Toothache while breastfeeding: pain relievers available during lactation

baby in armsToothache can occur in every person at almost any age. And lactation is no exception.

Breastfeeding mothers more often than others have to suffer from toothache, and there are fewer opportunities to eliminate it during lactation, what can be done if it is unbearable I have a toothachehow to choose safe painkillersthat can be taken while breastfeeding without risk to the baby?


  • Lactation is a reason for maximum caution
  • Giving everything to the child... even dental health
  • Pain relief available at home
  • Treatment in the clinic is also safe
  • Prevention of toothache during lactation

Lactation is a reason for maximum caution

Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding) is not only a pleasant, but also a very responsible process, and sometimes causes a lot of difficulties and worries. And if a young mother begins to have problems with her teeth during this period, it is not at all easy for her. The child requires constant attention, and the pain is such that you want to climb the wall. In addition, a toothache with HB is capable of toothacheprovoke a decrease in the amount of milk or even its disappearance.

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A nursing mother cannot afford to accept any pain relievereven if her toothache is unbearable. After all, together with breast milk, everything that mommy eats and drinks gets into the body of a tiny child.

Therefore, it is necessary that the drugs taken by her are as safe as possible for him. There are not many of them, but they exist. In addition, there are tricks that can help a nursing mom get rid of a toothache while minimizing the risk of harming her baby.

Giving everything to the child... even dental health

Toothache, which occurs in a woman who is breastfeeding, develops for the same reasons as in other periods of life, but the risks are greater. Among the most common factors:

  1. Caries. The most common disease in dentistry, which is the destruction of tooth tissues and the formation of cavities in them. When food pieces, cold or hot water get on the affected areas, discomfort occurs.
  2. Pulpitis. It is a complication of caries. It is an inflammation of the pulp (tissue inside the tooth). The pain is acute, severe, often occurs suddenly, "likes to come" at night. Sometimes accompanied by swelling of the gums, headache, general worsening of the condition.
  3. Periodontitis. Another complication of caries. It is an inflammation of the tissues around the tooth root. It manifests itself as pain, aggravated after touching the affected area, swelling of the cheeks and lips, slight increased body temperature.
  4. Wisdom tooth growth (if the woman is very young).

Mom feeds the babyYoung mothers are more at risk of becoming victims of the above listed diseases than others, because during pregnancy, the child actively "pulls" calcium from the female body, and as a result, the hair suffers, nails, teeth. In addition, in the first time after giving birth, the new mother is full of worries, there is not enough time for herself.

Some people can't even carve out a minute for oral hygiene, not to mention visiting a dental office for prevention. Hence the serious dental problems.

Pain relief available at home


Ibuprofen is harmless if drunk wisely

Many believe that during lactation, apart from folk remedies, nothing can be used, but this is far from the case, for toothache, pain relievers based on Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. Together with breast milk, the baby will get only a tenth of these substances, which is not capable of causing him any harm. If you take the drug immediately after feeding, you can be almost sure that by the next session there will be nothing left in the milk from the medicine.

From folk remedies among nursing mothers, it is very popular decoction of oak bark. The latter, in a crushed state, is poured with boiling water (a tablespoon per glass) and simmered in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then used as a rinse. The tool will help if the problem is not too severe.

Toothache can also be relieved with clove oil. They need to slightly moisten a cotton swab and apply it to the gum of a diseased tooth. If you don't have oil, you can chew on a few bunches of clove seasoning. The tool has absolutely no contraindications.

Another effective and safe way is to rinse with a baking soda solution:

  • for a glass of water 1 tsp. l soda;
  • mix well;
  • rinse your mouth every 2-3 hours;
  • to enhance the effect, you can add a couple of drops of iodine.

Doctor Komarovsky about taking medications for malnourished women:

Treatment in the clinic is also safe

Just anesthetizing a tooth is not an option. The disease will not go away by itself. Therefore, having provided yourself with first aid at home, you should make an appointment with the dentist.

At the dentist's appointmentDo not be afraid that you will have to endure hellish pain during treatment due to the inability to use anesthesia. Modern medicine has long found a solution to this problem. Women during lactation as an anesthetic inject Lidocaine, which is very quickly excreted from the body and does not have time to get into milk.

To be faithful, you should feed the child immediately before leaving the house, then the danger is definitely excluded. Many people prefer lidocaine arsenic, but in this case, the treatment will be delayed, and the dentist will have to be visited several times.

Fears about the conduct of X-ray. If such a procedure is necessary, you can do it without hesitation. Experts say that modern technologies allow minimizing radiation exposure, and nothing will be passed on to the baby through milk.

Prevention of toothache during lactation

To prevent dental problems and avoid unbearable toothaches, a nursing mother should follow a few simple rules while breastfeeding. You need to try to fulfill them, even if there is not enough time and energy for anything, because it will be more expensive to be treated. So, it is necessary:

  • include in the diet foods rich in calcium and vitamins (milk, cheese, kefir, cottage cheese, apples, cabbage, greens, legumes, buckwheat, bran);
  • limit the consumption of sweets;
  • always rinse your mouth with warm water after eating.

If the problem is just beginning to make itself felt, it should be addressed immediately. Even a slight pain that occurs after eating is a reason to consult a specialist. Without medical assistance, the situation will only get worse.

So, toothache and lactation are phenomena that often go hand in hand. A woman's body weakened by pregnancy is prone to various diseases. In addition, calcium deficiency is common after childbirth.

You can't endure pain. There are remedies for its elimination in both traditional and folk medicine. Despite the fact that many pain relievers for breastfeeding are prohibited, there are enough drugs on the shelves of modern pharmacies that can be taken by nursing mothers. If you have problems with your teeth, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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