Seals on the outside and inside of the cheeks: possible diseases, their causes and methods of treatment

LipomaThe cheek has its own biological characteristics. The appearance of a bump can have a variety of reasons, from the most harmless to the most serious.

The types of seals, their causes of appearance and methods of treatment are discussed in this article.


  • Why do seals appear on the cheeks
  • Causes of the bumps on the outside
    • Lipoma
    • Atheroma
    • Abscess
    • Hemangioma
  • Neoplasms on the inside
    • Bite injury
    • Cyst
    • Herpes
    • Candidiasis
    • Salivary gland cancer
  • What can cause seals on the cheeks of a child
  • Prophylaxis

Why do seals appear on the cheeks

The mucous membrane on the inside of the cheek, like the skin on the outside, is very susceptible to various influences.

Among the reasons for the appearance of bumps, mechanical factors are in the first place: accidental blows, injuries when using various objects, even an incorrect bite can injure the cheek. The body reacts to the injury with a protective and normal reaction in the form of a seal at the site of injury.

In addition, damage to the mucous membrane can occur due to thermal or chemical burns. For example, the habit of consuming very hot food and drinks (the same hot tea) can provoke mucosal injury. Tobacco smoke is a chemical hazard.

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Lump in a childIn young children, seals on the skin can be the consequences of hypothermia during long walks in winter.

Microorganisms (bacteria, bends and viruses), penetrating the skin or mouth, also cause seals.

As you can see from practice, there are several clear reasons for the formation of bumps on the cheeks.

Causes of the bumps on the outside


There are cones, popularly called wen. This formation is elastic, dense to the touch, does not cause painful sensations, does not affect the color of the skin, and is a benign tumor. Both men and women are susceptible to damage by lipoma to the same extent. Wen are formed from adipose tissue, covered with a kind of capsule and are preserved from the influence of antibodies under it. This protection encourages the growth of the bud.

Self-medication is excluded! It is believed that the neoplasm should be removed along with the capsule. Only a specialist can determine the degree of danger. Considering all these circumstances, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor when new formations are found on the body. In modern medicine, a rational way of getting rid of is both a surgical method and radio wave therapy, laser treatment, as well as a puncture-aspiration method.

The surgical method means the removal of the tumor. The doctor assesses the situation: if the neoplasm has reached a large size, an appropriate decision is made. Taking into account the patient's condition, anesthesia is prescribed. In many cases, removal is done on an outpatient basis.


There is a seal as a result of blockage of the sebaceous glands. A round, colorless bump up to 10 cm in diameter appears under the skin. On palpation, the mobility of the formation is felt, there is no pain. But there is one important aspect - the aesthetic one.

Like any tumor, it requires research. In a neglected state, pain appears, purulent accumulations are found, the seal becomes inflamed, this whole process can be accompanied by an increase in body temperature. It is not recommended to postpone treatment. In this case, surgical intervention is necessary. The bump is cut off along with the capsule to avoid recurrence.

It is impossible to pierce atheromas on your own, so as not to provoke suppuration. Mostly, cut-off is performed without hospitalization in an outpatient clinic. As a consequence, scars may appear at the site of the operation.


On the outside of the cheek, purulent inflammation of the tissues sometimes appears. This phenomenon is called an abscess. The causative agent is pyogenic microflora in the form of staphylococci and streptococci. In this case, a cavity is formed, which is filled with pus.

Treatment consists in the complete elimination of the focus of pathology. The abscess must be carefully opened in such a way as to ensure the outflow of fluid with pus. For this purpose, drainage is done. Treatment methods are selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease. With any method, the specialist proceeds from the fact that not to disfigure the face. Physiotherapy may be recommended.


HemangiomaHemangioma belongs to the category of infrequent and non-dangerous neoplasms. This lump is very uncomfortable. A seal appears mainly on the head, including on the cheeks. The causes of the occurrence are not fully understood. In children, this is due to the proliferation of the vascular system during intrauterine development. In adults, this is hereditary and congenital.

There are cases associated with diseases of internal organs that cause disorders of the vascular system. Irradiation with ultraviolet light may be the cause.

