The bacteria that provoke the development of ARVI infect the body unexpectedly and develop with incredible speed. This usually occurs due to immunity weakened by nervous stress and other external factors.
In addition, along with a cold, toothache, giving the patient unbearable suffering. In such a situation, the question of going to the dentist becomes more acute than the help of the therapist. But is it possible to treat teeth (or, even more difficult - to remove) if there is a fever, sore throat and other symptoms that indicate a cold? Many people face this question at least once in their lives.
- How does a cold affect the body
- The desire to be healthy is commendable, but ...
- When treatment is still acceptable and even necessary
- General rules for dental treatment for colds
- Is it possible to remove a tooth if there is a sore throat and a fever?
- How to relieve a toothache with a cold?
How does a cold affect the body
It is generally accepted that the common cold is transmitted by airborne droplets. Once in a healthy body, viruses create a breeding ground for them. An infected person develops excessive saliva production, runny nose, sore throat, fever, and cough. Such a chain of symptoms provokes the release of small particles of saliva, saturated with a huge amount of viruses, from the mouth of an already sick person into the air. This is how the ARVI transmission chain is created.
In addition, colds are transmitted by contact. The virus overcomes many natural barriers in the body human before it affects the body. The main transmission mechanism is hands. The patient constantly covers his mouth with his hand when coughing or sneezing, and then, when, for example, shaking hands, infects a healthy person.
After getting into the body, a cold infection passes the incubation period. On average, it lasts up to 2 days. Then it manifests itself in two directions. This is a catarrhal and intoxication syndrome. The first one has the following symptoms:
- the appearance of dryness in the mouth and pharynx;
- due to damage to the bronchi, an expectorant reflex occurs in the form of a cough;
- the nose is stuffed up, the person constantly sneezes.
The second syndrome occurs much later and is characterized by fever, muscle pain and chills. In severe cases, the patient develops nausea, there is a threat of fainting.
The main reasons for the development of a cold infection are a weakening of the immune system and hypothermia of the body. When the peak of the disease is reached, the body receives an additional load.
Due to a stressful condition, general weakness of the body and a lack of nutrients in a person, they begin get sick and teeth decay. In such a situation, every normal person will want to go to the dentist to cure a bad tooth, but not everything is so simple, with a cold, treatment at the dentist, alas, may not always be acceptable.
The desire to be healthy is commendable, but ...
What are the symptoms characteristic of a cold that can serve as a basis for postponing a visit to the dentist and why?
If a cold progresses, a sore throat, a fever and a runny nose, experts recommend postponing a visit to the dentist for dental treatment. The reasons for this are:
- it is difficult to keep the mouth constantly open during the treatment of a tooth, when the nose is completely blocked;
- it will be impossible for the dentist to carry out manipulations in the oral cavity with an intense cough in the patient.
Also, doctors advise with ARVI to postpone a visit to the dentist due to weakening of the immune system. This condition can become more complicated and cause a set of severe consequences. For example, the risk of infection increases significantly, since pathogenic bacteria from the oral cavity will easily enter the body.
Dental procedures require extra strength. Therapists have their own point of view on why it is better not to treat or remove teeth until the cold is completely eliminated:
- dental procedures are accompanied by the appearance of open wounds, where bacteria and viruses can enter, especially dangerous when the body is weakened;
- medications with anesthetic substances weakly anesthetize a sore tooth when the body is affected by ARVI;
- while undergoing procedures, it is easy to transmit a cold infection to the doctor and other patients.
For patients with sore throat, treatment is usually delayed until the symptom disappears. But there are a number of cases when the procedures in the dental office cannot be postponed until better times. This is an acute inflammatory process with purulent pathology and the appearance of a gumboil.
In any case, it is not recommended to go to the dentist with a fever, since in this way the body fights infection, and the immune system is weakened.
It is important to remember here that dental treatment is additional stress for the body and so weakened ARVI. Therefore, if there is a possibility, then seeking help from a dental specialist should be postponed.
When treatment is still acceptable and even necessary
As is known from medical practice, in most cases of ARVI is accompanied by a high fever, cough and many other symptoms. But there are a number of factors when it is allowed to undergo dental procedures even in this case.
These are cases of urgent need:
- the progress of inflammatory processes in the structure of the tooth;
- there is a high probability that at the next stage of the disease there will be flux.
In such cases, the dentist will always take up the treatment, despite the acute phase of ARVI.
Everyone knows what an unbearable toothache is. In medical practice, there are many examples when specialists urgently take up treatment, despite a progressive cold infection in the body.
Such cases include:
- instant development of inflammation in the structure of the tooth;
- inflammation is accompanied by suppuration;
- rapid development of the flux.
In such situations, a visit to the dentist is vital. It cannot be postponed even when there is no strength to get out of bed.
General rules for dental treatment for colds
When the body is affected by an infection and a toothache is present in parallel, the patient experiences incredible suffering. Often, he needs to resort to independent actions, since visiting the dental office unless absolutely necessary is not recommended until complete recovery.
In such a situation, you should adhere to the following rules:
- self-treatment cannot be carried out without consulting a specialist;
- before going to a consultation, you need to drink an anesthetic drug in the form of Analgin, No-shpa or Spazmalgon.
Inflammation of the triple nerve causing pain can be treated with electrophoresis or antibiotics. Such procedures are prescribed according to individual indications. It all depends on the strength and intolerance of toothache.
Is it possible to remove a tooth if there is a sore throat and a fever?
The temperature for a cold indicates that the body is strenuously fighting against harmful bacteria, usually treating and removing teeth in such the condition is not recommended, as this can only bring harm, due to the fact that the wounds in the oral cavity will heal poorly and inflame. Therefore, the dentist decides the issue of tooth extraction together with the therapist.
Experts jointly solve the following tasks:
- developing antiviral therapy;
- prescribe procedures to strengthen the immune system;
- disinfect all possible cracks and scratches in the oral cavity;
- do the treatment of the wound with antibacterial agents after the operation to remove the tooth;
- use special means to protect the dentist from infection with ARVI.
How to relieve a toothache with a cold?
With a cold, it may appear increased tooth sensitivity. It can be accompanied by pain in the process of eating, when eating salty, sour or sweet foods.
To relieve pain, drugs with anesthetic effects are prescribed. In case of severe pain syndrome, the patient is referred for physiotherapy procedures after the recommendations of the dentist.
In addition, in such cases, you can apply grandmother's methods at home. Many of them are highly efficient.
Pain caused by hypersensitivity can be controlled if:
- sore gums rub garlic;
- rinse your teeth with a yarrow broth;
- rinse the mouth with a decoction of sage and thyme leaves;
- put a small slice of lard between the sore spot and the cheek.
Many people, having fallen ill with ARVI, forget to perform elementary oral care rules. Do not rinse your mouth after taking medicine and food, and, referring to weakness, do not brush their teeth at night.
This inactivity leads to toothache. To avoid this, it is required not to forget about the basic rules of hygiene, even in the acute period of the disease.
The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.