Where to treat bulimia


treat bulimia

Life sometimes presents the most incredible surprises. Everyone comes out of stressful situations in different ways. But most people at a subconscious level use the "get stress with food" method. The constant overeating leads to the most sad consequences - obesity .This disease is called bulimia .This is an improper intake of food, in which severe hunger is experienced, accompanied by increased appetite, weakness of the body. Often, this occurs with nervous and mental disorders, a disease of the endocrine system.

Rapid weight gain is accompanied by a bunch of complexes, which are difficult to get rid of. Obese women and men suffer. But the risk factor is greater for the weaker sex. What methods of treating bulimia are known? How to apply them in practice? The main method is still the psychological effect, then the medication. First, with your doctor, you determine the problem that provoked these symptoms. Behavioral therapy - includes psychological impact on the patient's brain, in order to avoid extremes. This can be a continuous meal, or a complete reluctance to take food.

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Monitoring - monitoring and control over meals, taking antidepressants.

Interpersonal therapy - used to improve self-esteem, problem-solving with society.

Family therapy - designed to change attitudes in the family, change those factors upon which the problem occurred. Not the least role in this is group therapy. It is used after positive dynamics in treatment.

Communicating with the same participants, there is a faster reassessment of what is happening. They can be said to unite, thereby supporting each other.

Treatment of this kind of disease is practiced by all professional clinics and institutions not only throughout the country but also all over the world.

For help, you can contact the foreign clinics:

WP Wohlthat &Partner AG
Hauptstrasse 67 8274 Tegervillen,
Switzerland Telephone: +41( 43) 5421569

Israeli Center for them. Edith Wolfson
Phone:( 972) 36441599

German hospital Mediboss
Phone: +( 49) 1786835364

Do not lag behind in their professionalism and domestic clinics:

Center bulimia and eating disorders
St. Petersburg metro station "Chkalov", ul. Most Raznochinnaya house 25 A, office: 344-346

FGBU Institute of Nutrition
115446, Moscow, Kashirskoye, 21
Phone: 8 4996130107

list of addresses will help everyone not to stay in the shade with his problem. A beautiful body, a correct psycho-emotional state will provide a normal happy life.

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