First, a red or cyanotic spot appears with a mesh of thin vessels inside on the skin of the cheek.

The disease is divided by type:

  • a tumor on the surface of the skin, which is a numerous accumulation of capillaries, is called capillary or simple;
  • a variety is cavernous hemangioma - a collection of subcutaneous vessels;
  • there are cases of a combined disease that combines subcutaneous and supracutaneous elements;
  • the mixed type is characterized by dissimilar tissues.

Facial neoplasms must be removed. The main methods of treatment in adults:

  1. Sclerotherapy is prescribed for cavernous tumors. The bottom line is the introduction of a special solution into the area of ​​painful formation;
  2. Cryodestruction (freezing with liquid nitrogen) is used to get rid of capillary pathologies;
  3. Diathermocoagulation is the use of an electric current to cauterize small tumors with an electrode;
  4. Low-voltage X-ray therapy is used to remove large hemagiomas;
  5. Hyperthermia by an electromagnetic field helps to change the structure of the lump and prevent the synthesis of new tissues.

Neoplasms on the inside

Bite injury

Sometimes people spontaneously inflict minor injuries on themselves. While eating, for example, you can bite your cheek. This also happens with strong excitement or even in a dream. For this reason, the inner side swells, bite marks become visible. You should pay attention to the white line formed on the mucous membrane by the junction of the upper and lower teeth, it does not need treatment - this is normal.

Symptoms biting cheeks are white wounds and lesions in the form leukoplakia, aphthous stomatitis, bleeding, scarring, swelling, redness, burning sensation in the place where the teeth meet. By themselves, biting does not pose a danger to life, but it contributes to the introduction of infection at the site of the bite, the appearance of a tumor and painful sores.

Whatever the cause of this manifestation, it is unlikely that anyone will have a desire to suffer from painful bumps and sores. The best way to deal with this trouble is to identify and eliminate its causes. The main motivating factor for cheek biting is stress and anxiety, boredom.

Crooked teeth also cause injury, so surgery is recommended as a corrective method.

Known treatment methods:

  • the ability to relax leads away from a bad habit;
  • methods that include elements of deep breathing, meditation, qigong techniques, pranayama, self-hypnosis and other technologies also help;
  • special dental devices for temporary use help from unpleasant sensations, but permanent dentures can also be used;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs, ointments and oils, healing wounds, mouthwash with hydrogen peroxide, tea tree oil;
  • with a deep lesion, appropriate medications are applied to the mucous membrane.

If biting is repeated frequently, you need to see a doctor.


CystThe oral cavity is under the constant influence of microorganisms. The mucous membrane and glands are a favorable environment for bacteria and infections that freely enter the cavity. Blockage of passages salivary glands, which arose for any reason, gives rise to a benign formation in the form of a soft ball - a cyst.

This lump has a transparent bluish membrane, inside of which fluid gradually accumulates, changing the shape of the neoplasm to an elongated one. The result is a fluid-filled capsule that interferes with speech and makes chewing more difficult. Therefore, at the first sign, you need to see a doctor.

There are many reasons for the development of a cyst, among them are:

  • wounds of the cheek tissues;
  • duct burns;
  • diseases of the salivary glands;
  • the appearance of scars on the inside of the cheek;
  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • violation of hygiene standards, the consequences of which are plaque and tartar;
  • the neglected process of bone decay;
  • poor quality dental services;
  • periodontal disease.

Experts recommend not to delay the visit to a doctor, because cysts can develop rapidly.

Cystic formation is eliminated only mechanically. The operation is performed with anesthesia, the postoperative recovery period is short.

At home, you need to rinse your mouth twice a day. Herbal decoctions (from chamomile, calendula, sage) are suitable for rinsing, you can use a saline solution. It is recommended to eat food not hot or cold - warm. If bleeding, abscesses and abscesses appear during the rehabilitation period, you should consult a doctor again.


When infected with herpes, bubbles may form on the inside of the cheek, the appearance of which is accompanied by itching and pain in the affected areas. This virus does not pose a serious health hazard.

