Accreditation of dentists: a new system, how to get a certificate of a general practitioner, awarding points to doctors

Passing the accreditation testAccreditation allows you to find out how real a doctor's knowledge in the field of medicine, pharmacology or other field, including dentistry, and comply with state medical standards specialties.

This area is regulated by Article 69 of Law No. 323-FZ.


  • What document confirms the right to carry out medical activities?
  • What types of accreditation are established and for whom?
    • Primary
    • Specialized
    • Periodic
    • Continuing education system
  • Dates of the
  • How are the results presented?
    • Presentation of results
    • Certificate validity period
    • Registration of the results of a non-accredited specialist
  • Formation of the accreditation commission
    • Main purpose
  • Proposal to cancel the accreditation of medical practitioners
  • Test tasks for primary accreditation of specialists in 2018

What document confirms the right to carry out medical activities?

In order for the activities carried out by an institution in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals to be legal, specialists must have an appropriate permitting document.

Until January 2016, a license acted in the form of such a document. She confirmed that the specialist had completed advanced training courses. Such a document must be present for all employees of a medical clinic during legal work.

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However, after January 1, 2016, the requirements changed. Licenses were replaced by certificates confirming the specialist's accreditation. Now to get a certificate dentist-therapist or a doctor of another direction, you should go through several stages of verification. The period for issuing documents remained unchanged - 5 years.

Thus, according to Article 69 of Federal Law No. 232, a person has the right to carry out medical and pharmaceutical activities on the territory of Russia, provided that he has two documents:

  • a diploma of obtaining higher education in the field of medicine (according to the Federal State Educational Standard);
  • certificates of passing the examination in an individual specialty.

What types of accreditation are established and for whom?

The legislative acts contain Positionregulating the accreditation of doctors. It is dated July 2, 2016. The regulation was approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation by order No. 334n.

The document describes 3 types of procedures for official confirmation of the conformity of an object to established standards:

  • primary;
  • primary specialized;
  • periodic.

Each type involves carrying out a procedure in relation to certain persons.


This type is used if the person participating in the verification process graduated from an educational institution that graduates professionals with higher and secondary medical education. People undergo the same procedure with the formation of a different species.


It is attended by specialists who have completed advanced training courses or other programs of additional training at a professional level. If a person has received a diploma of graduation from an educational institution located in another state, then he also undergoes a specialized type of accreditation.

In order to pass the accreditation of the primary specialized type, doctors who have graduated from clinical residency course based on the availability of a diploma issued by a higher educational institution of medical area.

Note that since September 2016, in accordance with Article 108 of Law No. 273-FZ, participation in the primary postgraduate specialization (internship) has been suspended.


Appointed under the circumstances in which a person has completed mastering professional education programs in the field pharmacology and medicine, but at the same time performs periodic work to improve professional qualifications and level knowledge.

Continuing education system

Further training of medical specialists who have passed the last certification or accreditation after 01/01/2016 can take place in within the system of continuing medical and pharmaceutical education in the form of an individual five-year course of study through the portal Of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, which provides information support and the development of an individual plan in a personal account On the page "Five-year training cycles«.

Dates of the

The verification procedure takes place in several stages, covering the period from January 2016 to January 2025 (h. 1.1 Art. 100 of Law No. 323-FZ). According to legislative documents, each new stage begins on January 1 of the corresponding year.

The stages of verification are determined depending on several factors:

  • the term for issuing a diploma of graduation from an educational institution;
  • level of education (higher, additional professional, retraining program, etc.);
  • specializations;
  • for persons who have not passed the procedure for accrediting specialists at stages 1 - 3.

The last of the 4 stages deserves special attention. It is passed by those representatives of the medical field who have failed to achieve positive results in the first three.

The validity period of the certificate is determined individually - by the date mentioned in the document itself. All data are confirmed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

How are the results presented?

