Pimple on the lip: signs why they appear, treatment of abscesses, acne

Pimple on the lipAcne on the lip is a very unpleasant phenomenon, both aesthetically and physiologically.

Such rashes cause discomfort to a person, crack, become inflamed, and sometimes itch or hurt.

To avoid possible complications, at the first sign of a problem, you need to find out the type and cause of the origin of the pimple, because in each individual case a special approach is required to treatment.


  • A little unscientific - signs associated with acne on the lips
  • Types of rashes
    • White
    • Watery
    • Red
    • Lipomas
  • Or maybe it's stomatitis?
  • How to get rid of a pimple on the lip?
    • What to buy at the pharmacy?
    • Folk remedies
  • Prevention of acne on the lips

A little unscientific - signs associated with acne on the lips

A small bump on the lip is not a very common phenomenon, so people have long perceived it as a sign of fate. It is believed that a pimple is "awarded" to a gossip or a liar for his words. And to get rid of the problem, it is enough to apologize to the offended person and subsequently behave more restrained.

The location of the rash also matters.

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If a pimple "crawled out" near the lip, the omen says that soon a person will have a new romantic relationship or he will have to kiss. For those who have a couple, the sign foreshadows fast connections on the side without a happy outcome.

To "obtain" more detailed information, it is necessary to more accurately determine the location of the treacherous tubercle.

According to the sign, a pimple over the lip indicates a passionate love of its "happy" owner, or an excessive fixation on his own person and a lack of attention in relation to loved ones.

A rash on the upper lip is clearly caused by the appearance of a secret admirer. To identify a fan, you need to take a closer look at your surroundings. Surely the admirer has already hinted about his feelings.

Pimple on the lower lipA bump on the lower lip, according to omen, means in the near future a kiss with a beloved person or a meeting with relatives who have long disappeared from sight.

A bulge under the lip can also warn of an upcoming quarrel with loved ones over a money issue. Another version of the interpretation speaks of the sudden arrival of guests. So it is worth preparing for their reception and at the same time be patient.

A pimple on the corner of the lip indicates gossip around its owner. If you do not want to be in the center of intrigue, it is better not to tell others.

Small pimples portend a quick date with a spicy sequel, so it's worth stocking up on a good foundation.

However, if the rashes appear systematically, it's time to stop the interpretation and go to specialists for a scientific explanation of the phenomenon.

Types of rashes

Rashes in the mouth area can be a cosmetic problem, a consequence of non-observance of hygiene rules or a sign of serious pathologies. Find out exactly why popped out acne, it will be possible only after examining it and studying the main symptoms.

If you cannot deal with the problem on your own, you should immediately go to the specialists to prescribe treatment, depending on the types of rashes identified.


The small white pimples above the upper lip are closed omentum (comedones) and are not dangerous. Such bumps are formed when the sebaceous gland becomes clogged with a dead layer of the epidermis and sebum.

On the lip itself, white pimples do not appear, since the structure of the ducts of the sebaceous glands in this area differs from other parts of the body.

Purulent acne on the lips, or vulgar, is formed when an infection is added to the blockage of the ducts. Leukocytes, desquamated epithelial cells and the remains of the vital activity of bacteria become the basis for an abscess. A ripe abscess is distinguished by a white top, the appearance of which indicates the imminent breakthrough of the contents of the abscess outward. As soon as this happens, the skin will begin to regenerate.

Black acne in the mouth area is the same acne, but open (without the addition of an inflammatory process). These points are common in areas of accumulation of hair follicles containing sebaceous glands. The dark color of comedones is triggered by the production of melanin when exposed to sunlight.

It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out eels on your own. The risk of introducing infection into the blood is too great. In addition, the lips are a part of the body characterized by a large number of nerve endings, which means it is extremely painful.

Experts call the main reasons for this type of rash:

  • incorrect selection of cosmetics;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • allergies;
  • changing climatic conditions;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stress and depression;
  • gallbladder abnormalities;
  • smoking;
  • touching the skin with dirty hands;
  • acne;
  • dermatitis.


"Cold" rashes are a much more serious type of inflammation, since the cause of this phenomenon is believed herpes. This infectious disease affects not only the face, but the entire body as a whole, therefore, requires immediate treatment.

A clear watery pimple in the mouth area is only the initial stage of herpes. A few days later, the inflammatory process will already be represented by several such formations, accompanied by discomfort, pain and itching. If untreated, the pathology can capture large areas of the skin and eventually turn into ulcers.

