Broken lip in a child, girls from the inside: what to do, how to remove a swelling from a bruise, treatment of incisions and cuts

Broken lip in a childA split lip is both aesthetic and health inconvenient. Soreness, swelling, bleeding appear, the wound cannot be bandaged or masked.

The degree and depth of damage, the rate of healing depend on the traumatic situation.

In such cases, you always need to know how to stop the blood, remove the tumor and quickly heal the damage.


  • First aid
  • Processing facilities
    • Pharmacy preparations
    • Folk remedies
  • How do I care for a wound?
  • How to remove a tumor?
  • How to speed up healing - tips

First aid

The term "split lip" means an incision upon impact or fall, cuts, bruises with swelling, lacerations. Swelling can also form if a person accidentally bites on the inside of their lip. Treatment in such cases is usually easier.

The wound on the lip takes longer to heal, as there is contact with water and food, constant mimicry and chewing movements are made. The skin is not at rest. The main thing to know is the rules of first aid after injury. There are many capillaries in the lips; at the slightest damage, bleeding and swelling appear. This is the reason why the lower and upper lip swells.

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Hematoma on the lip

Photo: hematoma and swelling on the lip

Note! If lip swell for no reason, then this indicates an allergic reaction.

Upon impact, the wound begins to bleed, panic builds up, and the person begins to apply the first thing that comes to hand. There is a risk of contracting an infection, an abscess in the future. The main task of treatment at the initial stage is to stop the blood and prevent tissue infection.

The situation is even more complicated when a child falls, breaks his lip from the outside or from the inside: the place swells, bleeds, the child cries - what to do in such cases? First, calm down internally, then try to calm the child down, and provide first aid according to general recommendations.

Algorithm of actions for cutting or bruising the lip:

  1. If this happened at home, wash the wound with boiled water and antibacterial soap.
  2. If the incident occurs on the street, attach a paper handkerchief or a germicidal napkin.
  3. If the blood does not stop for a long time, and it is far from home, then you need to find the nearest pharmacy, buy gloves, cotton wool and peroxide. Carry out processing.
  4. At home, be sure to wash your hands, rub them with alcohol, rinse the wound with a solution Chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate, Furacilina.
  5. To make the damage heal faster, special ointments are used.
  6. To prevent bruising, apply ice to the damaged area.
  7. After the first treatment of the child's wound, it is better to visit a doctor who will prescribe medications suitable for further treatment.

Attention! An open wound cannot be treated with iodine and brilliant green. They will provoke burns and suppuration. For this, there are special antiseptics.

Knowing the rules of first aid for cutting and bruising lips, broken gums will avoid many complications and adverse consequences. If the condition does not improve, the bleeding does not stop, the damage is swollen, does not heal for a long time, it grows numb, you need to seek help.

With deep, lacerated wounds through and through and those whose length is more than 2 cm, stitches are applied to the lip. It so happens that the punctured place tightened, then burst with a sharp movement, and the lip broke. With such an injury, it is also necessary to go to the emergency room.

Processing facilities

Traditionally, pharmacy antiseptics are used for open wounds. Also, during recovery, folk recipes are used to accelerate healing.

Pharmacy preparations

How to treat if a child breaks his lip:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. It cleans well, stops blood and disinfects, but slows down healing. Recommended for use on the first day to stop bleeding.
  2. Betadine - a strong antiseptic and disinfectant with a broad spectrum of action. It is advisable to use it in the presence of pus or the addition of a secondary infection. Effective against protozoa, bacteria and viruses. Care should be taken when prescribing, since iodine often causes allergies. It is used in the form of a solution in proportions of 1:10 for washing an external wound and rinsing mucosal lesions.
  3. Potassium permanganate. A weak solution of potassium permanganate has a bactericidal, astringent effect. Effective in the treatment of ulcers and wounds.
  4. Furacilin - is a powerful antiseptic. It is effective against many bacteria and promotes the healing process. For processing, the tablet is diluted in 100 ml of hot water. After that, it is recommended to moisten the bandage in the solution and apply it to the sore spot.
  5. Hemostatic sponge - a substance that affects blood clotting, stops capillary bleeding. A useful remedy in the medicine cabinet for lacerations, cuts. It is used for deep injuries and severe bleeding.

Attention! It is a gross mistake to apply corticosteroid-based ointments to unhealed surfaces.

Video from Dr. Komarovsky:

Folk remedies

For lovers of safe treatment, folk recipes are suitable. They can safely anoint a child's broken lip:

  1. Mummy. Natural balm used in traditional medicine. Accelerates healing, relieves inflammation, restores. It stimulates tissue regeneration processes. The tablets are crushed, filled with water, moistened with a bandage and applied to the wound.
  2. Honey. The healing effect is shown by honey. Apply a small amount of the product on a gauze or cotton pad and apply to the wound. The second way is to hold the sugared piece in your mouth at the site of injury. For people who are allergic to propolis and honey, this recipe is not suitable.
  3. Aloe. It is considered a good natural antiseptic. The plant has an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates metabolic processes, and promotes wound healing. Finely chop the sheet, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth, moisten the bandage and apply to the damaged area for 20 minutes. You can use a combination of honey and aloe juice. To prepare it, take two components in equal amounts, mix well and apply to the damaged area. The product is stored in the refrigerator.
  4. Turmeric. Indian spice is used not only to add interesting flavor to the dish. It is used as a wound healing, hemostatic and antibacterial agent. A mixture is prepared - the powder is mixed with boiled water (proportions per eye) until a thick mass is formed and applied to the wound.

