Description of the biological additive - Nutroph Total

Nutroph Total refers to a biologically active additive containing valuable components. They fill the deficit of antioxidants and vitamins, reducing the likelihood of developing eye diseases of an age-related nature.

Despite the fact that this drug is not a medicine, you need to read the instructions in detail before buying it. And even better - go to a consultation with a specialist.

This is not a medicine

Nutroph Total is part of the group of nutraceuticals, serving as biologically active food additives, which restore the physiological composition of the food taken.

    • 1. This is not a medication
    • 2. What is stated in the
    • instruction 3. Pharmacological properties and indications
    • 4. Average prices and analogs
    • 5. Customer feedback
    • 6. Total

In other words, this is a kind of dietary supplements. The population refers to them in different ways. But you should know that nutraceuticals are the safest of dietary supplements.

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This quality is due solely to food components in its composition, where there are no substances like drugs.

Simply put, in order to fully dial the "kit", useful for sight, you will need to purchase a lot of products and substances( for example, in a pharmacy), and even maintain the necessary proportions between them.

All this is already "done" in the finished product Nutrof Total. The practical benefits of this tool can be found in the reviews given at the end of the article.

What is stated in the

instructions Composition and form of the release

This preparation is manufactured by LGV CAPSULE( France).The form of production - plastic bottles of 30 capsules.

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According to the instructions, one capsule of Nutroph Total contains a rich in useful ingredients:

  • fish oil,
  • vitamin E( protects against cell membrane oxidation),
  • ascorbic acid( restores oxidized vitamin E),
  • red grape extract( 5% resveratrol),
  • sulfateanhydrous copper( removes free radicals),
  • sulfate monohydrate of zinc( natural activator of enzymes),
  • extract of erect marigolds( 1% zeaxanthin 20%, lutein - retinal pigment),
  • glycery monostearateon,
  • yeast, filled with selenium( main defense against free radicals),
  • gelatin,
  • sorbitol,
  • glutathione,
  • red and black iron oxides,
  • purified water.

Each capsule contains the number of components in mg / per per cent of the daily requirement:

  • Vitamin C( ascorbic acid) - 60 mg / 75%.
  • Vitamin E - 10/83.
  • Zinc - 10/100.
  • Omega-3( fatty polyunsaturated acids) - 50%.
  • Zeaxanthin - 2/45.
  • Selenium - 25 μg / 45.
  • Lutein - 10/33.
  • Copper - 500 μg / 50.

Features of ingestion and storage

It is recommended to take once a day on a capsule while eating. Wash down with water in sufficient quantity. The daily dose can not be increased without the advice of an ophthalmologist or a nutritionist.

One course lasts a month.

The shelf life of the drug is two years. Before the expiration of this period, it must be kept in a dark place where the temperature does not exceed 25 ° C.

Pharmacological properties and indications

Than the drug

is useful The nutrients included in the dietary supplement Nutroph Total make up for the lack of valuable biologically active elements. The drug is characterized by a complex healing effect.

Antioxidants( vitamins E, C, selenium, copper, zinc, resveratrol, zeaxanthin, lutein):

  • protects the retina from destruction by free radicals,
  • strengthens its vessels,
  • leads the cell membranes to a stable state.

For whom the preparation

is intended It is recommended in addition to daily nutrition, with an age-related vision decline due to impaired blood supply to the ocular retina. Another name for this condition is age-related macular degeneration. Nutroph total also inhibits the development of such age-related eye diseases as glaucoma and cataract.

General indications for the use of the drug:

  • prophylaxis of a lack of antioxidants and many biologically active components,
  • irrational nutrition( unbalanced diet with low content of vegetables, fruits, fish),
  • high visual load,
  • formation of vision organ,
  • complex therapy of age-related abnormalities in organsview.

Risk group

As contraindications are:

  • state of pregnancy and lactation,
  • age younger than 18 years,
  • hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug.

A side effect may be the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Average prices and analogues

In Russian pharmacies the average price of Nutrof total is 560 rubles.(for 30 capsules).In pharmacies in Ukraine, this drug on average costs 265 hryvnia.

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In the news( link) about how to deal with a hemorrhage in the eyes!

The main causes of eye pressure!http: // glaznoe-davlenie.html

Among the analogues of Nutroth Total there are:

  • Lutein Complex( average price 480 rubles for 60 tablets),
  • Okuvait Lutein( 580 rubles for 30 tablets),
  • Blueberry Forte( 55 rubles for 45capsules),
  • Vitrum Vision( 465 rubles for 30 tablets),
  • Complystitis Ophthalmo( 160 rubles per 30 tablets),
  • Anthocyan Forte( 280 rubles for 30 tablets),
  • Myrtikam Syrup( 210 rubles per 100 ml)).

Comments of consumers

Some Russian citizens do not trust BADs very much. But those who are attentive to their health, mostly assess the results of using the drug positively.

Anna, 39 years old .I take Nutrof Total three times a year for a month. Vision is kept on the same level. This drug also serves to prevent the development of age-related changes in vision. And if they already are, then serious treatment is needed. Supplements of the type Nutrof Total in order to exist and to inhibit these processes. I strongly advise.

Сергей, 46 years old .I have nothing against dietary supplements. I had to take an excellent drug from this series - Lutein Complex. Impressions are only positive. Therefore, it is believed that Nutrof Total serves as a useful vitamin supplement.

Vladimir, 42 years old .All these dietary supplements I consider to be an empty undertaking. It is better to lean on fresh fruits and vegetables.

Elena, 51 years old. It is interesting to ask Vladimir: in what quantity should you consume fruits and vegetables( which no one canceled) to cover the daily requirement of our organism for microelements.

For example, 10 mg of lutein is equal to 40 oranges or 3 kg of carrots. Are you ready to eat that much every day? Supplements are also needed to slow the pathology of vision. Only you have to choose the best. And, in my opinion, Nutrof Total is one of them.

Alena, 25 years old .My grandfather prescribed this drug. He had already drunk two courses a month, with interruptions. I do not know if his vision improved, but it certainly did not get worse. And he is 79 years old.

Dmitry, 31 year old .I constantly work at the computer. Eyes often turn red and swell. I tried the course Nutrof Total. The symptoms of fatigue pass quickly, my eyes feel rested. Yes, and the general condition of the body has improved. In six months I will repeat the course.

Natalia, 42 years old .I think that they are in vain attacking dietary supplements. It is clear that this is not a cure. My vision is still on the unit. It is too early to be treated, but it is necessary to support vision. To push away the point of putting on glasses, I'd rather drink a dietary supplement. Nutrof Total drank twice. Vision while normal.

Result of

Despite the cautious attitude of many citizens to dietary supplements, Nutrof Total managed to win recognition of the majority of those who used it. In adulthood, you should think about preventing eye problems. And in this good support is provided by Nutrof Total.

But first you must always consult an ophthalmologist in order not to be in a risk group and be sure of the reliability of the result.

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