Teeth regeneration: how to grow new ones instead of removed ones, practice

Dental regeneration has been the subject of lively debate among dental practitioners. The usual judgment that the dentition changes once in a lifetime has become questioned by the cases of changing permanent dental units.

In this area, scientific research began with the development of technologies for growing a new dental crown. They lead to the most unexpected results.


  • Why is the dentition not renewed in an adult?
  • Regeneration Practice: Amazing Stories
  • Author's development
    • Gennady Shichko
    • Arkady Petrov
    • Mirzakarim Norbekov
    • Sergey Veretennikov
  • What science offers
  • Folk healing
  • What is available in medical institutions

Why is the dentition not renewed in an adult?

How a person's teeth erupt and grow:

The question of why teeth in adults do not grow again is asked by scientists practicing in the field of dentistry. According to them, a person has lost repeated dental growth as a result of evolution. The loss of the ability to regenerate is explained by the complication of their anatomical structure.

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Research in genetic engineering has made it possible to establish the fact that a person has a gene that causes the renewal of the jaw row, but for some reason its action disappears when permanent incisors and molars.

Still, there are cases that allow us to hope for the possibility of growing teeth.

Regeneration Practice: Amazing Stories

Real stories help to figure out whether teeth can grow in an adult for the third time.

The first case of the appearance of young teeth was officially recorded in a long-liver living in the city of Sochi. According to her, this became possible thanks to a healthy lifestyle.

Another story, when the teeth grew for the third time, excited the scientific world after the publication of Mikhail Stolbov's book "How I Grow New Teeth" about the possibility of replacing the permanent dentition. This man completely lost all his teeth, but choosing the life of a monk, through spiritual practice, he managed to grow 17 full-fledged dental units.

Another story on the video:

Such precedents were accompanied by scientific research and made it possible to establish that the body triggers the third change of teeth in deep old age. But usually a person does not live to see him.

The main solution to this problem remains the establishment of a trigger mechanism, which becomes fundamental in the development of a young dentition.

Author's development

Gennady Shichko

Biologist Gennady Shichko took as a basis the psychological method of influencing consciousness, which is used in the fight against pathological addictions.

There is an opinion that while falling asleep, a person can control his subconscious, thereby affecting organs and systems.

Dental cultivation according to the Shichko method presupposes the fulfillment of the following conditions:

  • clearly indicate their intentions, have a pronounced desire to change the situation;
  • focus only on positive thoughts and constantly conduct auto-training, which will increase your own self-esteem;
  • be sure to keep daily records (diary), in which you need to record your achievements and positive results;
  • do not pay attention to any manifestations of negativity;
  • do not deviate from the rules of the method.

Arkady Petrov

Regeneration of the jaw row using the technique of Arkady Petrov, Academician of the Moscow Aviation Institute and Doctor of Philosophy.

This technology of growing teeth requires a person to have the power of thought and faith in their abilities.

The author of the technique recommends turning to the bone marrow so that it gives an opportunity to grow a tooth germ from the stem cell. In this case, it is necessary to mentally draw a picture of a new tooth root.

Petrov's opinion: a person, in order to activate and accelerate dental growth, needs to believe in the ability to consciously control cells and chromosomes. With an effort of thought, it is necessary to imagine that a stem cell, which has fallen into the root of the future dental unit, first forms the entire root, and subsequently the dental crown.

Mirzakarim Norbekov

Respiratory exercises for self-healing teeth for the third time, according to Norbekov, after a month will give the first positive results.

Gymnastic breathing exercises should be done daily every morning. They begin with light breaths that gradually become deep. The number of repetitions occurs 10 times, after which the gymnastic complex is repeated in the reverse order.

It is very important to concentrate your attention before going to bed, and mentally imagine how the cells combine, creating a bone formation in the place where the tooth is missing.

According to the author, after 14 days, a slight tingling sensation should appear in the place of the missing element in the soft tissues of the gums. This will indicate that the treatment process has received the correct development.

Sergey Veretennikov

Veretennikov's theory is of interest due to the fact that he recommends restoring the dentition using the same sequence in which it appeared in childhood.

Classes should take place daily for 30 minutes. Moreover, they are divided into three stages (10 minutes each).

Initially, a person is advised to make the association that teeth are seeds that are thrown into the soil (gums). In addition, mentally you need to imagine that itching appears at the site of the eruption of a new dental unit, the gums swell and a feeling of warmth arises.

The second stage requires maximum concentration on the incisors of the lower jaw row. Mentally, a person should feel all the signs that appear when the dental bone cuts through the gum.

The final ten minutes involve the use of auto-training: it is necessary to mentally repeat that the new teeth will be strong and healthy. The following video is about this:

What science offers

Scientific minds are painstakingly researching how to grow new teeth instead of removed ones. For this, innovative technologies are used:

  1. Gene impact. Work in this direction is being carried out in institutes of different countries. Dr. McDougall's research team was able to grow an artificial tooth (in a test tube), and, according to him, the experience delivered after the technique was refined can be applied in humans. Developments at Osaka University gave positive results in animal experiments (they grew new canines). In this case, nutrient media were used that increased the synthesis of fibroblasts.
  2. Working with stem cells promotes the formation of a new tooth germ. After that, the workpiece is implanted into a place where there is no dental unit. This technique of tooth regeneration from stem cells does not allow the body to reject the implanted germ. The technique has not yet received widespread use, as it is being tested in laboratory conditions.
  3. Low frequency ultrasonic pulses allow to enhance the regeneration processes. In this case, the diseased tooth can fully recover, and the stimulation of the bone tissue causes the growth of a new dental crown. According to scientists, this is the technology of the future. The first positive results have already appeared in experimental animals.
  4. Laser technology cultivation in combination with stem cells is being investigated by experts from Harvard. They use a low-power laser beam to target the stem cell, which should form the basis of a new tooth. The technique is at an early stage of development.

In the video about the scientific methods of tooth regeneration:

Folk healing

Adherents of alternative medicine are often put into the hands of healers and false healers who promise to eliminate defects in the body. But in most cases, they only do harm.

These experts give the following tips on how to grow teeth yourself at home:

  • according to some healers, it is necessary to completely reject meat food;
  • the daily practice of self-hypnosis should be accompanied by gum massage using a toothbrush;
  • rinse with propolis while imagining a new tooth growing.

While these tips are helpful, the chances of growing new teeth are minimized.

What is available in medical institutions

Today, the absence of a dental unit implies the use of prosthetics or method implantation.

The prosthesis is placed at the expense of 2 adjacent teeth, on which metal are put on crowns with a bridge connection. The implantation takes place during an operation, during which a titanium or zirconium oxide rod is implanted into the jawbone.

The price of denture prosthetics is about 3500 rubles (per unit).

The cost of implementing an implant depends on the chosen brand and the material from which it is made. Constructions from Korean manufacturers have an average cost of 15,000 rubles. The implant from the Swiss company will be in the price range from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles.

Tooth regeneration is the technology of the future.

Experiments with spiritual practices, influencing the subconscious or self-hypnosis are techniques bordering on mysticism and shamanism. It is especially dangerous when they are used by people with health problems, as well as by women who are expecting a baby.

Scientific methods of natural tooth restoration are still under development and it will take some time for them to show their benefits and begin to be widely used.

Therefore, in order to restore a lost tooth, today the best solution would be to go to a dental clinic.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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