Age-related changes, the habit of drinking strong Coffee and tea or inappropriate oral care causes darkening enamels. This creates a feeling of discomfort, since the smile takes on a non-aesthetic appearance.
Chemical teeth whitening in dental clinics allows you to return the natural whiteness of 7 or 8 tones at a time. Recent developments allow you to restore the whiteness of the dentition without leaving your home.
- Technology features
- When can and can not be used
Professional chemical whitening in dentistry
- Photobleaching
- Laser
- Zoom
Home techniques
- Opalescence
- PearlSmile PearLight
- Recommendations for the period before and after
- Reviews
Technology features
Surface enamel tends to take on a darker tint over time, which can lead to the loss of a snow-white smile. In addition, contained in the teeth dentine can absorb coloring pigments found in food and beverages. It also causes discoloration of the tooth enamel.
The essence of chemical whitening comes down to the use of special cleansing gels that can be activated by ultraviolet rays or a laser.
The lightening of the surface occurs due to a chemical reaction when atomic oxygen undergoes oxidation.
The chemical method for restoring the whiteness of the surface enamel has a number of advantages, which are as follows:
- The lightening of the surface occurs in one session (in time it can take from 30 to 60 minutes).
- Whiteness is restored in several tones.
- Subject to all the rules, it has a high level of safety.
- The positive effect is noticeable immediately after the session.
- Lack of pain during the procedure.
The negative aspects include:
- In some cases, appears hypersensitivity dentition.
- There are a number of contraindications that limit the possibility of a session on teeth whitening.
- Contact with the gel on the mucous surface gumss may be irritating and inflammation.
- The high cost of the procedure, do not make it public.
When can and can not be used
Chemical teeth whitening can be used:
- when absent crowns and prostheses;
- if the front incisors have no visible damage and fillings;
- at yellow and brown pigmentation of the enamel.
Chemical restoration of teeth whiteness is contraindicated in the following situations:
- if there are open carious cavities;
- when the ingredients of the cleansing gel are allergens to the patient;
- oncological neoplasms, hepatitis, syphilis, AIDS;
- all trimesters of pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding of the baby;
- correction of the dentition with braces;
- pronounced pathological processes of the soft tissues of the gums.
Professional chemical whitening in dentistry
In order for the enamel surface to acquire a white color and not be damaged, it is better to contact a dental clinic. In this case, the procedure is performed professionally with a minimum likelihood of side effects.
There are the following types of chemical tooth whitening:
The essence photobleaching consists in the fact that under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, a gel containing hydrogen peroxide is transformed into an active form of oxygen. Subsequently, it seeps through the enamel, penetrating to the dentin. In this case, the destruction of the pigmented areas occurs. To achieve a stable effect, the session is repeated after 10 days.
The procedure is divided into 3 stages:
- Initially, the surface is cleaned from plaque and dental calculus.
- Isolation of lips and cheeks is performed (using retractor), followed by the application of the gel to the dental units.
- Irradiation with ultraviolet light is performed within 20 minutes.
Teeth cannot be processed more than 6 times in one visit. If the effect obtained is considered insufficient, then a second session is carried out in a week.
This type of whitening has worked well among people who abuse coffee, and smokers. Practitioners warn that in some cases, allergic reactions and irritation are possible. mucous membranes.
The price of photobleaching in dental clinics is from 4500 to 10000 rubles.
Method using laser allows you to whiten your teeth, even if they have a grayish tint. At the same time, in one visit to the dentist, the dentition can be lightened by 7 tones in half an hour.
To do this, use a special Smartbleach gel (based on hydrogen peroxide). Its activation occurs due to the action of a laser, which processes each dental crown for no more than 2 minutes.
The main advantage of this procedure is the preservation of the effect for 4 years. The main disadvantage is the high price. It is in the range of 25,000 rubles.
Before and after laser technique:
Technology Zoom is a kind of photobleaching, but at the same time it is distinguished by high efficiency and long-term preservation of the whiteness of the dentition.
