Why do golden teeth dream from dream books: dreamed of our own, strangers from another person, dental crowns

gold teethAny dream is a harbinger of some event and a warning. Scientists advise to take your dreams seriously.

A social survey showed that 80% of dreams are prophetic, and they report what can happen to a person or to his loved ones. These statistics are based on popular forums such as Dream World and Dream Practitioners Forum. When a person sees ordinary teeth in a dream, it does not cause much emotion, but if golden teeth are dreaming, then the first thing that comes to mind is wealth or cash injections.

The interpretation of dreams about gold teeth according to the most famous dream books will depend on the situation and the situation.


  • Dreaming about their teeth
  • Other people are involved in the dream.
  • Interpretation in different dream books
    • Freud's interpretation
    • Dream interpretation according to Vanga
    • Folk dream book
  • Circumstances to look out for

Dreaming about their teeth

If a person sees that golden teeth have appeared in his mouth, this can mean different things, it all depends on the situation in which the dream is presented:

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  1. If a person is at the doctor's office and his rotten teeth are replaced with gold crowns, this promises problems at work associated with some important project for which the person does not have enough experience.
  2. If they pull out healthy teeth and put gold ones instead, take a closer look at your surroundings. Perhaps there are many envious friends among your friends.
  3. If only one tooth is to be replaced and a person sees himself in a dream with a gold crown, this is a harbinger of well-being. Perhaps, soon there will be a receipt of funds.
  4. If a person, on the contrary, is removed gold teeth and put ceramic teeth, which are very similar to real ones, then those tests that were in life will no longer disturb and there will be a white stripe ahead.
  5. Fallen tooth crowns dream of difficulties, get ready for new life trials.

IMPORTANT! Replacing bad teeth with gold-plated ones is a good sign, but replacing healthy ones is a warning of trouble.

Other people are involved in the dream.

Most dreams are seen as if from the outside, and the presence of a person with golden teeth in a dream does not bode well. Gold is wealth, which means self-interest and lies. How do dream books interpret various situations in which another person's golden teeth dream:

  1. If a woman dreams of an unfamiliar man with a gilded fix, expect deception from a stranger. If this man Gold tootha close person, which means that deception will be revealed.
  2. If a man dreams of a strange woman with a golden jaw, expect betrayal or a set-up at work. If a person is familiar with someone who came to him in a dream, there is an opportunity to learn about deception from a loved one.
  3. If in a dream a stranger brushes his teeth, one or more of which are gilded, then there will be a good job offer with high pay.
  4. If a child with one golden tooth participates in a dream, it is possible that someone close to him will become seriously ill.
  5. If your child has a tooth pulled out, get ready for the good news.

On a note! If a dead person participates in a dream with a gilded jaw, this is always a profit.

Interpretation in different dream books

Each dream book gives its own definition of certain dreams. Some of them are based on the stories of other people, some originate from antiquity, and there are those whose interpretation is based on the knowledge of people with psychic abilities. Let's analyze the most famous interpreters of Morpheus' letters.

Freud's interpretation

Freud argues that dreams involving golden teeth are made for lonely people who are looking for their soul mate, but cannot find it in any way. If a man dreams of a smiling woman with gold teeth, then this is a signal that he should start looking for a permanent sexual partner. If a girl sees a dream, then this indicates an irregular sexual relationship.

Dream interpretation according to Vanga

The interpretation of dreams according to Vanga is more specific. This is not surprising, because this clairvoyant woman predicted a lot of catastrophes and big events. Vanga said that if a person, it does not matter: a man or a woman, dreams of golden teeth, you need to analyze the whole dream. If events in a dream occur during the day, then this is a harbinger of monetary influences, and if at night, then spending.

Folk dream book

There are many concepts about dreams involving teeth. If a person with gold teeth in a dream is cheerful and laughs, this is a harbinger of a promotion in career service. If a person with one gold tooth tells something to a sleeping person, then this promises good news and trouble.

Circumstances to look out for

The interpretation of sleep depends on every little thing. Let's consider specific situations:

  1. If a person is chasing a sleeping person in a dream and a gilded crown glistens in his mouth, it means that theft or loss of an expensive thing will be possible. After this dream, take a closer look at your belongings and do not leave them unattended.
  2. If the sleeping person sees his child who is crying, with a golden jaw, it is worth showing the child to the doctor. Perhaps he has some kind of health problem.
  3. Do not worry if you see in a dream just gold crowns that lie on the table. This is a sign that soon the boss will write out a bonus or it will be possible to save money on a large purchase.

There are many interpretations of dreams, and if you analyze all of them, it becomes clear that each dream book explains a particular vision in different ways. It is worth summing up and saying that seeing gold teeth in a dream is not as scary as rotten or black with holes. If you are an impressionable person, then waking up in the morning, read a prayer and ask the Almighty to protect yourself and your loved ones from adversity.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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