Features of the alveolar processes: structure, pathology, diagnosis and correction

Spongy boneDepending on the growth process and the rate of human development, a cancellous bone bed is formed, on which the teeth are located. This part of the lower and upper jaw is usually called the alveolar process (Latin name - processus alveolaris).


  • Structural structure
    • Maxillary
    • Mandibular
  • Peculiarities
  • Possible pathological changes
  • Trauma
  • Diagnostics
  • Correction process
  • Conclusion

Structural structure

In the process there are special depressions, called alveoli, in which there are teeth. The interdental septa divide the alveoli.

The bone crest itself is structurally composed of two walls. The first wall is outside. She is turned towards the cheeks. The second is inside and is turned towards the tongue. The surface of the walls has a lamellar structure, which allows you to support different types of teeth, which may differ in their structure.


MaxillaryIt is a part of the cancellous tissue type bone, which is located between the plates of the compact substance. Such plates outwardly resemble arcs, between which there are alveoli with teeth in them.

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Between the alveoli themselves, there are special interwell septa. Tissue cells are constantly involved in the formation and resorption of bones.

Within the framework of the medical norm, these processes must compensate for each other. In the process of development and direct functional work of the tooth, the alveolar processes are constantly adapting to all kinds of changes.


MandibularThe lower jaw has a symmetrical and unpaired structure. In its shape, it is similar to an arc. Structurally, it is a body, an alveolar part, which is an alveolar axon, as well as two branches.

Eight alveolar axons are placed on each side of the mandible. Based on the type of tooth, the width, depth, and other parameters of the alveoli can differ significantly from each other. The alveoli are often cone-shaped. Depending on the dental roots, the alveoli may have one or two septa.

In the alveoli, where multirooted teeth, there are partitions separating the roots. The deepest are the alveoli of the canines and premolars. The thickness of the interroot and interdental septa increases at the bottom. The septum of each alveoli smoothly flows into a spongy-type substance.

The lower alveolar process is characterized by a higher resistance to fractures and damage. This is mainly due to the fact that the teeth of the lower jaw are covered by the teeth of the upper jaw, which creates some kind of protection.

In addition, the thickness of the wall of the alveolar ridge of the lower jaw is somewhat greater than that of the upper jaw. It should also be taken into account that the mandibular ridge is denser and less porous, which significantly increases its resistance to physical injury. The area where the mucosal tubercle is located, located behind the third molars, is the place where the alveolar part of the lower jaw ends.



Alveolar sinuses

When certain painful sensations occur in the region of the alveolar axons, it is important to take into account certain nuances of their structure. Consideration should be given to both physiological and reproductive transformations affecting the anatomical structure of the alveoli. Such transformations can affect the walls of the teeth, which will subsequently affect the sinuses of the alveoli and the depressions themselves.

Bone tissues in the region of the lower and upper jaw of the axons of the alveoli are constantly being transformed throughout the course of human life. This is due to changes in the physical activity that the teeth are subjected to. Such changes can cause a fracture of the appendix, which will lead to the need for its surgical correction.

In the process of a person's life, teeth are gradually erased, especially in the upper and lower areas that take part in chewing food. Also, over time, the aproxemal areas that face directly to each other are seriously damaged. Some changes occur in the alveolar lining as a result of physiological tooth mobility, which provokes the occurrence of injuries.

Possible pathological changes

In medical practice, dentists are often faced with atrophy of the alveolar ridge. There can be a lot of reasons for this condition:

  • osteoporosis;
  • lack of prosthetics;
  • trauma;
  • other reasons.

Process fracture

In such cases, before carrying out prosthetics, it is necessary to carry out plastic surgery of the alveoli. There are several of the most common methods. alveoplasty. Each of the methods is designed to increase the thickness of the bone tissue in the places where surgical dental prosthetics will be performed.

As for the abnormalities in the development of the alveoli, in some cases they may have a congenital abnormal shape or be excessively large in size. In such situations, it is customary to use surgical correction methods.


It is customary to rank among the injuries of the bone crest:

  • fractures of the alveoli;
  • destruction due to physical impact;
  • physiological aging process.

Such conditions can occur not only against the background of external injuries, but also due to a weak congenital bite. In case of congenital malocclusion problems, it is recommended to consult a dentist in advance to minimize the occurrence of such problems. Thus, it is possible to exclude the possibility of introducing infections into the open spaces of the alveoli, which often leads to the destruction of teeth and their complete loss.

