What toothache, each of us knows firsthand. An extremely unpleasant sensation that prevents you from eating, sleeping, working, or enjoying your vacation. The most correct and reasonable solution in such a situation is a visit to the dentist.
But what if a toothache is caught by surprise while on vacation, hiking, traveling, or at a time of day when dental offices are closed? Pharmacy preparations come to the rescue, and in their absence - "grandmother's means", in particular, one of the most effective - garlic. How is this plant used? Does garlic really help relieve a toothache? What are the advantages, disadvantages and contraindications for using garlic recipes?
- Garlic almighty
- Possible, but not the best option
- The most effective and safest recipes
Using gruel from cloves
- Garlic and onion application on the tooth
- Oil based recipe
- Bread based
- A popular and controversial method is using the wrist
- Garlic tincture
- Do no harm!
Garlic almighty
It has long been attributed to garlic magical properties. Our ancestors believed that the pungent smell of this garden culture scares away and drives out evil spirits. It was believed that the cause of illness or pain is a demon stuck in a person, and if you rub a sore spot with garlic gruel or eat a clove or two, the pain will subside, and the ailment will go away.
Nowadays, when the nature of diseases is known to both doctors and ordinary people, no one expels evil spirits, but garlic is still widely used in folk medicine. It has high antiseptic properties, fights infection, is also a good parasitic agent and a strong anesthetic.
The pain relieving effect is due to the fact that garlic kills microbes and reduces the number of pathogens that cause painful processes and inflammation.
It will not relieve pain the way analgesics do, but due to its bactericidal properties, it will have an analgesic effect for a while.
Possible, but not the best option
The first and most significant disadvantage of garlic used for toothache is the likelihood of burns to the gums, mucous membranes or pulp.
The toothache will go away for a while, but you will have to endure the pain from the burn. As for the pulp, exposure to garlic juice can kill nerve, and in this case, the tooth will stop hurting at all. But the decomposition of dead tissue inside the enamel can lead to serious consequences, up to blood poisoning.
Another disadvantage of garlic therapy is the pungent and unpleasant smell of "evil thunderstorms". This smell is difficult to suppress with food, toothpaste or chewing gum, and if you applied a compress to your wrist, washing your hands with soap is also difficult. Therefore, the use of garlic for tooth pain is not an option for those who are going to a meeting or waiting for guests.
The most effective and safest recipes
There are various garlic-based methods and recipes that help get rid of toothache at home:
- applying a clove to a diseased tooth;
- a garlic gruel compress on a sore tooth;
- rinsing the mouth with garlic tincture;
- taking garlic tincture inside;
- compress on the wrist.
Rinsing is considered the most effective. It not only helps to relieve acute pain, but also has a disinfectant effect on the entire oral cavity. Gruel compresses or cloves should be used with extreme caution.
Using gruel from cloves
Gruel prepared on the basis of crushed garlic is used more often in the fight against toothache than just cloves. Additional components somewhat soften the scalding effect of garlic, while not depriving it of its bactericidal and anesthetic properties. Consider several options for the preparation and use of such a gruel.
Garlic and onion application on the tooth
Grind the garlic and onions with a grater. Take grated vegetables and table salt in equal proportions, mix until smooth.
Apply the resulting mixture to a sore tooth, apply a cotton swab on top, bite. Keep it for no more than 15 minutes, if you feel a strong burning sensation, remove the compress and rinse your mouth with warm water.
You can also wrap a little gruel in gauze and apply it to the gum near the aching tooth. Keep for 10-15 minutes, remove with severe burning sensation, also rinse your mouth with warm water.
Oil based recipe
Mix the garlic grated or chopped in a mortar with vegetable oil (peanut oil is best, but you can also use olive, sunflower or corn oil). This component envelops the tissues of the oral cavity, protecting against possible burns.
The resulting homogeneous mass is either applied to a sore tooth, or applied to the gums in the form of a gauze compress. Despite the protective properties of the oil, garlic can still burn the gums, so when you feel a strong burning sensation, it is necessary to free the oral cavity from the garlic-oil mass and complete the procedure with warm rinsing.
Bread based
Rye bread can be used as an alternative to butter to soften the effects of garlic. To do this, you need to soak a piece to a state of gruel, add chopped garlic and mix until smooth.
Use in the same way as in the previous options. Finish the procedure with a warm salted water rinse.
A popular and controversial method is using the wrist
A somewhat unusual and, at first glance, strange way to relieve a toothache with garlic is to apply chopped gruel in a clean view on the wrist from the side opposite to the diseased tooth. That is, if it hurts on the right, you need to treat the wrist on the left, if it hurts on the left, the wrist on the right.
The prepared gruel should be applied to the hand and bandaged tightly. Our ancestors claimed that this method removes a toothache. Some contemporaries consider this method to be analogous to acupuncture and acupuncture, but there is no scientific evidence for such an analogy.
Skeptics tend to think that the essence of this method is in a shift in emphasis: a burning sensation and pain in the wrist distracts from the toothache and focus on it. After 15-20 minutes, you need to remove the compress, wash your hand with warm water and soap, treat with cream.
Garlic tincture
Garlic tincture is an alternative to compresses. To prepare it, you will need 100 grams of chopped garlic and half a liter of vodka. The gruel is poured with vodka, the mixture is placed in a container with a tight lid and infused for two weeks in a dark room at room temperature.
After this period, shake the contents, strain and let it brew for a couple of days. When the tincture is ready, it can be used to relieve pain symptoms and for prophylaxis in the form of rinsing the mouth.
For both purposes, it must be mixed with warm water, but to relieve pain, the concentration should be slightly increased during rinse, try to irrigate the aching tooth more, for prevention it is necessary to make the solution less concentrated and rinse evenly. For severe pain, you can also apply a gauze compress dipped in garlic tincture on the tooth.
The anesthetic effect of this agent is due to the fact that the antiseptic properties of ethanol are added to the bactericidal properties of garlic, which also dilates blood vessels, causing blood flow. And if in practice compresses with garlic gruel can not only not help, but even harm, then rinsing with such a tincture is more effective.
Do no harm!
It is not recommended to use garlic to get rid of tooth pain in acute inflammatory processes in the oral cavityand also for deep carious cavities and open pulp.
Oak bark is a safer remedy for pain relief
Such "treatment" will not only not help, but will further aggravate the condition. In these cases, you can use other herbal remedies for rinsing, for example, a decoction of calendula or tincture of oak bark. These ingredients are sold over the counter and available without a prescription.
Garlic for relieving toothache is an effective remedy, but very individual. Practice will show whether it will help you. But even if you can easily relieve pain symptoms with this wonderful plant, do not get carried away. Remember, no amount of pain reliever will fix the root cause. Therefore, if you experience a toothache, do not postpone your visit to the dentist.
The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.