There are many known causes of the disease:

  • the consequences of surgical intervention;
  • stressful conditions;
  • colds;
  • reaction to sunlight, cold, windy weather;
  • menstrual cycle;
  • weakening, vulnerability of immunity;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • overloads of the physical plane;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy;
  • defeat of HIV;
  • antibiotic treatment;
  • chemotherapy procedures;
  • increased body temperature;
  • lack of sleep.

In the mouth, the virus infects mucous tissues. Treatment of herpes in the mouth of an adult does not depend on the causes of its occurrence, it is carried out in a complex way:

  • medicines;
  • dietary food;
  • vitamins;
  • folk remedies;
  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • bed rest is applied as needed.

Herpes in the mouth can be treated with hydrogen peroxide, salt water and furacilin. For prevention, you should rinse your mouth regularly after eating. Antiviral drugs, their dosages are prescribed by the doctor in each case individually, taking into account the complexity of the disease.


This infectious disease has the popular name "thrush". It is caused by the reproduction of special unicellular yeast-like fungi such as Candida. Getting on different objects, including dishes, they safely pass to healthy people from sick people. Weakened immunity cannot cope with fungi, which quickly penetrate into mucous tissues and begin destructive activity.

Children often suffer from thrush. About half of healthy people have these microorganisms in the microflora of the mouth, without causing much concern. The first symptoms of the disease are burning painful sensations, dry mouth.

Often candidiasis accompanies diabetes, digestive diseases, lack of vitamins, iron, accompanied by hair loss. The reason for the development of candidiasis in the mouth is often hidden behind dental problems - trauma from a dental filling or prosthesis, violation of hygiene standards.

Treatment is mainly about getting rid of caries and correction of dentures.

Treatment of children consists in lubricating the oral mucosa after feeding and several times during the day with a solution nystatindiluted with baking soda or a weak solution of pink potassium permanganate. Children over three years old are prescribed a saline rinse, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. The doctor may also prescribe pills according to the age of the babies.

Salivary gland cancer

Happens oncology of the salivary glandsas well as tongue and cheeks. With age, the manifestation of the disease becomes more frequent.

Cancer tumors are characterized by a dense consistency, painful, capable of invading tissue and spreading metastases to various organs. A growing tumor can form fistulas with the release of a thick purulent mass.

Over time, the growth of malignant tumors is noted. Experts tend to think that ionizing radiation in the form of special waves (alpha, beta, gamma radiation) predisposes to the development of tumors. These guesses are supported by research in Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the explosion of the atomic bomb. This is also evidenced by statistical data on the study of patients who have undergone a cycle of radiotherapy.

It is difficult to predict, it all depends on the stage of the oncological process, the type of neoplasm and its location.

What can cause seals on the cheeks of a child

Lump in a childA lot of trouble causes any redness or induration on the baby's cheeks for parents. The reasons for the appearance of bumps can be different, and, accordingly, the methods of getting rid of them also vary:

  1. Most often, children are injured in the face as a result of falling or taking part in active games.
  2. With mild frostbite during a walk, seals may appear on the skin, which are eliminated by rubbing in a fat cream.
  3. Candidiasis, cysts, and biting trauma can occur in a child, in some cases, even in a very small child.

Nothing can be done without a medical examination. The local pediatrician will be able to determine which specialist to show the baby to.

Only a doctor can diagnose and give prescriptions for a speedy recovery.


There are time-honored rules for oral care. They are simple and effortless. You need to seriously tune in to a certain regimen, not to be lazy to fulfill the requirements of hygiene:

  1. Brush your teeth in the morning and in the evening, since during the day a lot of bacteria accumulate in the mouth that secrete waste, it is necessary to get rid of them before going to bed;
  2. The cleaning process should take about three minutes;
  3. You need to renew your toothbrush every three months;
  4. Cleaning paste - an individual product, selected in accordance with the condition of the teeth and gums, diseases of the oral cavity;
  5. Taking care of your gums, cheeks and tongue is as much a must as brushing your teeth;
  6. It is necessary to use dental floss and mouthwash;
  7. Visit the dentist regularly (every six months).

By following these simple rules, many dental problems can be prevented. And by paying attention to the little things (even a small bump on the cheek), you can timely identify a serious disease, such as cancer. At the slightest suspicion, specialist advice is required.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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