The cut tongue: how to treat, photos, reasons, what to do

The tongue plays an important role, its function includes partial participation in the process of chewing food, the formation of articulate speech, taste and temperature receptors are located on it.

A cut tongue greatly affects its functioning and prevents a person from fully using such an important organ.


  • Types and causes of cut injuries
    • Surface damage
    • Deep cuts
    • Bullet or shrapnel injury
    • Bites
    • Cuts by various objects
    • The result of diseases and sports
  • How to heal wounds
  • Split: when the tongue is cut on purpose

Types and causes of cut injuries

Tongue cutting occurs in a variety of situations.

Surface damage

In the photo there are small wounds on the tongue:

The causes of superficial damage are:

  • bites;
  • trauma to the tongue with teeth or prostheses;
  • damage from a sharp cutlery (such as a knife or fork).

Deep cuts

In the case of a deeper cut, there is a likelihood of developing an inflammatory process in the lingual muscles or phlegmon. With inflammation, a tumor arises, which manifests itself in painful sensations, it is difficult to swallow and speak. Signs of phlegmon are:

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  • an even greater increase in painful inflammation;
  • an increase in the tongue;
  • it is difficult to move and swallow;
  • the respiratory process is complicated, in general the patient's condition is serious.

In most cases, the patient is hospitalized.

As a treatment for the lingual root, an incision is made in the middle of the chin area, then the skin is pulled apart in different directions towards the center of the root. In addition, apply antibioticsdrugs that stimulate the immune system, rinsing the oral cavity with a solution of potassium permanganate, and inhalation of soda (1 tsp. l. for 250 g of water).

Bullet or shrapnel injury

Typically refers to injuries to the jaw or soft areas of the face. Localized tongue wounds are extremely rare. A particular danger in this case is the loss of a large amount of blood, possible infection and suffocation.

Treatment for superficial injuries consists of copious cleaning of the oral cavity with antiseptic mixtures. With deep bullet or deep cut injuries, it is necessary to provide first aid, which consists in treating the damaged area with disinfectants and suturing.

As complications, loss of taste, loss of sensitivity, loss of the ability to articulate is possible. When the tongue is completely torn off, sutures are applied, further treatment involves the use of a pedunculate flap. If the tongue sinks, it is necessary to firmly fasten it with a strong thread to the teeth or clothing. The first step is to stop the bleeding with tampons, clamps, or temporarily press the artery on the injured side. Usually, blood can only be permanently stopped in a hospital setting. The process of treating such injuries takes place over a long period of time - from two weeks to one month.


Often in the process of eating food, bites occur, and this applies to both children and adults and the elderly. In the latter, these injuries occur due to the sharpening of the dental edges and a decrease in the chewing surface due to its abrasion.

Cuts by various objects

Common household items, such as a pencil or a bone from food, sometimes act as causes of tongue cuts.

The mucous membrane of the mouth can be damaged by contact with cold objects, such as metal. There have been injuries sustained by children as a result of interaction with hard parts of various herbs.

The result of diseases and sports

tongue wound

epileptic wound

There are specific diseases that cause the appearance of wounds in the mouth. For example, people with epilepsy bite their tongue with their teeth during seizures. At tongue cancer carry out its surgical cutting (in whole or in part).

In childhood, whooping cough can cause bruising on the tongue headband, and in some cases, more severe injuries, which is a consequence of the release of the tongue from the mouth during a prolonged cough. Damage is also possible due to trauma to the lower jaw, as a result of contact sports without mouthguards (boxing, hockey).

How to heal wounds

After examination, a qualified specialist will tell you what to do. Treatment of a cut tongue is carried out in different ways, depending on the cause of the injury:

  1. For small wounds (bite, cut, abrasion) have worked well antiseptic drugs: hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, boric acid. Excess elements must be carefully removed from the oral cavity. These funds are used mainly in diluted form, especially if children are being treated. Rinsing is carried out after eating, harmful food residues, which in most cases are a source of infection, are removed from the oral cavity.
  2. Widely popular decoctions of calendula, string or chamomile. They help as gargles, compresses, it is useful to drink them to strengthen the body's defenses. It is important to note that for the manifestation of a therapeutic effect, the broth must have a sufficient concentration. For 1-2 tsp. medicinal herbs need 150-200 g of boiled water, but not boiling water. It is necessary to carry out procedures three times a day after a meal. Combined treatment with antiseptic solutions and herbal decoctions is also possible.
  3. If you cannot help with the listed methods, it is recommended to use alcoholic infusion of iodine or brilliant green. With the help of a cotton swab, medications are carefully treated directly on the affected areas, the area around them. It is important not to apply too much solution, as this can burn the sensitive mucous membrane.

Minor injuries in the oral cavity with proper treatment and care, in the absence of complications, are treated quickly enough - up to seven days. However, for the period of treatment, experts do not recommend eating salty, sour or spicy foods.

In the event of complications or worsening of the injury, a specialist consultation is necessary.

Sometimes it is necessary to treat more serious tongue injuries (deep cuts, puncture, lacerations, bullet and shrapnel wounds). In this case, the first aid should be carried out by a specialist. A clean wound can be sutured without any special treatment.

Complications are the development of inflammatory processes or phlegmon, in especially severe cases, suffocation and bleeding occur, which cannot be stopped. The lower part of the oral cavity is closed with a leather flap when a gap is formed. When scars form, they are removed over time.

With regard to cut, torn and stab injuries of the tongue and oral cavity, it is necessary first of all to stop the blood, if necessary, use clamps and special plugs, apply splints. If complications in the form of inflammatory processes are not observed, the treatment lasts within a month, because in a humid environment of the oral cavity, healing proceeds more slowly.

Split: when the tongue is cut on purpose

Split is one of the most shocking paradoxes of extreme fashion, it is about deliberately cutting the tongue into two parts surgically and then healing. There is no removal of parts of the organ or its tissues, the middle part is divided, which leads to the formation of two halves. The bifurcated tongue has left piercings far behind in popularity. If the operation is performed under sterile conditions by a specialist, then it does not pose a danger to the body.

There are several ways to accomplish a bifurcation of the tongue:

  1. Tying: a fishing line is inserted into the hole made on the tongue surface, after which it is pulled and fixed at the end of the tongue. In this case, the fishing line must be periodically tightened, so the tongue is gradually cut into two parts, this procedure is very painful.
  2. Cutting under anesthesia with a scalpel is less painful and takes less time. However, there is also a minus - severe bleeding cannot be avoided.
  3. The third option is the most humane, as it takes little time and avoids heavy bleeding. We are talking about the use of a laser, which, in the process of dividing the tongue into two parts, simultaneously cauterizes it.

The video describes how the tongue is cut in a split:

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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