What can redness of the eyes mean?

Most likely, despite the age, sex, place of residence and all other characteristics of a person, everyone has repeatedly faced the problem of "red eyes".

The reasons for this phenomenon are not just a few, but a lot if they are grouped according to certain criteria, and very much, if such a grouping is neglected.

Most often the sufferer is concerned about the unattractive appearance of the most visible part of the face or discomfort( pain, discharge) in the eye area.

If eye redness is detected, first of all it is necessary to build a number of questions, the answers to which will help to identify the causes of the ailment and to organize an action plan for the speedy recovery.

Contents [Hide]
    • 1. Causes of redness
    • 2. Do I need to see a doctor?
    • 3. How to remove the symptom

Causes of redness

It should be noted that there are two different concepts: the syndrome and the symptom of the "red eye".Treatment in each case is unequal, therefore at the first stage of self-diagnostics it is necessary to try to classify an unpleasant phenomenon.

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Red eye syndrome

In this case, all the problems are in the red, acquired as a result of improper microcirculation in the organs of vision. Tearing or discharge in the patient is not observed, there may be a feeling of discomfort in the eye.

If this is the case, then you should identify possible causes of the syndrome of "red eye", the most popular of which are:

  • protracted intoxication( chronic alcoholism, toxicosis in pregnant women);
  • physical activity( radioactive or electromagnetic radiation, prolonged vibration).

For treatment, it is sufficient to remove the causes that led to discomfort, with rare exceptions - the case of idiopathic hypertension of the episcleral veins. This disease is often of a family nature and has no identified causes, therefore only symptomatic treatment is applicable here.

Symptom reddening of the eye

In all other cases, red eyes are a symptom of a wide range of diseases or external effects on the visual organs, namely:

  • infectious or inflammatory eye diseases;
  • Allergies;
  • mechanical effects( wearing contact lenses, injuries);
  • chemical effects( contact of the eye mucosa with cosmetics or chlorinated water, etc.);
  • overstrain.

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Do I need to see a doctor?

With the symptom of a "red eye", the following specialists may be helpful:

  • an allergist( in the presence of chronic allergies);
  • infectious disease( if suspected of an infection);
  • ophthalmologist( with other alarming signs).

To the disturbing phenomena calling for the prompt visit of the doctor, it is necessary to carry:

  • presence of a pain in an eye;
  • lasting more than two days of redness;
  • taking drugs that stop blood clotting;
  • yellow or green discharge from the eyes;
  • increased sensitivity to light;
  • presence of foreign body in the eye, etc.

How to remove the symptom

If the ailment occurred suddenly, is not accompanied by feelings of discomfort, the presence of a foreign body or abundant secretions from the eyes, it may be enough to remove the symptom by the express methods described below.

Because reddening of the eyes arises from the expansion of the superficial blood vessels of the sclera, the most sure way to restore its natural whiteness is the constriction of the vessels. This can be achieved in various ways:

  • Compress on eye area .The most accessible is cold water. If desired, you can improve the method by decoction of chamomile or oak bark, used tea bags, raw potatoes and many other improvised means.
  • Application of vasoconstrictive drops of , sold in pharmacies( eg, Vizin).Only as an ambulance before an important event! The method is effective, but dangerous, because due to the narrowing of the vessels, the intraocular pressure rises. The more often this happens, the higher the risk of developing glaucoma.

How to get rid of red eyes?

When the task is to eliminate red eyes thoroughly and for a long time( in the best case, all), rapid methods of relieving symptoms of the "red eyes" like a compress or vasoconstrictor drops do not help. The solution is to eliminate the causes that caused the problem.

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His stimulus, which should stay away, you can look in the following list:

  • dry air;
  • the sun;
  • wind;
  • water( often chlorinated);
  • dust;
  • foreign body;
  • is an allergen;
  • mechanical action( trauma, long wearing or incorrect selection of contact lenses;
  • crying;
  • intense visual load( work of the monitor, long fixation of view on nearby objects, etc.);..
  • physical effort( cough, attempts)

If reddening accompaniedpurulent discharge, itching eyes, sharp pain in the visual organs, it is likely to become an irritant to your infection, and unusual eye color - a symptom of conjunctivitis

then wise to visit an ophthalmologist and pass an. Aliz to identify the kind of infection and the means to combat it.

How to prevent re-reddening?

As is known, there is no way to treat a more reasonable than prevention, and happy is he who has enough willpower and time to afford it.

To prevent redness of the eyes, you need to follow simple advice, which at the same time can protect against the whole complex of vision problems.

So, procedures-assistants in the fight against eye ailments:

  • Complete sleep. Ocular
  • fizkultminutki in continuation of the working day( preferably at least once per hour for 5-10 minutes, if the job is associated with long glance focusing at a short distance, especially when working on the computer).
  • Sufficient intake of vitamins A and B, lutein. And the sources of "visual" vitamins do not necessarily have to be expensive pharmaceutical preparations: in most vegetables, berries, cereals and legumes, the listed substances are contained in abundance.
  • Periodic humidification. Do not forget to blink more often. When working with a monitor, this recommendation is difficult to perform. When native tears do not cope, drops "Natural tear" and their analogues can help.

In addition to these procedures, if there is special zeal or special problems with the eyes, in your free time you can use a variety of devices for stress relieving and training of the eyes, for example, Sidorenko points.

Redness of the eyes - a popular problem, due to what is well researched by both the inhabitants and specialists. Following a simple algorithm, you can identify the cause of the "red eye".

Having clarified the reason, it should be eliminated, which in most cases will soon lead to a reduction or complete disappearance of redness. If you do not find the cause yourself, you need to turn to the oculist. Paying attention to the advice of a specialist, you can almost certainly get rid of an unpleasant symptom. However, the best remedy for redness of the eyes, and at the same time, and other visual problems - simple, affordable, even pleasant prevention.


To get rid of the redness of the eyes, you need to break off every half hour from working at a computer or reading a book and doing preventive exercises. The eyes should be closed and led several times clockwise and counter-clockwise. Then, without opening the eye, you should raise the pupils up and down, point to the right and left.

After completing these simple manipulations, you have to press your hands to close your eyes for a minute, so that they can transmit the warmth of their hands. Then you need to open your eyes and look at the most distant object, then look at the finger of your own hand. Such an exercise must be repeated several times.

At the slightest feeling of eye fatigue, it is recommended to blink quickly for a short time or to squint a few times in a row. You can just cover your eyes and relax for fifteen seconds.

Be Healthy!

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