To see rotten teeth in a dream in oneself or another person: why dream

DreamSeeing rotten teeth in a dream is not a pleasant sight. Waking up from what he saw, everyone wants to know what this sign means.

Deciphering such dreams has many meanings, depending on the details.


  • Why do I have such dreams?
  • Interpretations
    • Circumstances
    • Peculiarities
  • Interpretations of other dream books

Why do I have such dreams?

Rotten teethThe main meaning of night vision, in which there is rotten mouth content, is an impending quarrel.

In the traditional interpretation tooth - this is a relative, so if its integrity is violated, then, most likely, a discord with family members is not far off.

In rare cases, such a phenomenon means bad news, illness or death of a loved one.

Dream Interpretations linking the contents of the oral cavity with the profession claim that the rot present in it speaks of obstructing competitors or failures in business.

If you associate an unpleasant dental problem in a dream with health, then these signs speak of an imminent deterioration of health, a loss of spirit, the appearance of diseases or existing problems with the cavity mouth.

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Some dream books associate bad teeth with fear, inability to make a serious decision or make a choice. But these reflections always end positively.


To see such a dream about yourself means soon to face mental trauma. It can be both ordinary grief and disappointment, and the loss of a loved one.

Quarrels, discord or betrayal on the part of people dear to you are possible. To prevent this, you need to try to protect yourself from ill-wishers and other sources of experience.

If in a dream there is an acquaintance or relative with rotten teeth, then such a message should be interpreted as an early illness of this person.

When a lover has dental problems, it means that it is time to reflect on the sincerity of your feelings. If a loved one covers his mouth with his hands, then, most likely, he is not satisfied with many of the details of your relationship, but he prefers to remain silent about it.

The rot in the mouth of an ordinary acquaintance speaks of a desire for evil for him and that there is distrust of this person. If the enemy is in the mouth, then it can be considered defeated in advance.

A smiling person with decaying teeth is a sign of the danger of communicating with this person.


A dream in which an unpleasant-looking tooth is loose means that you need to be careful and beware of diseases and accidents. The top row speaks of a man's poor health, the bottom row - a woman. If several teeth began to stagger in a dream at once, you need to prepare for spending and a lack of material resources.

Tooth fell outTeeth fall out. This night vision can have several meanings. The first one says that soon the person who was the source of quarrels and strife will disappear from your environment.

Second, that soon new problems and difficulties will appear in life that can be easily overcome. Seeing a falling tooth in night vision, you should take a closer look at your health.

When the unpleasant contents of the mouth fall out without blood, it speaks of impending loss and sadness. When there is a lot of blood at the same time, then such a dream promises an early clarification of relations with loved ones, their illness or even death.

If without blood and pain - a dream about an early resolution of problems or the triumph of justice. When pain in night vision was pronounced, you need to prepare for suffering in life.

The number of lost teeth also plays a role. One means bad news, two - the beginning of a difficult period in life, three or more - misfortunes going on in succession.

If you dreamed that the contents of your mouth crumble and break, then this indicates overload and problems at work. Perhaps it is worth changing the field of activity or thinking about a vacation.

Unpleasant-looking teeth lying on the ground indicate an imminent quarrel with relatives, in which they will be the instigators.

Holding the rotten components of a smile in your hands is to manage the situation and deal with problems. If the hands are clean, then it will be possible to overcome the situation without much effort, dirty - the losses will be significant.

To dream of a rotting tooth with worms means to meet with unexpected problems, emotional turmoil or a series of troubles.

If the dreamer pulls out his own tooth, then, most likely, he is experiencing some kind of internal struggle, perhaps even with addiction.

Pulling out the rotten contents of the mouth of another person is to meet with troubles in new affairs.

If a dental problem is treated or pulled out by a dentist, then such a night vision bodes good luck in your endeavors and the emergence of a profitable project. To see the result of removal in the hands of a doctor is to overcome all existing difficulties.

If in night vision a person brushes his unpleasant-looking teeth in front of a mirror, then soon he will have a new acquaintance, which will be very valuable for him.

Video about dreams about tooth loss:


Prophetic, as a rule, are only visions from Thursday to Friday. From Friday to Saturday, you can see very significant dreams that speak of inner experiences.

If a person saw an unexpected dream during the day, then it is not worth deciphering - such visions do not come true, but that's when the dreamer wakes up in the middle of the night from the apparition that shocked him, you need to prepare for his execution.

If an unpleasant dental problem dreamed right before waking up, then this indicates the fact that all adversity has just passed the person by and you can breathe for a while calmly.

The interpretation of sleep even depends on gender. If a woman dreamed of her rotten teeth, then such a vision does not bode well. Most likely, the misfortune was spared. If the dreamer noticed a dental problem in the mouth of another person, then all bad interpretations of dreams come into force.

A man who sees himself in such a dream should think about his true desires and try to start changing his life. If another person has a dental problem, bad news will come soon.

A smile with rotting teeth in a girl in a dream is to unpleasant surprises, in a boy - on the contrary.

Why do teeth dream? Video:

Interpretations of other dream books

Miller's dream book claims that seeing rotten teeth in a dream is unfortunately, loss or illness.

According to Vanga's interpretation, such a vision portends quarrels and failures, as well as the solution of long-term problems (if the loss was painless).

Freud's dream book states that this dental problem is a sign of fear of disclosure confidential information or punishment for the deed, which will soon be known to a loved one man. According to Nostradamus, bad teeth mean quarrels with loved ones.

Seeing such dreams does not mean at all expecting something bad. Psychologists associate these kinds of dreams with changes in life. A person associates his past with such an unsightly phenomenon as rotting teeth, and in every possible way tries to change his future for the better.

What decoding to believe and what to expect from such a night vision, only the dreamer himself decides. But just in case, it is better to see the dentist.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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