Braces rub on cheeks, lips, gums, tongue: what to do, why they scratch, a healing agent

Correction abnormal bite using braces initially associated with the appearance of some inconvenience and discomfort. This is primarily due to the peculiarity of the organism to perceive foreign objects as foreign. By creating extra volume in the mouth, braces often chafe mucous membrane the inner surface of the cheeks, tongue and soft tissues gums.

It is important to know when they will stop rubbing such important structures and what to do if the symptoms persist.


  • Rubbing is often not a cause for disappointment
  • When you need not wait, but run to the dentist
  • What you can do yourself, and when a doctor's help is required
  • What to do at home: how to speed up the process of adapting to braces

Rubbing is often not a cause for disappointment

The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is penetrated by a dense capillary network, and any contact with a foreign body leads to its slight damage. This is especially true in areas where the teeth are subject to severe deformation.

In addition, the therapeutic effect of the orthopedic construction begins to displace the dentition, which causes excessive pressure, and the patient may experience a feeling of pain.

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These manifestations are considered a physiological reaction of the body, and, as a result, they go away by themselves. This is facilitated by the rapid regeneration of the mucous membrane, since the salivary glands produce a special enzyme, lysozyme. It prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microflora and has a bactericidal effect, which contributes to the rapid healing of minor scratches and abrasions in the oral cavity.

Such negative manifestations usually go away on their own after two weeks, but sometimes intervention and consultation with a dentist is required.

When you need not wait, but run to the dentist

If the irritation of the gum tissue, scratches and minor abrasions do not go away for a long time, it is necessary to make a visit to the dentist. Also, such a need arises if erosions are formed on the mucous membrane or ulcerswhich cause bleeding and painful sensations.

The photo shows possible symptoms:

rubbing braces
braces tinder
braces rub

If unpleasant symptoms occur, braces scratch or rub in the mouth and these sensations do not go away, it is necessary to find out the reasons, since further actions depend on them. Often the reasons are as follows:

  1. When the dentition is aligned, the metal arch lengthens, due to which its edges begin to protrude, damaging the surface of the cheeks and gums.
  2. Too thorough care causes the discharge of metal ligatures (tail ends) from the surface of the dental crown, as a result of which marks remain on the mucous membrane.
  3. Departure from the surface enamel of the hinge joint causes trauma to the lips during chewing or when talking.
  4. In the absence of a tooth, the section of the arch without a silicone tube is in close contact with the cheek or gum, digging into the soft tissues.
  5. If a metal arc comes out of the grooves of the locks.

In the event that for some reason the patient ignores this symptomatology, then he has an increased chance of developing the following negative manifestations:

  1. The adaptation period is significantly increased. In this case, excessive sensitivity is eliminated by using an orthodontic wax.
  2. Parts of the metal structure may cause an allergic reaction. Such manifestations necessitate additional therapy.

What you can do yourself, and when a doctor's help is required

Violation of the integrity of the bracket system causes the need to go to a dental clinic. In this case, after examination, based on the cause that has arisen, the doctor-orthodontist the following actions will be taken:

  1. When during the adaptation period close contact of the surface of the product with the cheek, the tongue or lips causes irritation of the mucous membrane, resort to the appointment of orthodontic wax. It is rolled into a ball and attached to a part of the structure that provokes rubbing of soft tissues. Before eating, it is removed and installed as needed. Please note that paraffin wax can be used as an alternative, but chewing gum is not recommended. Penetrating between the gaps, it is extremely difficult to remove its remnants.
  2. Departure of the tail of the ligature. Using a regular toothpick tip wire can be returned under the arc. If such manipulation is difficult, you need to contact a dental clinic.
  3. When happens arc rub, this may be due to its exit from the lock connection. With the help of tweezers, you can return it to its original place yourself. This situation can be the reason for the alignment of the dentition, due to which the metal arch is lengthened. The orthodontist will eliminate the problem that has arisen by cutting off an extra piece of wire.
  4. Departure of the lock connection. Fastening is carried out on the basis of special glue, therefore it is impossible to eliminate this cause on your own. There is a need for an urgent visit to an orthodontist.

Video about the use of wax:

What to do at home: how to speed up the process of adapting to braces

In order not to reduce the comfort of life after the installation of braces during the adaptation period, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules and recommendations.

To do this, when eating, you must observe the following rules:

  1. During the first week, you need to switch to soft food (soups, mashed porridge, mashed potatoes and fruit).
  2. You should not reheat food too much, but rather give preference to cold food.
  3. Excess acid in foods and hot spices will provoke pain.
  4. The complete taboo must extend to any solid food.

For the first two weeks, it is best to avoid excessive lip movement, which requires less talking. It is also worth giving up the habit of sleeping on your stomach. This can lead not only to increased pain, but also to reduce the service life of the orthopedic product.

If the braces rub the inner surface of the lips, cheeks, gums, tongue, or there is a pronounced pain syndrome, it is possible to use the following remedies, both healing and others:

  1. Pain relievers. In this case, experts advise taking Paracetamol with an interval of 4 hours. You can also use Analgin, Baralgin, Spazmalgon, or Ibuprofen.
  2. Orajel or Colgate Orabase may be used as local anesthetics.
  3. Mouthwash must be carried out after each meal, for which a solution of sodium chloride is used or hydrogen peroxide.
  4. The use of orthodontic wax will create a protective barrier that minimizes the contact of the protruding parts of the structure with the surface of the cheeks, tongue and gums.

It should be borne in mind that the daily hygiene procedure oral care must be done by a special toothbrush with a small head and soft bristles. It is also necessary to select toothpaste for braces.

Each meal should be accompanied by mouth cleansing with dental floss or rinse aid (preferably with an antibacterial effect).

In addition, during the entire period of wearing braces, you need to periodically visit the dental clinic, and follow all the recommendations and medical prescriptions.

In most cases, the discomfort after the installation of the bracket system disappears on its own within two weeks. But if the adaptation process is delayed, braces scratch the oral cavity or mechanical structural defects appear, then to eliminate them, you need to visit the dentist's office.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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