A tooth hurts and a cheek is swollen: what to do, how to relieve swelling and pain

a toothache and a swollen cheekEvery person in his life has faced toothache, which is a natural reaction of the body to various kinds of stimuli and indicates dental disease.

Severe pain makes it impossible to work normally, brings discomfort when eating food and delivers a lot of unpleasant sensations. And when it rises temperature and the general condition of a person worsens, then you have to forget not only about your personal life, but also about work.

Most people then try to avoid going to the dentist and instead try to endure the pain that can plague a person for weeks. This approach is harmful to health and, if left untreated, can lead to complications, which are much more difficult to get rid of later.


  • Causes of painful dental syndrome
  • How toothache and swollen cheeks are related
    • Flux all over the head
  • Healed the tooth - the cheek is swollen
  • Patient assistance
    • Flux therapy
    • Violation during treatment
  • In conclusion, I would like to say ...

Causes of painful dental syndrome

The pathological symptom of any dental disease is pain,

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treatment which is determined by the factors causing it. There are a number of reasons why acute toothache.

There are two main types of provoking diseases:

  1. Manifestation of dental diseases: in case of damage to enamel, pulp and dentin of the tooth, the development of infectioussharp paininflammatory process in the bone tissues of the jaw, increased tooth sensitivity, improper treatment and tooth extraction.
  2. In the presence of pathologies of neighboring organs: trigeminal neuralgia, migraine and cluster headaches, inflammatory diseases of the middle ear, maxillary sinus or cardiovascular disorders.

Depending on the cause of the disease, toothache can be temporary or systematic, during meals, at night, or under pressure.

The manifestation of certain symptoms makes it possible to diagnose the disease by its symptoms, which will make it possible to determine the treatment regimen.

In order to avoid the appearance of pain syndrome and the manifestation of other signs of dental diseases, it is necessary to carry out oral hygiene, as well as visit the dentist more often.

How toothache and swollen cheeks are related

Toothache is a signal of a more serious disease, most often associated with diseases of the mouth and teeth.

In this case, inflammation is a protective reaction of the body and can manifest itself with additional symptoms: redness, swelling, swelling and pain.

A diseased tooth causes pain, which can be inflammatory and indicate the accumulation of pus in the gum, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the cheek. However, in order to understand why this is happening, it is necessary to find out the root cause of the disease.

Flux all over the head

FluxSince inflammation is a common cause of toothache, tooth pain may be accompanied by swelling of the surrounding soft tissues. Swelling of the cheeks with toothache can be caused by various factors, however, the most common cause is purulent inflammation of the tooth root, otherwise flux.

In this case, not only the cheek swells, but also the reddening of the gums is observed, which also swells. Due to the painful sensations, it is simply impossible to touch the swollen place.

Gumboil is an inflammatory disease caused by damage to the pulp, the presence of infection not only in the dental canal, but also in the gums and oral cavity. This is how the process of decay begins, which is subsequently accompanied by an increase in pain and an increase in facial swelling and body temperature.

In this case, the inflammatory process affects the apex of the tooth, and then makes a canal into the bone tissue. An enlargement of the abscess, which seeks to break out, occurs in the gum region.

The pathological process, which is accompanied by painful sensations, does not stop, and the infection spreads to adjacent tissues above the periosteum of the lower and upper jaw. After a while, the pain becomes pulsating and eventually becomes unbearable.

If you do not go to a medical institution during the time, then the breakthrough of the abscess can cause intoxication of the body and even lead to death.

Healed the tooth - the cheek is swollen

There are situations when a patient's cheek is swollen after a tooth has been treated. Insofar as removal of a tooth Is a kind of surgical pain after tooth extractionan operation that involves trauma to the gums, then it is likely that a slight edema will occur, which usually disappears after a few days.

Physiological edema does not cause pain, they are insignificant in volume, and therefore do not require repeated surgical intervention.

In the opposite case, we are talking about the inflammatory process that develops in the wound that has appeared. This situation can be observed with complex removal of a retained tooth or wisdom tooth, since the operation cannot be carried out without significant damage to the living tissue.

Thus, the source of infection can be a doctor who did not follow the rules during the operation. personal hygiene or a patient who at the initial stage of the postoperative period violated the recommendations doctor.

In addition, poor-quality sanitation of the infectious focus under a diseased tooth can also cause inflammation.

In this case, the situation requires a high-quality reorganization and carrying out surgical cleaning of the wound, followed by conservative treatment.

After a complex tooth extraction, swelling of the cheeks can be observed for another 2 weeks. If these measures did not bring any effect, then re-sanitation will be required.

Another cause of cheek swelling may be an allergic reaction to the antiseptic used during the operation. In this case, the cheek becomes very swollen immediately after the tooth extraction operation.

In addition, shortness of breath appears, respiratory movements in the lungs occur with a whistling sound and panic is observed in the patient. Removal of allergic pulmonary edema is performed by urgent hospitalization.

Patient assistance

Measures to remove a cheek tumor with pain in the teeth depend on the degree and nature of the disease. We found out that this condition can be observed after dental treatment or with purulent inflammation of the periosteum.

Therefore, the primary measure for removing cheek edema is the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity.

Flux therapy

swollen cheekThe first thing to do if you suspect flux - this is to visit a doctor who will conduct a thorough examination and may prescribe the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and folk remedies. In extreme cases, antibiotics are used.

To remove the swelling from the cheek, which has arisen from the tooth, will help:

  1. Rinsing the mouth with soda solution at the rate of 1 teaspoon of soda per 1 glass of warm boiled water. Tea tree oil can also be used as a gargle ingredient.
  2. In this case, it can be quite effective the use of decoctions of herbs oak, chamomile, sage or others tea tree oilanti-inflammatory herbs.
  3. Light periostitis helps to eliminate and tea tree oil, which should first be dissolved in sea buckthorn or peach oil. To treat the oral cavity with this solution, you can use a spray bottle or cotton swab dipped in it.

To relieve the flux and relieve puffiness, it is strictly forbidden to use local agents with a warming effect, which can lead to the spread of bacterial infection.

Violation during treatment

ice on the cheekIf the cheek is swollen after treatment or tooth extraction, then in this case, doctors recommend applying ice to the cheek from the side of the extracted tooth for literally 10 minutes every hour.

In addition to rinsing with herbal and soda solution, you can use compresses from them. In this case, it is very important to start treating the oral cavity in this way no earlier than a day after the operation.

To relieve edema and quickly heal wounds in dentistry, Metrodent gel is used. In addition, care should be taken when eating and not to injure the wound for normal healing.

You can try to relieve cheek inflammation using Fastum gel, Troxevasin, Dolobene gel or Lyoton gel. These drugs not only relieve swelling, but also relieve pain.

In conclusion, I would like to say ...

Tooth pain is a pathological symptom that most often accompanies a swelling of the cheek. A violation occurs as a result of dental problems and is accompanied by an inflammatory process. One of the causes of an inflammatory toothache is a flux.

In addition to the pain syndrome, there is an accumulation of pus and swelling of the cheeks. The reason for the manifestation of such symptoms may be tooth extraction.

In each case, a number of specific measures are taken to relieve edema, the primary goal of which is to eliminate the cause of the disease.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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