How do I care for a wound?

A one-time treatment on the first day is not enough. If you abandon treatment, then suppuration and large scars can form at the site of the injury. To avoid unpleasant situations, and the wound is completely healed, it is necessary to provide proper care within 7-10 days. Its essence lies in the application of ointments and compresses.

Suitable remedies would be:

  1. Rotokan- a natural preparation for alcohol. It has a positive effect on the trophism of mucous membranes, relieves spasm, and reduces capillary permeability. It is actively used in dental practice. Accelerates healing, promotes regeneration. It is used in the form of applications, baths, rinsing. 1 hour l. dissolves in 200 ml of water.
  2. Rescuer - a complex ointment consisting of natural ingredients. Relieves inflammation and soothes, stimulates regeneration processes in tissues, protects the wound surface, nourishes, prevents scarring, accelerates the resorption of bruises. Before applying, the area must be rinsed and dried, applied in a thick layer and covered with a bandage. Not used in conjunction with peroxide and Betadine.
  3. Bepanten - affects the healing of damage to the skin and mucous membranes, restores and regenerates. It is applied 1-3 times a day in accordance with the instructions. Suitable for children.
  4. Sea buckthorn oil - the product accelerates healing, envelops and protects against damage, has a slight antibacterial effect. It is used more often to lubricate the mucous membranes and the surface of the lips, less often to lubricate the skin.
  5. Contractubex - the gel has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, accelerates healing. Accelerates epithelialization, softens and smoothes the scar tissue. The composition includes heparin, onion extract, allantoin. The tool is actively used to treat scars after damage has healed. Apply 1-3 times a day, rub in until completely absorbed. Allowed for use in children from 2 years old.
  6. Aekol - oily vitamin solution accelerates the healing of mucous membranes, reduces inflammation, stimulates the restoration of tissue structure. It is applied topically in the form of compresses and lotions. The recommended amount is up to 15 procedures. Children under 14 years of age are not assigned.

The dissected lip is continued to be treated from the inside and outside with antiseptics 3-4 times a day. Apply Bepanten, calendula ointment, Rescuer 3 times a day to the injury site. Lubricate the damage in the mouth 3-4 times a day with sea buckthorn oil or ordinary butter, Aekol.

Rinsing with a decoction of chamomile, calendula and yarrow will be useful. Apply Kontraktubex approximately 5-7 days after the surface has been tightened. It is advisable for them to smear the sewn-up wound surfaces of the lip. The drug promotes healing and reduces the severity of scars.

How to remove a tumor?

Broken lip on a girl

Photo: girl's broken lip

The traditional way to get rid of puffiness is to apply cold. It is recommended to keep ice in a bag or a wet towel in cold water for 5-10 minutes.

Fresh potato pulp relieves swelling well. The mixture is placed on bandages and applied as compresses.

If the lip is severely injured, swollen and swollen so that the contour is not visible at all, then actions at home will not be enough. In no case should you massage the swollen place.

Drugs that will help remove swelling from the lip after a blow:

  1. Troxevasin - relieves swelling and inflammation, improves trophism, increases microcirculation. The active ingredient is troxerutin.
  2. Indovazin - relieves inflammation, soreness and has a mild analgesic effect. Restores damaged tissue, removes swelling. The active substances are indomethacin, troxerutin.
  3. Heparin ointment - removes swelling, hematomas, relieves pain, reduces increased capillary permeability, inflammation. The active ingredient is heparin.

How to speed up healing - tips

Broken lips on both girls and men do not look aesthetically pleasing. I would like to speed up healing and forget about the problem. The resources of the body are different for everyone, therefore, the wound heals for everyone in different ways. The main role in this is played by the circulatory and immune systems; the endocrine and enzymatic systems also take part.

The following steps will help speed up healing:

  1. Do not citrus and spicyAvoiding products that are irritating. At this time, the skin and mucous membranes are sensitive to salty, sour, burning. List of taboo foods - citrus fruits, canned cucumbers and tomatoes, hot sauces, mustard and more.
  2. It is necessary to use the drugs in the full course and in the proper amount, do not miss the receptions.
  3. After healing, apply anti-scarring agents.
  4. Adequate nutrition, intake of vitamins and vitamin-mineral complexes. They support the immune system and reduce the likelihood of complications from serious damage.
  5. Do not touch with your tongue and hands, do not lick or bite the damaged area.
  6. It is necessary to explain to the child that it is impossible to rip off the crust with your hands and teeth.
  7. The skin of the lips after the healing of the lacerated wound requires further additional care. These can be cosmetic and medicinal balms.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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