The tongue is an organ whose functions are not limited to the chewing process. He is also responsible for articulate speech, taste and temperature perception, takes part in salivation, digestion of food.
And just as the eyes are the mirror of the soul, so the language can be called the mirror of human health.
Its color, shape, presence of plaque - everything is important in the diagnosis of various diseases of systems and organs.
Diagnostics by language
The organ is made up of muscle tissue, which is covered with a mucous layer. It completely fills the oral cavity and is divided into several parts - root, body, frenulum. The tongue is a mirror of the health of the internal organs: gastrointestinal tract, oral cavity, respiratory organs, ears, throat, nose.
On the mucous layer there are several types of papillae, which determine the taste of food: filamentous, leaf-shaped, mushroom-shaped, grooved.
During the diagnosis of any disease, the doctor pays attention to the state of the tongue, because after examining all its zones, it can be assumed where exactly the malfunction is, and, by comparing the remaining symptoms, identify the focus inflammation:
- The apex is responsible for the heart, small and large intestines.
- The edge (side) on the right is the stomach, on the left is the liver.
- Between the apex and the central zone is the area responsible for the lungs.
- The central zone is responsible for the work of the pancreas, stomach, spleen.
- The back part in front of the grooved papillae is responsible for the human genitourinary system.
- The median groove is responsible for the health of the human spine and bones.
The first diagnosis can be carried out independently in order to determine which doctor should be consulted.
Shape changes:
- The swollen tongue speaks of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
- If it becomes thin, then the body needs nutrients, vitamins, and it can also be a sign of blood diseases, metabolic disorders.
- Thickened may indicate liver disease.
- If the midline groove changes, it becomes crooked - this may indicate diseases associated with the spine.
- If the tongue is stretched, lengthened, then this indicates a malfunction of the cardiovascular system.
- If it becomes convex in whole or in part, then it can be assumed that problems with breathing and lungs have begun.
Color change:
- White bloom characterizes the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract or infection with Candida fungi.
- A yellow coating indicates problems with the liver, gallbladder or spleen.
- Black, brown color of the tongue may indicate serious, advanced diseases of the liver, intestines, pancreas.
- Blue tint - the development of purulent processes in the body, or rupture of an abscess.
- Green, like yellow, speaks of problems with the stomach, liver, with the possible occurrence of obstruction in the bile ducts, the formation of stones.
- Red can be associated with strong inflammatory processes in the body, this occurs in acute stages of upper respiratory tract diseases, the development of infection.
- Scarlet color (with burgundy blotches) - problems with the circulatory system.
- Blue-purple color indicates a lack of oxygen, a problem with the lungs.
Definition of the disease by the color of the tongue. Video:
- Cracks are a problem with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as dental diseases.
- Deepening of the median groove is associated with pinching of the vertebrae or their curvature.
- Tremors all over the tongue or top - diseases of the central nervous system, neuroses, stress.
- The presence of formations - fungal infection, benign tumors.
- Inflammation of the papillae indicates changes in the genitourinary system, the hip joint.
- Ulcers on the surface are associated with a change in the water-salt balance in the body, mechanical damage or infection.
- Dry - poisoning, intoxication.
- acetone - diabetes mellitus;
- rot - stomach diseases;
- ammonia - diseases of the genitourinary system;
- sour - stagnation of food in the digestive tract.
Taste sensations:
- Taste is not felt - this happens with thermal or chemical damage, as well as at high temperatures.
- Sour taste - Staphylococcus aureus in the digestive system, or infection of the lungs.
- Sweet - problems with the small intestine, heart.
- Bitter - diseases of the liver, gallbladder.
- Salty - pathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract.
- Feeling numb - CNS-related changes.
- Tremors - pinched nerves.
- Difficulty moving - brain damage.
These symptoms will help identify foci of the disease and start treatment on time.
Possible diseases and their symptoms
There can be a lot of reasons for the onset of diseases of the tongue, the main ones include:
- infection with viruses, bacteria, fungi;
- damage: thermal, chemical, mechanical;
- lack of oral hygiene;
- stress;
- smoking, alcohol, drugs.
Modern man has added piercings to the usual mechanical damage.
Diseases are divided into 3 types.
Acute inflammatory:
- Catarrhal glossitis - caused by ARVI diseases, caries, dental plaque, smoking tobacco or mixtures. It is characterized by discomfort, loss of taste, bloom, redness.
