Causes, symptoms and treatment of acute hemorrhoids

acute hemorrhoids Acute hemorrhoids usually develop suddenly.

The disease can occur both in previously untreated patients and in chronic problems.

Let's look at the causes and possibilities of therapy of the disease.


  • What are the causes of the disease?
  • How
  • is manifested Diagnosis of the disease
  • Methods of therapy
    • How to relieve pain
    • Complex therapy
    • What do grandmothers advise?
  • What is fraught?
    • Necrosis of tissues when knots are infringed - it's dangerous!
  • Preventative measures

What are the causes of the disease?

The most common cause of hemorrhoids can be:

  • lifting weights;
  • non-compliance with the diet;
  • sedentary work;
  • heredity;
  • inflammation and swelling;
  • pregnancy, violation of outflow of blood from the pelvic organs;
  • indigestion.

In more detail about provoking factors:

  1. Lifting of weights can provoke falling out and infringement of knots therefore there is an acute pain.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Non-observance of the diet and the use of acute, smoked, pickled or alcohol can provoke first constipation and congestion of Pregnancy blood in the pelvic organs, and as a consequence, thrombosis and bleeding in the act of defecation.
  4. When hemorrhoids the patient often can not sit or even stand, so he is prescribed bed rest .To avoid complications and manifestations of acute hemorrhoids, you need to move more during the working day, do exercises.
  5. In addition to this, constipation, like diarrhea, is very harmful to the intestines, because it is constantly irritated and occurs as a result of the strain, as well as knotting.
  6. Pregnancy .Like abstinence in sex also creates problems for the rectum.

How the disease is manifested

The disease is divided into internal and external type. Most often diagnosed with acute external hemorrhoids, which is characterized by nodes visible visually. Hard and rather painful they can be detected and palpation of the rectum.

Also for acute hemorrhoids, the following symptoms are typical:

  • acute pain , aggravated by coughing, sneezing;acute pain
  • the inability to sit on a solid surface ;
  • when the node is ruptured, bleeding may occur, and the patient can claim to become better;
  • in the development of an exacerbation can join itching, burning and redness of the perineum and anus ;
  • may have some symptoms: swelling, mucus from the anus, dropout of nodes;
  • other than this can worsen the general condition of the body ;
  • appears subfebrile temperature, intoxication, weakness of , all these are manifestations of purulent-inflammatory process in the rectum;
  • in advanced cases possible development of sepsis .
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Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis is performed by a doctor who prescribes treatment. In the first place, an external examination is performed and palpation is performed. Laboratory feces can be performed.

More serious methods include:

  • colonoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • Irrigoscopy;
  • anoscopy.

In addition, to exclude other diseases, the patient can be referred to a urologist and other doctors dealing with female or male sexual health problems.

Therapy Methods

Treatment of acute hemorrhoids initially reduces to removing pain, for which various medications are used: ointments, suppositories, gels.

They will not only relieve swelling, eliminate pain, but also help to eliminate bleeding if it is and eliminate the itching.

Do not use the funds on the recommendation of friends or acquaintances, it is best to follow the advice of a specialist who diagnosed.

In thrombosis, anticoagulants, for example, Heparin, may be prescribed.

What should the doctor consider when treating the disease:

  • relieve the pain symptom;
  • to clarify the prevalence of the inflammatory process;
  • clarify the presence of thrombosis and the destructive component.

Drugs prescribed for the treatment of acute hemorrhoids: Relief

  • suppositories and ointment Relief and Proctosan;
  • Troxevasin - gel;
  • Bezornil, Levomecol - ointment;
  • Posterizan.

Used candles:

  • Anesthesol;
  • Anusole;
  • Betiol.

How to relieve pain

Pain relief is done locally, with candles and ointments, and tablets such as Paracetamol, Ibuprofen are prescribed.

The prescription of the medicine is made by the doctor based on the general picture of the disease. Do not try to self-medicate to avoid deterioration, it is better to see a doctor right away.