The commission that is present during the accreditation process for dentists or other specialists fills in special protocols throughout the procedure and after its completion.

They describe the information necessary for making decisions:

  • estimated results for each stage;
  • the accepted verdict regarding its verification;
  • additional information on stages (if any).

After filling out, the protocol data are duplicated on the official website and transferred to special information stands in the institution itself.

These actions must be completed within two days after the compliance verification process has been completed.

Presentation of results

After the procedure, the person is recognized as accredited or not accredited.

In the first case, the title is awarded if each stage has been passed. After that, the data on the delivery is entered into the protocol and the document is signed by the members of the commission. Two working days are allocated for this. The last step is the transfer of documentation to the Ministry of Health. Estimated time - no more than 5 days of the calendar.

If a medical worker has passed the test, then the secretary is obliged to enter the data on the results into a special Federal register regulating the activities of medical workers.

After completion of all formal procedures, representatives of the commission or institution where the inspection took place issue an appropriate certificate to the accredited person. This should happen no later than 30 days after the delivery of the signatures by the committee in the protocol.

The regulations and terms of issue are specified in the Order of the Ministry of Health No. 352 dated June 6, 2016.

Certificate validity period

The general period of validity of a certificate of a dentist or other specialist is 5 years. The countdown begins from the moment when the committee signed the protocol in which the person was recognized as accredited.

To extend the term, a person must contact the commission after the expiration of the current certificate. In case of successful verification at all stages, the period will be extended for another 5 years.

Registration of the results of a non-accredited specialist

A person with medical education may not receive accreditation if:

  • in the process of delivery, communication means or other equipment prohibited for use were used;
  • the person did not appear at the appointed time;
  • the doctor was unable to prove that his knowledge corresponded to the required (i.e. e. did not pass).

It is important to know that regardless of the results, each person participating in the process is given an extract from the protocol. It carries information about the decision taken. The issuance period does not exceed 3 days (the countdown begins from the moment the signatures are delivered by the members of the commission).

For those who do not pass the conformity check on the first try, there is another option. If you write an application to the commission, you can be re-tested.

However, there are limitations related to the number of attempts. The law establishes that their maximum number does not exceed 3. If for the third time the medical worker could not pass the accreditation, then the next opportunity will arise after 11 months.

If the accredited person does not agree with the results obtained, he can appeal the results of the commission. 2 days are allocated for filing a complaint from the date of publication of the decision to refuse accreditation in the public domain.

The appeal process is handled by the Ministry of Health.

Formation of the accreditation commission

In order for the results of checking the compliance of the health worker's knowledge and the requirements of the standards to be the most reliable, a special commission should be assembled.

It will be located in educational or scientific organizations (with a bias in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals) and monitor the passage of the audit.

The main composition of the committee includes:

  • chairman;
  • the person acting as the deputy chairman;
  • a certain number of representatives of the commission;
  • Secretary.

In addition to these persons, the committee includes representatives of various spheres:

  • organizations of a professional type in the non-profit sphere (76 article of the Federal Law No. 323);
  • educational institutions with active medical and pharmaceutical programs;
  • medical authorities and health workers' unions.

Federal law defines some restrictions that are imposed on representatives of the accreditation commission.

These include:

  • lack of claims or personal interest in any person involved in the compliance verification process;
  • it is obligatory to have a diploma of education (higher, secondary vocational) in the field in which the check is carried out;
  • official work experience in the specialty from 5 years or more.

The latter type of restriction does not only apply to the chairman of the committee.

Main purpose

The main goal of the committee is to take part in meetings and draw up the corresponding minutes. The final step in each meeting is the signing of the documentation by each committee member.

The meeting is considered competent only if the entire composition of the selected persons took part in it.

If the participant in the compliance check disagrees with the opinion of the council members, then he has the right to ask for additional information to be entered into the protocol. Another lawful action in this case is the writing of a statement, which sets out the opinion of a specialist regarding the problem.