- Ulcerative glossitis - ulcers appear on the tongue, there is a grayish, dirty coating, a strong odor from the oral cavity. Often, the manifestation of ulcerative glossitis indicates a weakening of the body's immune defense, it also appears with necrotizing stomatitis.
- Desquamative glossitis (geographic language) - characterized by unpleasant taste sensations in the mouth, the appearance of red spots. Indicates diseases associated with metabolic disorders in the body, gastrointestinal tract, the occurrence of dysbiosis.
- Abscess appears due to mechanical, toxic, chemical, thermal damage. The tongue swells, it becomes difficult to speak, severe pain occurs, cracks, dryness may occur.
Acute inflammatory diseases in the tongue, photos:
- Leukoplakia- the organ turns red, it thickens, which causes unpleasant sensations, difficulties in conversation. A common cause is smoking, advanced dental diseases, genetic predisposition.
- Hairy leukoplakia - the papillae look like separate threads, the shape of the tongue loses its boundaries, becomes uneven, wavy, the entire tongue and its root thicken. It manifests itself in HIV infection, tuberculosis.
- Hairy black tongue - there is hypertrophy of all papillae, discomfort. Often it characterizes pathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract or infection of the body with fungi.
- Diamond-shaped glossitis - on the back of the organ, a diamond-shaped, smooth focus of small size, red in color appears. Characterizes the occurrence of immune diseases.
Photos of chronic diseases:
- Thrush(stomatitis caused by Candida fungus) - causes itching, burning, the ability to taste is lost, the temperature rises. When plaque is removed, red ulcers appear.
- Glossitiscaused by herpesvirus infection - characterized by the appearance of ulcers, small watery swellings. Strong pain occurs when eating food, water, and the temperature rises.
- Streptococcal impetigo - severe redness, rashes appear in the form of bubbles. It is caused by the ingress of streptococcus into the oral cavity.
- Lichen planus - rough red spots appear. It occurs when metabolic processes in the body fail, weakened immunity, manifests itself in stressful situations.
Photos of infectious diseases:
If you identify any deviations from the norm in the appearance of the organ or a change in taste, you should contact a specialist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.
If the changes have affected not only the tongue, but also the gums, teeth, then you need to contact the dentist. If the changes have affected the tongue, throat, then you need to make an appointment with your family doctor or therapist, who will give you a specialized referral.
Treatment methods
Treatment includes measures to remove infection and bacteria with antiseptic drugs (tinctures, sprays, tablets, solutions).
With streptococci or Candida fungus, antibiotics of the penicillin group are prescribed. Rinsing with antiseptic solutions will help. Ointments, gels are used: Nystatin, Metrogyl denta, Pimafucin.
Glossitis caused by herpesvirus infection is treated with Acyclovir, Zovirax, Viferon, Tebrofen ointment, Virumertz sirol. For glossitis, rinses with folk anti-inflammatory drugs are also used, as well as medicinal solutions, oils: Chlorophyllipt, Chlorhexidine, Furacilin, Borax solution. With severe pain, Novocaine, Lidocaine, and other pain relievers are used.
To increase immunity and the body's resistance to viruses, bacteria, immunostimulating drugs, vitamins are prescribed.
In case of traumatic injury (frostbite, bites, cuts, injuries), medicinal and traditional methods with antimicrobial, healing effect are used: Furacilin, manganese solution, Chlorhexidine, Aqua solution (soda, salt, iodine), herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula, burdock), lotions with essential oils (tea tree, sea buckthorn, aloe, bergamot). Special gels and ointments are used: Oxolinic ointment, Methyluracil.
For stomatitis, decoctions and rinses are used, as well as: Actovegin, Holisal.
Catarrhal glossitis and leukoplakia are treated with antiseptic drugs such as: Hexoral, Geksetedin, Kamistad, soda and iodine solutions.
With streptococcal impetigo and lichen planus, not only local remedies are used, but also antibiotics: Ceftriaxone, Meropenem. Lozenges: Faringosept, Septefril.
Ulcerative glossitis, abscesses and other problems associated with improperly performed procedures or uncomfortable dentures (crowns, implants), are treated with an operative method using local anesthesia, antibiotics and antiseptic funds.
The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.