It is important to distinguish between rashes near the mouth that look like herpes, but are not. Small, itchy red patches can also be the first signs of eczema. The difference from herpetic formations is the formation after 5 - 6 days of a single focus of inflammation, which eventually bursts on its own and eventually becomes covered with a crust.

In the photo, herpetic eruptions on the lower lip:

These pathologies can be triggered by:

  • low immunity;
  • stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • seasonal allergies;
  • viral or bacterial lesions.


A red pimple that has jumped up in the mouth and does not go away is most often an allergic rash. In appearance, it resembles a bubble and can itch a lot.

Allergic lip rash:


Hard, subcutaneous pimples are benign growths. Consists lipoma from a capsule with fatty contents mixed with dead epithelial particles.

There is no danger, apart from the possibility of damage from kissing or chewing. Such a pimple appears very deep inside the lip. The exact reason for this formation has not yet been established.

Lip fat:

Or maybe it's stomatitis?

White pimples on the lips on the inside, on the mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue indicate the presence stomatitis. The pathological process in the mouth on the lip is accompanied by unpleasant odor, discomfort and pain while eating or talking. Lack of qualified help can lead to the formation of extensive ulcers - aft.

The main causes of stomatitis are:

  • allergy;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • disruptions in the endocrine system;
  • smoking;
  • infectious diseases and so on.

As a treatment, dentists usually prescribe Holisal, Solcoseryl, Stomatidin, but you can try using simpler drugs:

  • Furacilin (1 tablet diluted in ½ tbsp. water) - for rinsing;
  • hydrogen peroxidediluted with water (1: 5) - for the treatment of affected areas;
  • tincture of calendula (5 drops per 1 tbsp. water) - for rinsing.

How to get rid of a pimple on the lip?

If something popped up on the lip, self-medication is a dangerous undertaking. It is better to consult a specialist for qualified help.

What to buy at the pharmacy?

In rare cases, when it is impossible to get medical advice, the condition can be alleviated with the help of external and oral administration of drugs.

External remedies are intended only to smear rashes that form around the mouth.

The easiest way to quickly remove a pimple is to treat the inflammation three times a day with an alcoholic tincture of calendula or propolis. After 3 days of such treatment, it will dry out and disappear by itself.

When purulent pimple does not pass, he needs help to open up. To do this, at night, it is worth applying Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment to the affected area. After the pus is released (usually the next morning), the wound should be treated with alcohol.

With herpes, it will be effective to use:

  • Zovirax;
  • Panavir gel;
  • Vivorax;
  • Acyclovir.

If you have squeezed a pimple on your lip and it is swollen, you can soak an aspirin tablet in water and apply it to the affected area for 15 minutes. After a few hours, the manipulation should be repeated. The result will be noticeable after 3 treatments.

Important! At the time of treatment, it is worth refusing to use cosmetics in order to avoid aggravating the situation.

With extensive lesions, external treatment of the rash is not enough. For oral administration, a specialist may prescribe:

  • antibiotics (Erythromycin, Tetracycline, Oxytetracycline, Clindamycin and others);
  • hormonal drugs (Progestogen, Cyproterone, Estrogen, Spironolactone, Cortisone);
  • retinoids (Roaccutane);
  • zinc-containing preparations (Zincit, Zincteral);
  • vitamins.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are less effective, but in the initial stages of the rash, they can help.

The following methods are considered the most popular:

  • applying raw potato sticks to acne for 2 minutes three times a day;
  • lubrication of inflammations twice a day with aloe juice;
  • cooling the affected area with a piece of ice wrapped in a scarf;
  • steam baths based on chamomile or calendula (for 10 minutes);
  • applying gruel from soda and water to problem areas;
  • clay, yeast, strawberry, honey masks;
  • compresses from lavender, plantain, nettle, string.

Important! It is forbidden to use St. John's wort or celandine to cauterize acne.

Prevention of acne on the lips

For prevention purposes, it is desirable:

  • observe personal hygiene;
  • do not use low-quality or expired cosmetics;
  • maintain a high level of immunity;
  • do not perform cosmetic procedures on your own (for example, facial cleansing);
  • visit a doctor periodically.

Proper treatment and implementation of preventive measures will eliminate the existing problem and prevent the appearance of new rashes.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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