Subsequently, all minutes of meetings are filed in a common book and sent for storage for a period of not more than 6 years.

The formation is carried out by the structure of the Ministry of Health. In the process of choosing a structure, specialties are taken into account for which the check will be carried out.

Video about the primary accreditation of dentists:

Proposal to cancel the accreditation of medical practitioners

In 2019, the Ministry of Health plans to introduce a new accreditation system for medical practitioners. However, such actions are opposed by the Dental Association of Russia (StAR). She suggests making some adjustments, according to which automatic credit will be available for a certain category of doctors.

This category includes doctors who:

  • the presence of errors during practical activities is minimized;
  • have a good e-portfolio.

The Minister of Health of the Russian Federation shared some statistical information on past and future years. According to Veronika Skvortsova, the number of specialists who passed the compliance check in 2017 amounted to more than 30 thousand people. These included graduates of educational institutions in the direction of "medicine".

According to the Ministry of Health, this number will increase with each calendar period. The planned number will be 1.2 million doctors on time for 2019-2021. According to approximate calculations, by the end of 2021, all workers belonging to the medical field and having higher or secondary education will be accredited.

At the meeting of the Dental Association of Russia, one of the representatives of the council, Vladimir Sadovsky, spoke. According to him, with such plans, the number of specialists who will pass the conformity check procedure will amount to more than 300 thousand per year. This figure is 10 times higher than last year's data.

Many representatives of the association are of the opinion that it is practically impossible to provide quality accreditation for such a number of doctors. In addition, doctors who have long-term practical work may not pass certification.

The official website of the Russian Dental Association published official positionwhich states that the accreditation of practitioners is inadmissible. All tests associated with this procedure should be canceled. According to the members of the association, it will be sufficient to assess the portfolio of doctors, which fully indicates the correspondence between the knowledge of a specialist and the requirements of state standards.

I found out more information on this issue Vademecum correspondentwho visited StAR. According to representatives of the association, accreditation (which includes testing, use phantoms when showing skills in practice, and clinical-type tasks) can replace portfolio research doctors.

Andriy Oparko, who is the secretary of CTaR, noted that the number of medical workers who must be accredited in the future is too large. Such a complex multistage process requires a lot of time and effort. In addition, to create an accreditation commission, it will be necessary to divert a large number of specialists from work, since it includes several representatives and positions. Especially many problems will arise during the certification of anesthesiologists. To do this, it will be necessary to attract specialists with this profession to the commission, which will be practically unrealistic, since the share of such doctors in the total number is too small.

Vladimir Sadovsky raised this issue for the consideration of doctors and specialties in other areas, in addition to dentistry. His opinion was supported by representatives of the field of surgery, ophthalmology, urology.

The proposal to abolish the accreditation of practicing doctors was supported by some government agencies, including the Ministry of Health and the National Medical Chamber. A letter with explanations regarding the proposal to cancel the accreditation of doctors who practice was sent for consideration to the center's representative Zhanna Sizova.

Vademecum, together with representatives of CTP, took the first steps to collect electronic portfolios. The first participants included 5 universities.

To quickly and efficiently collect a portfolio of dental students, the Elestom system will be used.

It includes several sections:

  • study;
  • patient base;
  • identified diagnoses;
  • prescribed treatment structure, etc.

This system is under review by representatives of the Ministry of Health.

Test tasks for primary accreditation of specialists in 2018

The first stage that specialists of primary and primary specialized accreditation must pass is testing. It includes tasks designed as a test. It takes an hour to complete. After passing, the volume of correct answers is calculated and the total scores are displayed for doctors. A stage is considered passed if the number of correct answers is more than 70%.

For each participant, the test is selected at random using a sample of 60 possible options. They are created in advance at the Methodological Accreditation Center and uploaded to the Unified Database.

For a preliminary acquaintance with possible tasks, you must open the attached file: “Dentistry-2018«.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

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