Cooking okroshka on yogurt

The benefits of sour-milk products have long been known to people. Thanks to a variety of sour-milk drinks, the intestinal microflora is improved, and the food is better absorbed and digested. That is why nutritionists and doctors advise always to include in the diet a certain amount of sour-milk drinks. And on the first place among them many nutritionists rightly put yogurt.


  1. Use of okroshka on kefir
  2. Ingredients
  3. Fineness of cooking okroshka on kefir

Kefir can be drunk and by itself, and can be included in various, tasty and healthy dishes. So, in the summer heat, many people with pleasure eat okroshka, cooked on kefir.

Okroshka on yogurt: tasty and useful!

Traditional okroshka, which many prepare with kvass, will become even more useful and will not lose its great taste if you use kefir as a liquid filler. In this case, if okroshka on modern( shop) kvass has a relative utility( since in many current soda there are a lot of sugar and preservatives) then the recipe of okroshka with yogurt is really dietary and useful for the organism.

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The recipe of this dish is almost the same as a simple recipe with kvass, but there are certain details that should be taken into account. Nevertheless, first we list the stages of the preparation of the filling, and only then will we say about these details.


In order to prepare the filling, the following ingredients will be required:

  • fresh cucumbers;
  • fresh radish;
  • green onion;
  • dill;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • boiled eggs;
  • boiled sausage( or boiled meat, poultry).

Each serving should take 1-2 small potatoes, one egg, a couple of pieces of sausage and a few other ingredients. Proceeding from such a proportion, it is not difficult to calculate how many ingredients to take on this or that number of servings.

Fineness of cooking okroshki on kefir

In order to make the dish more dietary, you should take a boiled chicken breast and do not use sausage. In addition, a good option is the boiled turkey breast, which has dietary properties and is perfectly combined with the rest of the ingredients.

If you want to feel a softer taste, then radish can not be used at all, and the onions to take the minimum amount. How much each ingredient will need is determined according to the number of portions prepared.

Regarding slicing: you should choose some specific shape, that is, if you cut the ingredients with straw, cut each ingredient with straw, if you cut it with a cube, then cut the largest number of ingredients into cubes.

This dish requires not only kefir, but also water. Of course, it is better to take high-quality spring water, or filtered pure water. You can use mineral, but it's an amateur. Dilute kefir with an equal amount of water and add a little salt to taste and a spoonful of food vinegar to this liquid.

Combining ingredients is extremely easy. First, put the filling in the pan and then pour liquid, mix and slightly insist. Next is served to the table with fresh bread.

Rules and Tricks of Cooking
  • Mar 10, 2018
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