In the process of natural aging of the body and the jaws in particular, the risk of injury to the appendix increases. More often than others, cleft alveoli suffers from injuries due to its rather fragile structure. To solve such physiological problems, you will have to seek help from a dentist, as well as engage in certain restorative procedures.


During a routine examination of the condition of the oral cavity, the dentist can detect damage or pathological changes in the alveolar process. To confirm the exact diagnosis, an additional X-ray examination is necessary.

The process of restoring the primary structure of the appendix occurs within the framework of an outpatient appointment. There are several working methods for correcting the structure of the upper and lower jaws. The attending physician chooses one or another method of treatment based on the existing clinical picture and the physical condition of the patient.

Correction is carried out in such cases as:

  • diagnosis of atrophy of the alveolar ridge;
  • the presence of defects resulting from injuries, surgical interventions, as well as chronic diseases.

In some cases, the process can take not only a narrow shape, but also be uneven and even bumpy. In such circumstances, the doctor places the biomaterial both on top of the bone and under it to form the desired shape in order to facilitate the process of subsequent prosthetics.

When performing such an operation, you need to cut the gum to form the desired bone shape. Above the laid biomaterial, the periosteum is sutured and with the help of special sutures its edges are brought together.

In addition to increasing the volume of bone tissue in the process of correction, if necessary, excess parts of the bone, tubercles, exostoses, overhanging edges and so on. This all helps to make the procedure follow-up prosthetics more simple and efficient.

Correction process

In the treatment of such a pathology in medical practice, it is customary to resort to the use of such procedures as:

  1. Elimination of painful sensations by using special conductive anesthesia.
  2. Using antiseptic drugs (Chlorhexedine) or herbal decoctions to treat inflamed tissue.
  3. Manual removal of bone fragments resulting from the gradual destruction of the alveolar ridge.
  4. Conducting mobilization activities.

Surgical operations involve revision of existing injuries, elimination of sharp edges, closing an open wound by suturing the mucous membrane or applying a special bandage with iodine.

In the place where the tissue displacement has occurred, the restoration of the lost fragment is mandatory. To fix such an element, a special aluminum bracket is used. Such a bracket is fixed to the teeth on each side of the crack. To ensure the necessary durability and strength of the immobilization carried out, the patient must wear a chin sling.

Impacted dislocation

Impacted dislocation

In the event that, when diagnosing a patient's condition, doctors revealed that he had a hammered dislocation anterior part of the upper jaw, a single-jaw fixation bracket made of stainless medical steel is used. It is designed to fix the damaged part of the appendix in its normal place. Such a bracket is fixed to the teeth using a ligature and special elastic bands.

In this way, the mixed piece can be returned to its place and securely fixed for normal healing. If there are no teeth in such an area, then they are imitated by durable dental plastic. After the patient is fitted with such a splint, he will have to undergo a course of antibiotics and therapy with special hyperemia.

Correction is performed not only in the case of atrophy of the alveolar ridge. Such an intervention is used to eliminate defects that have arisen against the background of physical trauma, removal of tumor neoplasms and after osteomyelitis.

Sometimes the alveolar ridge has not only a narrow, but also a tuberous and pointed shape. In such cases, it is customary to use special biomaterials to form the desired shape.

Such operations are carried out within the walls of specialized dental clinics. They are performed by an experienced dentist based on the recommendations of an implantologist. Correction is carried out relatively quickly with use local anesthesia.

After the operation, the patient should follow simple recommendations to avoid the occurrence of adverse reactions in the postoperative period:

  • it is necessary to minimize and, if possible, completely eliminate any heavy physical activity;
  • it is recommended to quit smoking, since tobacco smoke can cause the onset of severe inflammatory processes and even suppuration;
  • it is important to observe postoperative dietary nutrition: it will be necessary to exclude excessively spicy and solid foods from the diet. It is also not recommended to eat salty foods, hot and cold foods;
  • it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations of the doctor, bite oral hygiene;
  • rinse your mouth daily with herbal decoctions to speed up the healing process.


Correction of the alveolar ridge is the most difficult stage in dental prosthetics. In order for this procedure to be successful, it is important to contact a qualified dentist who has extensive experience in such surgical interventions.

It is also recommended to consult a doctor in a timely manner in case of painful sensations in the area of ​​the jaw and teeth, which will help save the teeth from complete removal.

It is important to remember that the state of the body as a whole depends on the condition of the jaw and teeth, because pathogenic bacteria from the oral cavity can spread through the intestinal tract to other organs and systems. It is for this reason that you need to monitor the condition of your own teeth, regularly visit the dentist for scheduled examination, adhere to basic hygiene rules and timely fill teeth.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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