Can the temperature rise with toothache: reasons, what to do?

fever and toothacheToothache is a phenomenon that sooner or later almost every person encounters. Usually just a tooth get sick will not be, pain syndrome almost always indicates the presence of a particular dental problem.

Joining the pain syndrome with fever (increased body temperature) further aggravates the already difficult situation and signals the development and progression of infectious complications.

Why does it “fry” and hurt?

All conditions in which toothache is accompanied by an increased body temperature can be divided into two large groups.


High fever can be a sign of flux or periodontitis

The first group includes diseases that are associated with damage to the tooth itself or the soft tissues surrounding it:

  • periodontitis - inflammation of the tissues of the peridontium, which develops as a result caries or pulpitis;
  • periostitis - inflammatory process of the periosteum and jaw bone with the formation abscess or flux;
  • alveolitis - inflammatory lesion of the soft tissues of the hole formed after tooth extraction.
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The second group includes diseases in which fever is the primary symptom, and toothache occurs due to the fact that the fibers of the trigeminal and some other nerves are damaged, but the dental tissue remains unaffected by:

  • otitis media, in which the process is localized in the tympanic cavity of the middle ear, while painful sensations can manifest in the upper or lower jaw;
  • sinusitis - inflammatory changes in the maxillary sinuses of the upper jaw;
  • trigeminal neuralgia.

What to do if a toothache is accompanied by a fever?

Tooth temperature is a direct indication for going to the dentist for qualified medical help.

Pain relievers are taken to relieve symptoms, and non-steroidal drugs are widespread.


Ibuprofen is not a panacea, but it will help you survive the night

anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Celecoxib). They help, but the effect of taking them is temporary and does not eliminate the very cause of the disease.

The dentist, depending on the type of lesion, prescribes an examination (x-ray, CT scan) and conducts treatment with a conservative or surgical method. Antibiotic therapy can be used topically in the form of washing, applying compresses, or systemically in the form of injections, tablets.

Sinusitis is treated by an otolaryngologist with the mandatory intake of antimicrobial drugs. Additionally, procedures are carried out to restore the outflow of pus from the maxillary sinuses, to remove the edema of the mucous membrane. In the case of abundant purulent contents, a sinus or tympanic membrane is punctured. At the same time, pain syndrome, including dental, is almost immediately eliminated.

Neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve, the branches of which innervate the upper and lower jaw, is treated by a neurologist. Therapy is carried out symptomatically and by eliminating the cause (eradication of the causative agent of the infection, correction of bone defects, removal of a tumor, cyst).

Preventive measures

The main preventive measure is regular visits to the dental office twice a year. If even minor complaints appear, an immediate visit to the doctor is advisable due to the danger of the spread of the infection.

Among the general recommendations - teeth cleaning twice a day, good nutrition, periodic intake calcium preparations. If you follow all the above tips, then toothache and even more fever can be avoided.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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