, accompanied by burning and belching);
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • malnutrition or excess food.

During pregnancy

It is important for expectant mothers to know what the sweet taste is in the throat. Its causes during pregnancy can be:

  1. Binge eating.
  2. Natural changes observed during pregnancy.
  3. Gastroesophageal reflux caused by changes in hormone levels and pathology of the digestive system (liver, gallbladder).
  4. Gestational diabetes. A special form of diabetes that develops in pregnant women due to hormonal imbalance. Complicated by edema, cardiovascular failure, late toxicosis, increased blood pressure.

The importance of timely treatment

If a sweet taste that is not typical for a healthy body appears for a short time, there may be no reason to worry. Reducing the consumption of sugar-containing foods will solve the problem. If the symptom appears repeatedly, an early visit to the doctor is necessary. Delay can lead to undesirable consequences:

  • the chronic form of the course of diseases of the internal organs;
  • to diabetes mellitus, accompanied by renal failure and diabetic coma.

You can start with a local therapist, who will appoint, if necessary, a consultation with a gastroenterologist and other specialists.

Based on what is the diagnosis

To understand why a sweetish taste appears in the throat, to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment, the doctor studies the problem from the patient's words. He is also guided visually by the general condition, and, highlighting the problem, assigns an examination:

  • to exclude diabetes, start with laboratory tests (analysis of blood sugar levels before and after consumption food, complete blood count and urine analysis, biochemical analysis, glucose tolerance test to distinguish diabetes from prediabetes)
  • instrumental (fibrogastroduodenoscopy, radiography).

Next, the following are sequentially examined: the central nervous system (MRI of the brain), abdominal organs (ultrasound), the liver and gallbladder (fibrogastroscopy), etc.

After finding out why sweet saliva is formed, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Eliminate the cause on your own, you should not prescribe treatment, this can result in serious complications.

You can get rid of the sweet aftertaste in the throat with gargles.

Citrus fruits, mint leaves, coffee beans will freshen your breath.


To get rid of the problem, you must:

  • observe the diet;
  • include outdoor activities, walking or cycling in the daily routine;
  • follow the rules oral hygiene (brush your teeth twice a day, rinse after each meal);
  • eliminate dental problems (oral cavity sanitation, caries treatment);
  • undergo a medical examination annually.

If there is a sweet taste in your mouth, you need to find out what kind of disease it is, and start timely treatment in order to prevent your condition from worsening.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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