Every person has at least once in his life, but toothache. Sometimes the tooth hurts so badly, it is simply impossible to endure this sensation for a long time.
It is in such a situation that even those people who until the very last try to avoid a visit to the doctor go to the dental clinic.
What if more than one tooth hurts, and the whole dentition or part of the jaw? What to do in such a situation and a symptom of what diseases can there be discomfort when it seems that all your teeth hurt at once?
- Why does this kind of pain occur?
- Features of the clinical picture
- Causes of the pathological condition
- In the event of such a problem, you should ...
Why does this kind of pain occur?
Teeth are united by nerve endings into a single chain. The branches of the superior alveolar nerves fit each tooth separately.
So, the middle alveolar branch goes to the premolars, and the anterior branch goes to the incisors. All nerve endings in the upper jaw are united into the upper dental plexus. It also has gingival
nerves to the gums and walls of the dental alveoli. A similar innervation system also has a lower jaw.Small nerve endings leading to the apex of the tooth, the gums, are, in fact, the processes of the trigeminal nerve. If in any area, be it a tooth, gum or the trigeminal nerve itself, along the innervation there is any violation, then pain will spread throughout the nerve fibers that penetrate jaw.
That is why if pulpitis or caries several teeth are affected, there is a feeling that the whole jaw hurts.
The pain spreads along the nerve fibers of the entire dentition and sometimes it is difficult to identify the tooth that caused the discomfort.
Features of the clinical picture
Toothache affecting the entire jaw can be very different: acute, aching. It can appear periodically (usually at night) and disappear again.
It's a dull pain most often appears when a person is asleep, this is due to the fact that at rest increases blood flow to jaws, in addition, in the evening the adrenal glands are inactive and produce less steroid hormones.
In acute conditions such as periodontitis or pulpitis, the pain is usually persistent and unbearable, sometimes throbbing. Very often, after eating hot or cold food, there is a feeling that all the teeth hurt at the same time. At the same time, the unpleasant sensations pass quickly enough.
In any case, in order to find out the cause of the onset of symptoms, you must consult a doctor.
Causes of the pathological condition
There are several groups of causes and diseases in which you get the feeling that all your teeth hurt at once. Some of them are dental in nature, while others are not directly related to the teeth and gums, but at the same time there is a feeling that it is the teeth that are hurting.
If all your teeth hurt at the same time, then this may be caused by such dental factors:
- Exposure of dentine or cracks in the enamel of the teeth, enamel hypersensitivity. When dentin is exposed, cracks, teeth ache after ingestion of cold, hot, spicy, sweet, salty food. Painful sensations can spontaneously appear and disappear. Teeth reaction to hot and cold may occur after treatment for multiple caries.
- Caries. The feeling that all the teeth on the left or right side of the jaw hurt may occur in a situation when several teeth are affected by caries at once.
- Pulpitis. Each person reacts differently to a toothache, therefore, with this disease, you may feel that the entire jaw hurts. In this case, the pain is unstable, twitching, it arises and goes away. With pulpitis, the death of the pulp occurs, and there is also an inflammatory process.
- Periodontitis. It is characterized by the fact that the inflammatory process affects the periodontal tissues, and pus can accumulate in the focus of inflammation. With this disease, the entire jaw can hurt, and the pain can even radiate to the face area.
- With a root cyst also there are painful sensations in the jaw area, which do not have a clear localization, it creates a feeling that the pain is all at once. An exacerbation of the disease may be accompanied by weakness and fever.
- Mild aching pain, a feeling that the whole jaw hurts, may occur when pericoronite. This disease is associated with the wrong teething wisdom teeth.
- Gingivitis - inflammation of the part of the gums directly adjacent to the teeth. Painful sensations can be felt in all gums, while they blush, bleed.
- Periodontitis - the result of gingivitis not cured in time. At later stages of development, pain is localized in the area of one or more teeth, which is associated with the formation of pustules in the periodontal pocket.
- Poorly cured carieswhen the filling is not positioned correctly or there are particles of infected tissue left in the drilled cavity, it can also cause toothache.
Non-dental causes of pain in teeth without clear localization include:
- Banal cold or hypothermia. Sometimes wet feet can lead to toothaches. In such a situation, it is recommended to steam your feet and drink warm tea with honey.
- Stress can also cause the entire jaw to feel sore. The best treatment in this situation is good rest and anti-anxiety medications.
- Cluster headache may radiate to the jaw.
- With angina pain can radiate to the left shoulder and lower left part of the jaw. In this case, the appearance of a feeling that the teeth hurt on the left side is likely. Such pain can be a harbinger of a heart attack.
- Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve - the cause of toothache. At the same time, the entire dentition aches on the right or left.
- With sinusitis usually all upper teeth ache, this is due to the fact that the maxillary sinuses are located very close to the roots of the upper teeth.
- Otitis media most often causes pain in the area of the chewing teeth. This is a dangerous disease that can lead to meningitis and therefore requires immediate treatment.
- Temporomandibular joint dysfunction leads not only to a toothache covering the entire jaw, but also to a change in muscle tone and other unpleasant symptoms.
In the event of such a problem, you should ...
If you experience any unpleasant symptoms, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. It is important to remember that the sooner the diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed, the faster the painful symptoms go away.
Self-medication is strongly discouraged!
Before going to the clinic, you can only slightly alleviate the suffering with home remedies. Pain relievers that are available in every medicine cabinet will help relieve pain: Analgin, Tempalgin, Ketorol. If a toothache is accompanied rise in temperature, an inflammatory process, then you can take Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.
It is undesirable to warm up the area of localization of unpleasant sensations.
If pain is caused by dental problems, it can help mouthwash with baking soda solution, compress with fir oil. To prepare a compress, 5 drops of oil must be dripped onto a piece of bandage and applied to the gum.
Also, instead of fir drops for a compress, you can use "Dental drops", "Denta" or novocaine solution.
A decoction of oak bark can also pacify a toothache. When all your teeth hurt, pour a tablespoon of oak bark with boiling water, let it brew. The resulting broth can be used to rinse the mouth.
The feeling that the whole jaw hurts at once can occur with various pathologies. Tooth pain is a consequence of the disease, and not an independent disease.
When the first symptoms occur, do not delay the trip to the clinic. Only a competent doctor is able to deal with the problem and prescribe effective treatment.
The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.