Polyps in the nose refer to benign formations, which are characterized by proliferation of mucous membrane, which protects the nasal cavity from pathogenic microorganisms. If we consider these formations by their external features, then their dimensions reach 1-4 cm in diameter. As a rule, polyps arise when the rhinitis is poor or untimely.

How the treatment of polyps in the nose with folk remedies is indicated in this article.

  • 1 content
  • 2 disease
  • 3 phage help
  • 4 medication medication
  • 4 medication removal

polyp removal How

disease manifests itself The circular structures that arise in the nose do not hurt the patient, they are not sensitive during touch, and they also move easily. During polyposis, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

  1. Prolonged nasal congestion of , during which breathing is severely complicated. This is due to the growth of the mucosa, which can partially or completely cover the lumen of the nasal passage.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Mucous secretions of , having a purulent character. Such symptoms indicate the intensive functioning of the mucous glands.
  4. Frequent attacks of sneezing occur as a result of the fact that on the mucosa the resulting formation is in contact with the cilia. They perceive them as an extraneous object. As a result, sneezing is a protective reaction that attempts to eliminate the foreign body.
  5. Smell violation. When there is a proliferation of connective tissue, the functioning of receptor cells in the polyp fails.
  6. Pain in head is a symptom that provokes the pressure of overgrown tissue. The compression is performed on the nerve endings. The result of this process is the lack of oxygen in the brain. Often, pain syndrome occurs due to damage to the paranasal sinuses.
  7. Nudity in the voice .Since the nose takes an active part in the formation of the voice, the air passes badly during polyps, so the patient begins to talk "in the nose".

How polyps are treated in the nose without surgery, you can learn from this article.

On the photo - polyps in the nose:

polyps in the nose symptoms and treatment

On the video - the symptoms and treatment of polyps in the nose:

How the polyps look in the nose in a child can be seen in the photo, you can learn from this article.

Help with phages

It's clear that pathogenic microorganisms influence the formation of polyps, which penetrate the mucous membrane. Many doctors prescribe antibiotics to their patients, laser radiation, but sometimes it is not possible to achieve a positive result. Then a decision is made to conduct therapy, during which bacteriophages are used. They are special viruses that devour bacteria.

In this healing process, the human body, bacteria and phage take part. As a result of this process, it is possible to completely remove the bacteria that are responsible for the formation of polyps. Of course, this treatment has its own peculiarities, because the human body needs to get used to the injected useful virus. At first glance this variant of therapy may seem complicated, but everything is proceeding normally, and most importantly, it is possible to get a 100% positive result.

For what reason is the stuffiness of the nose, sore throat, but without the temperature, you can learn from this article.

On video - phages in the treatment of polyps of the nose:

From this article you can learn how to treat pharyngitis during pregnancy.

Medication intervention

In order to perform therapy with medications, it is very important to know the cause of the pathology and its stage. When the sizes are insignificant, to help to eliminate polyps it is possible by means of medicines.

The main cause of the development of mucosal growth is allergic rhinitis. In this case, the doctor must first take a blood test from the patient and carry out a lot of alergogens. Such activities make it possible to understand which allergen contributed to the formation of an allergic rhinitis. After this, the patient should not contact the irritant and use antiallergic drugs in the treatment process.

From this article you can find out what is dangerous sinusitis in pregnancy.

Effective are:

  • Loratadin Loratadin in the treatment of polyps in the nose
  • Cetirizine Cetirizine in the treatment of polyps in the nose

If the cause is chronic inflammation of the sinuses of the affected organ, then therapy can not produce a positive effect without using antibacterial drugs.

Here the doctor can prescribe:

  • Macropen, Macropean for the treatment of polyps in the nose
  • Ceftriaxone. Ceftriaxone

When the proliferation of the mucous membrane arose due to intolerance to aspirin, it is worthwhile to prohibit all foods that contain salicylates. In addition, the patient stops taking NSPP, which contains acetylsalicylic acid.

How does one-sided sore throat look without temperature, is specified in the article.

If it is necessary to reduce the sizes of formations in the nose, then it is necessary to use topical steroids. With their help, you can remove swelling and inflammation of the mucosa. They have an excellent therapeutic effect, but they have a significant disadvantage. It consists in the fact that with long-term use of steroids a person can develop side effects.

During therapy, it is very important to use such medications as:

  • Ketotifen, Ketotifen prevention of anti-polyps
  • Cromoglycate sodium.

They allow to slow down the process of releasing histamine in the body. The presented components cause symptoms of an allergic reaction, swelling of the mucosa.

What kind of drops in the nose for maxillary sinusitis is best used in this article.

Removal of polyps

Very often, doctors prescribe to their patients an operation to remove the proliferation of sprouts. For these purposes, the following types of surgical interventions can be performed:

  1. Polypotomy implies mechanical removal of formations by means of a special Lange hook. In appearance, it is very similar to a loop. Manipulate after the anesthetic solution is injected into the area of ​​growth. After such therapy, the disease can return again.
  2. The endoscopic method of control of polyps is based on insertion into the nasal cavity of the endoscope. Thanks to him, the doctor can study the pathological process on the monitor and decide on further actions. One of the varieties of this method of therapy is an operation using special equipment, the name of which is the shaver. It allows you to remove the growth with maximum accuracy to the tissues and thus not cause side effects. The result of this treatment is the reduction of the rehabilitation period. This method of polyp removal refers to the one after which the percentage of formation of a repeat pathology is minimized.
  3. Laser radiation .This process is carried out on an outpatient basis. There is an operation with a slight bleeding and inflammation of the tissues, because the beam quickly seals the vessels and has a disinfecting effect.

How to use a drop in the nose with an antibiotic is indicated in the article.

On the video - the symptoms and removal of polyps in the nose:

How to properly use nasal drops with an antibiotic for children, you can learn from this article.

Treatment of polyps is a very complex process, because it must be performed with a minimal risk of side effects. All the presented therapies are highly effective, but only for each case separately, so the doctor can prescribe the treatment only after a thorough diagnosis.