Chatterbox for stomatitis for children and adults: composition, instructions for use, price of medicine

talker from stomatitisThe emergence of solitary mouth ulcers, increased body temperature, herpetic eruptions on the lips, this is part of the symptomatology that may indicate the development stomatitis.

This pathological process occurs on the mucous epithelium of the oral cavity, as in childrenand adult patients.

To eliminate the negative manifestations of stomatitis at an early stage of the development of the disease, a talker is used - the medicine can be made independently or purchased in the pharmacy network.


  • For what symptoms and types of stomatitis is talker effective?
  • Therapeutic composition
  • Recipe for making talkers at home
  • Application features
  • When the use of the product is not recommended
  • Pharmacy product price

For what symptoms and types of stomatitis is talker effective?

Home or pharmacy composition of the talker is effective at an early stage of the development of stomatitis.

The use of the drug is effective when it is necessary to eliminate the following symptoms:

  • when in the process of inflammation
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    rashes appear on the mucous epithelium of the tongue, palate, inner surface of the cheeks and on the lips;Mouth ulcers
  • there is bad breath;
  • when bloody discharge appears during the procedure mouth rinsing;
  • with ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane to reduce burning and soreness;
  • abrupt rise in temperature;
  • when feeling dry mucous membranes in the mouth.

Chatterbox is effective for relieving symptoms of almost any type of stomatitis. The clinical picture is in direct proportion to the nature of the origin of the pathological process.

There are the following types of stomatitis:

  1. Bacterial is a consequence of the penetration of streptococcal or staphylococcal infection. The clinical manifestations are based on the appearance of pustular eruptions, which burst, leaving a weeping surface with ulcers and erosions.
  2. Viral. In pathogenesis, viruses play the main role (Epstein-Barr, herpes simplex virus). On the mucous membrane bubbles, the walls of which quickly become thinner, and their rupture causes the appearance of weeping erosion. They give the patient painful sensations and a feeling of discomfort when chewing food.
  3. Fungal. Causes a fungus of the genus candida, the activation of which occurs due to a decrease in the immune status of the body. This form causes the appearance of a white curdled coating. An attempt to remove it causes the formation of a wound surface with an aggravation of the feeling of pain.
  4. Chemical. It can often occur in childhood due to the innate curiosity of the child. In this case, solutions of alkalis or acids get on the mucous membrane. The resulting burns are accompanied by the appearance of deep ulcers that cause cicatricial changes in the oral cavity.
  5. Allergic. The etiology is the effect of the allergen. On examination, there is diffuse swelling of the mucous membrane and severe hyperemia. The patient complains of painful sensations.

Therapeutic composition

The main feature of the talker is the combination of ingredients that provides positive dynamics in the treatment of stomatitis of various origins (bacterial, viral or fungal).

The constituent components that are used in the manufacture of medicinal talkers are presented in the table:

Ingredient name pharmachologic effect
Furacilin It has a detrimental effect on both bacterial and viral microflora.
Streptocide Able to stop the multiplication of infectious and fungal pathogens.
Tetracycline Antibacterial agent with a wide range of effects.

It is highly effective against viral infections, spirochetes and leptospira.

Nystatin It is effective if the cause of the pathological process is the fungus of the genus candida.
Novocaine 10% solution is a local anesthetic. Its use reduces pain sensitivity due to blockage of nerve receptors.
Shostakovsky's balm Eliminates the process of inflammation, at the same time has an enveloping effect.
Sea buckthorn oil This component allows you to accelerate tissue regeneration.
Anestezin Eliminates painful sensations that appear due to the appearance of a wound surface with ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane.
Norsulfazole Effective against streptococcal, pneumococcal infections.

Recipe for making talkers at home

The presence in the pharmacy network of components that can be freely purchased without presenting a prescription form allows Cooking talkersmake a talker yourself.

For adult patients, the following recipe will be optimal:

  • the tableted form of Furacilin must be dissolved in 200 milliliters of boiled water;
  • a crushed tablet of Streptocide and Tetracycline is stirred with a solution of Novocaine (one ampoule);
  • the two compositions are thoroughly mixed with the addition of a spoon sea ​​buckthorn oil.

The resulting medicinal composition is especially effective in the treatment of stomatitis in the pathogenesis of which the herpes virus is present.

Treatment of candidal stomatitis involves the use of a composition that includes:

  • ampoule of Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12);
  • Nystatin in the amount of one tablet;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil (teaspoon).

For the smallest children, it is assumed the use of drugs with minimal toxicity, for this purpose, a Streptocide tablet, ground into powder, is mixed with sea buckthorn oil.

Application features

The medicinal composition of the talker can be used in the treatment of stomatitis even in the smallest patients. In this case, the frequency of application is set by the pediatrician.

On average, it is recommended to carry out treatment procedures from 3 to 8 times per day.

If Furacilin or Streptocid is present in the composition, then the frequency of application should not exceed 8 times a day. It is allowed to use the medicinal composition with Nystatin no longer than 3 days after each meal.

Key recommendations:

  1. The affected areas are lubricated after eating.
  2. Before carrying out the procedure, you need to rinse your mouth with a solution of sodium bicarbonate (soda) or a decoction of chamomile or calendula inflorescences.
  3. To apply to the surface of the mucous membrane, use a cotton swab; when treating small patients, a sterile gauze napkin is wound around the finger.
  4. After manipulation, it is prohibited to consume any kind of drinks for 30 minutes.

When the use of the product is not recommended

Due to its low toxicity, the talker has a minimum list of restrictions for use.

The use of the product is not recommended in the following cases:

  • when the incoming ingredients are allergens to the patient;
  • if Streptocide is used as a component, then such a composition is not allowed for the treatment of pregnant women;
  • a history of severe renal dysfunction and frequent heart rhythm failure;
  • hormonal disorders (hyperthyroidism).

Pharmacy product price

talker from stomatitisThe pharmacy price depends on the region of Russia, but on average is 150 rubles. On the territory of Ukraine, the cost of the drug does not exceed 70 hryvnia.

Given that a small amount of ingredients is required to make a talker, the price of a solution made on our own will be much lower than the pharmacy one.

It is necessary to approach the treatment of stomatitis in a comprehensive manner, therefore, it is necessary to contact a medical institution for consultation with a practicing specialist (dentist).

This will make it possible to establish an accurate diagnosis and identify the cause of the pathological process.

If the treatment of stomatitis with the use of a talker does not give positive dynamics within 3 days, it is recommended to consult a doctor again for correction in the treatment process.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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