Complex therapy

If there is no indication for surgery, then in the treatment of acute hemorrhoids, complex therapy can be prescribed.

First and foremost is compliance with the diet. Increased consumption of fiber, the priority products are sea kale, flaxseed, wheat bran.

Reception of such means can be appointed:

  • Mukofalk;
  • Macrogol 4000;
  • Agiolax and others.

If there is diarrhea, then appoint Loperamide. Strongly irritating mucous membranes, laxatives should not be taken.

Local anesthetics, suppositories and ointments containing dicaine and anestezine are prescribed. Well, if they combine anti-inflammatory and astringent effect.

When the nodes fall out, ointments are applied using a special tip. Such ointments increase the tone of the veins and the speed of the lymph flow. They reduce the permeability of the capillaries of the vessels. The composition of ointments includes Rutin, Diosmin, Aescin. The pain syndrome itself is removed by Paracetamol or Ketorolac.

Methods of treatment are conservative by before relieving the exacerbation: latex ligation

  • bed rest with an elevated pelvic area;
  • pain relievers, decongestants and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • cold compresses and baths.

It is not possible to adjust the nodes, usually waiting for the removal of inflammation, after which the planned operation is performed. Latex ligation may be suggested.

Pregnant medical products are strictly selected by a doctor, in order to avoid harming the fetus.

What do grandmothers advise?

For the treatment of acute hemorrhoids at home, you can use decoctions and infusions of herbs, baths and compresses.

However, such a method of treating the disease can be fraught with complications because the herbal disease can not be fully cured.

Therefore, with an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, it is best to consult a doctor for the appointment of a full-fledged treatment regimen, and folk remedies should be used as additional methods of therapy.

What is fraught?

The main complications of acute hemorrhoids are:

  1. Bleeding , usually manifested after the act of bowel movement and does not pose a threat to the patient. This complication does not lead to anemia, since not more than a few drops are lost. Although sometimes blood loss can be up to 200 ml per day. thrombosis of nodes
  2. Falling of hemorrhoids - one of the most serious complications. If at first they can fall out during straining during the act of defecation, then later this problem can be troubling when coughing, sneezing, just when walking. It is not always possible to straighten the knots, so they can be pinched and dead. Hemorrhoidal veins look like a bouquet due to their loss and can be traumatized, causing purulent complications. Since a person is forced to sit on them, they harden.
  3. Thrombosis of is a rather serious complication of acute hemorrhoids, when the nodes fall out, but they can not be corrected by spasm of the sphincter of the rectum. In the nodes, stagnation of blood and a thrombus is formed. They become swollen cherry-colored, painful. Inflammation is transmitted to the surrounding tissue, and the nodes themselves compressed by a sphincter can become dead. The patient's condition deteriorates sharply and surgical intervention may be required.

Necrosis of tissues when knots are infringed - it's dangerous!

When the node falls, tissue inflammation, and even necrosis, can form.


  • severe pain, it is impossible to sit;
  • feeling of a sprawling foreign body in the anus;
  • edema and inflammation of the node, as well as surrounding tissues;
  • subfebrile body temperature of the patient;
  • changes the color of the fallen hemorrhoidal node from pinkish to purple and even black, indicating that tissue necrosis begins;
  • bleeding with the presence of the above factors.
Urgent intervention by doctors is necessary. Most often, an operation will be proposed for excision of affected tissues.

Preventive measures

An important role is played by disease prevention and timely treatment.

It is necessary: ​​

  • to eat correctly;movement life
  • move more;
  • avoid obesity;
  • in time to empty the intestines;
  • does not trigger the course of the disease and try to prevent inflammation by any means;
  • in severe cases requires not only complex therapy, but also surgical intervention, which can be performed by sparing methods.

Acute hemorrhoids can be treated, but it is easier to prevent illness than to treat.

If the diagnosis has not yet been made, but there are already manifestations of hemorrhoids, you do not need to start the disease, but you should start the necessary therapy as soon as possible.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition, lifestyle and hygiene, as this is fundamental in preventing tissue inflammation.

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