This method is performed in stages by analogy with photobleaching, with the difference that at the end of the procedure it is supposed to apply a special gel based on calcium phosphate. It restores the structural surface of the enamel, preventing it destruction, and thereby preventing the development of hypersensitivity.
The main advantage of this technique is the long-term preservation of the effect (from 3 to 5 years), provided that the patient adheres to medical recommendations. In addition, a snow-white smile is restored even with old plaque, and age spots are removed with fluorosis.
Before and after photos:
The approximate cost of one session is 8000 rubles.
ZOOM! QuickPro is considered a more modern, lamp-free whitening system. You can find out about it from our material.
Home techniques
If the front incisors are not damaged (there are no fillings and prosthetic crowns), then the procedure for chemical teeth whitening can be done at home. In this case, special kits are used, the use of which allows you to restore a snow-white smile, but no more than 4-5 tones. There are several home chemistry systems available, notably Opalescence and PearlSmile PearLight.
The set includes a special mouthguard, which is filled with a special gel before being placed on the upper and lower jaw. This eliminates the need for oxygen activation.
The positive effect of the Opalescence system will be observed if the following conditions of use are met:
- It is necessary to wear a mouthguard per day for at least 30 minutes, and in advanced forms of darkening, the time is increased to 1 hour.
- The treatment course should be performed continuously for 12 days.
The main advantages of this method are a stable effect, safety, and a relatively low price from 5,000 to 7,000 rubles. Opalescence whitening includes several methods, which can be read about in separate article.
Practicing dentists believe that this system cannot significantly whiten the tooth surface, and therefore recommend it as an additional procedure.
PearlSmile PearLight
In the complete set PearlSmile PearLight has a silicone tray, special gel and wipes, and an ultraviolet light emitting lamp.
The procedure is performed in the following sequence:
- The required amount of gel is squeezed into the tray (one third of the package).
- After attaching to an ultraviolet lamp, the mouthguard is placed in the oral cavity, after pretreating the teeth with napkins.
- The ultraviolet source is turned on for 10 minutes with a 30 second break.
The manipulation is repeated for 30 minutes.
According to the manufacturers, three procedures will restore a snow-white smile in 9 tones, which makes this system popular among the population. In addition, many people like how much the procedure costs - around 2900 rubles.
The negative aspects of application include the inconvenience of placing the gel on the tray. If it is applied in an uneven layer, then the surface of the dentition will have pigmentation - the restored enamel will contrast with areas of unbleached teeth.
Recommendations for the period before and after
Just before the chemical method of teeth whitening, the dentist explains what results can be achieved by whitening the dentition.
In this case, he warns of the possibility of the development of the following consequences:
- The presence of a fluorosis disease may require additional sessions. This also applies when the patient's surface enamel is grayish.
- After the procedure, it is sometimes necessary to replace previously installed seals.
Be sure to adhere to the following recommendations:
- After the procedure, during the first days, make a complete taboo on foods and drinks containing coloring components (tea, coffee, beetroot or tomato salads).
- Refuse smoking.
- Complete oral hygiene care using not only quality toothpaste, but also conditioners, and dental floss.
I thought for a long time what would work for my teeth. I did not dare to carry out the procedure on my own. Laser whitening is amazing. I have never had such whiteness and shine on my teeth.
I smoke often, I like coffee and strong tea. I decided to test the ZOOM whitening technique on myself. The procedure is not cheap, this is the first drawback. All the beauty of his teeth was enough for one month, although he completely gave up smoking, and almost died without coffee. I can confidently say that this is a waste of money.
I do teeth whitening sessions on my own, at home almost every year. The effect is not bad, but lately the teeth have been reacting sharply to hot and cold food.
Laser whitening was done on 10 teeth above and below. It’s hard to believe that there are two sessions, and the snow-white smile does not fade for the second year.
The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.