Meteorological cheilitis: treatment, photos, symptoms, causes

Heilit - a disease that affects the mucous membrane of the lips. It has several types and is mostly chronic in nature. The meteorological view is associated with the influence of the weather (air temperature, wind, sun). It is more common in people with sensitive skin. Men are more prone to this disease.


  • Symptoms
  • Causes of development in adults and children
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Prevention


Meteorological cheilitis is a chronic inflammation of the border of the lips, which occurs due to the influence of external climatic factors. Women are less likely to experience this disease because they use protective lipstick. People with light, dry skin that suffer from seborrhea, dermatitis, eczema.

Basically, with this disease, there is a lesion of the lower lip. The lesion is accompanied by uneven hyperplasia.

Cheilitis is a pathological process that is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. The defeat of the red border of the lower lip, leads to its swelling and inflammation. The epidermis in this location becomes dry. This process leads to the formation of many small scales. When an injured person seeks a doctor, he begins to complain of dryness and discomfort in the lower lip area.

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In the photo, the symptoms of the meteorological form of cheilitis:

cheilit meteorological
cheilitis symptoms
meteorological cheilitis

The disease is chronic in nature, which alternates with remissions and exacerbations. This is influenced by climatic conditions, a sharp change in air temperature.

It is worth noting that meteorological cheilitis is similar to the atopic and actinic forms. Only a qualified doctor can diagnose the type of disease. You can learn about other diseases of the lips from our article.

Causes of development in adults and children

Despite the fact that the disease is very common, it is difficult to determine its true etiology. This is mainly influenced by external factors:

  • sudden changes in air temperature;
  • change in air humidity;
  • strong dustiness;
  • cold, gusty wind;
  • Sun rays.

The risk group includes people who work in the fresh air. In children, this form of pathology is less common. The following factors can contribute to the development of cheilitis:

  • delicate and sensitive skin;
  • lack of protection from cold, wind, sun;
  • individual characteristics of the organism;
  • dermatitis;
  • chronic skin diseases.

The child's body is more susceptible to such diseases, since at this age the skin is delicate and sensitive. The true cause of cheilitis remains unknown.


Diagnosis requires careful examination of the patient. In this case, the doctor must study his history in detail. Basically, they use a differential diagnostic method with the exclusion of other types of disease. In this case, you can contact a dentist, dermatologist, infectious disease specialist.

In most cases, the diagnosis can be made from the patient's words. The first symptoms appear almost immediately after the influence of climatic factors. Diagnosis is difficult because the symptoms coincide with allergic cheilitis. But at the same time, not only the lower, but also the upper lip is affected.


Cheilitis treatment should begin with the elimination of the influence of external factors on the skin. This is the key to successful relief of symptoms. Given the climate, it can be very difficult to restrict the skin from the effects of wind, sun and cold, then doctors prescribe medications.

First of all, the doctor prescribes vitamin complexes:

  • Aevit: vitamins A and E are essential for the restoration and healing of the skin;
  • folic acid;
  • magnesium.

Important and healing ointments. In addition to the use of vitamins and creams, the patient must constantly use hygienic lipstick. Be sure to apply it before going out into the fresh air. Additionally, you should use light-protecting creams and ointments. Such products are classified as cosmetic and are sold with an SPF mark (the best option for cheilitis are products with an SPF +30 mark).

Many doctors in the treatment of meteorological cheilitis recommend using folk remedies. Sometimes they can be combined with medications. They mainly use such tools:

  1. Propolis. Has an antibacterial effect, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
  2. Aloe juice. The plant is popularly known as a natural antiseptic. Promotes rapid healing of wounds and cracks in the lips.
  3. Chamomile decoction. A universal remedy that has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, soothing effects.
  4. Sage. Used to enhance the antiseptic.
  5. Oak bark. Has anti-inflammatory effect.

It is important to consider that traditional medicine can be used only in the absence of an allergic reaction. If you experience undesirable manifestations on the skin, you should consult a doctor.


The best prevention is a timely visit to a doctor. Only a specialist can determine the type of disease and prescribe an effective treatment. With a tendency to meteorological cheilitis, it is important to limit the impact of climatic factors on the skin as much as possible. In combination with drug treatment, relief of symptoms will be effective.

If preventive measures are not taken in time, then the condition of the border of the lips can develop into a precancerous stage. Therefore, you should regularly use hygienic lipstick, especially in cold weather. A healthy and nutritious diet will also be an additional prevention.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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