What diseases are symptoms of bumps, balls and bumps on the lips: methods of diagnosis and treatment

From the insideThe lips are a very delicate organ with a lot of nerve endings. Their condition indicates health or disease in the human body.

A bump on the lip can occur from the inside and outside, for each type of neoplasm there are certain differences: size, presence of exudate (purulent, mixed with blood, with water), according to the degree of pain and how fast it is is developing.


  • Causes of occurrence
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • What diseases are hidden under this symptom
  • Treatment methods
  • Traditional medicine
  • Prophylaxis

Causes of occurrence

There are many reasons for the appearance of neoplasms on the lips, these include:

  • Traumatic lumpmechanical injuries (bruises, cuts, from contact with prostheses, implants);
  • genetic predisposition;
  • infection with viruses and fungi;
  • smoking, alcoholism, wrong lifestyle;
  • dental diseases (cheilitis, stomatitis);
  • chemical or thermal exposure;
  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • allergic reaction to food, medicines, household chemicals, cosmetics;
  • non-observance of the rules of oral hygiene;
  • HIV infection;
  • malocclusion;
  • changes in the level of hormones in the body.
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To correctly determine the nature of the disease in the form of a tubercle on the lip, you should first contact your dentist.


A dense lump forms on the inner or outer part of the lip, it can be with pus, watery, keratinized, bleeding. Some species form in the form of a scar, on which a build-up then develops.

Basically, the bumps on the lips are painless at the initial stage, cause only discomfort when eating or during a conversation, and also violate the aesthetics of the face. With a hemangioma, a lump develops from a small spot. On examination and palpation, it will be firm. When pressed, it is possible to release exudate and the occurrence of pain.

Variety of manifestations

Variety of symptoms on the inside of the lip


First of all, the patient needs to visit the dentist, who will examine the oral cavity, palpate the lump and take an anamnesis (medical history).

After establishing a preliminary diagnosis of the problem that has arisen, the dentist directs the patient to do:

  • Ultrasound to determine the size and structure of the neoplasm;
  • a puncture to determine what fluid is inside;
  • probing and sialography, computed tomography, which will reveal the nature of the tumor (benign or malignant), the presence of stones, the state of the ducts of the salivary glands;
  • laboratory tests of blood and urine for the presence of viruses and bacteria.

It is important not to ignore the appearance of growths on the lips, and at their first manifestation, even if the problem seems insignificant, contact your dentist who will help diagnose and eliminate the lump.

Diagnostics does not always use all methods, they differ for different diseases:

  • Ultrasound, sialography, puncture, probing are done with a retention cyst, Mucocele;
  • Ultrasound and puncture for fibroma, nevus, hemangioma, lip cancer;
  • with herpes and furunculosis, a primary examination and palpation of the dentist is sufficient;
  • when furunculosis is started, a puncture of the contents of the lump is added.

Based on the analyzes received, the doctor draws up a drug treatment plan or prepares the patient for surgery.

What diseases are hidden under this symptom

  1. Retention cystRetention cyst - a benign tumor in the form of a ball, formed as a result of blockage of the salivary glands. It causes painful sensations. Such a cyst quickly grows to 2 cm and should be operated on, since this tumor tends to acquire a malignant character over time;
  2. Mucous cyst (Mucocele) - it is most often formed after the bite of the lip from the inside, it becomes a characteristic blue color, as with an injury, does not cause serious pain. At the base of the lump is salivary fluid, its size can be up to 1 cm;
  3. Lip cancer begins most often on the upper layer of the lip - the red border, as it grows deeper into the mucous lips. There are several forms;
  4. Papilloma - a benign tumor that does not cause pain, its removal is required, in advanced cases it causes pain and develops into a malignant one. It looks like a white build-up;
  5. Hyperkeratosis (Dyskeratosis) - these are old, non-dead cells that form a keratinized thick layer, gradually thickening and taking the shape of a bump;
  6. Herpes manifests itself in the form of small watery bubbles, causes mild pain and a desire to scratch. It can form both on the inside of the lip and on the outside;
  7. Fibroma - occurs on the mucous membrane, a benign tumor. It can be soft and hard, in the form of a red bump or keratinized area. It does not cause any symptoms or pain, it can be smooth or bumpy. It grows slowly, it can be detected by examining the oral cavity or by palpation;
  8. HemangiomaHemangioma - a benign tumor, consisting mainly of blood vessels. Most often it is flat, but in some cases it is in the form of a ball, with a blue, red or purple tint. It swells and in some cases, with deep penetration, causes pain;
  9. Furunculosis is inflammatory, affects the sebaceous glands in the form of a rounded abscess. May be caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus. Occurs below or above the lip. Furunculosis should be treated on time or serious complications will subsequently arise;
  10. Fungal lesions mucous membranes of the lips appear less often than in the oral cavity. In some cases, small balls form on the mucous membrane. There is pain, dryness, burning, itching - cause Candida fungi;
  11. Nevus (birthmark, birthmark) - a seal in the form of a dark age spot, sometimes swollen. It can grow, quickly capturing tissues around the lips up to 10 cm. Has different forms and nature of occurrence. In some cases, removal is required, but some people live their whole lives with a nevus, without additional problems, reconciling with an aesthetic defect;
  12. Allergic reaction on medicines, food or after dental procedures. It passes quickly as soon as the source of the allergy is eliminated. Causes itching, redness, reaches 1 cm;
  13. Keraoacanthoma - a benign mass that can develop into cancer if left untreated. A depression filled with stratum corneum, which is removed to reach the base. Does not cause painful sensations. In case of deformity, it is important to make a quick decision about visiting a surgeon;
  14. Reaction to mechanical damage, for example, after piercing or other traumatic punctures. It appears in the form of a ball, sometimes with a "grain" inside, can cause burning, itching, bleeding if disturbed. Such bumps pass quickly when using absorbable ointments.

Treatment methods

Diseases with different etiologies require a wide range of treatments:

  1. Laser therapy is a modern, fast treatment and recovery. It is carried out under local anesthesia for up to 1 hour. This treatment is safer with fewer side effects.
  2. Cryotherapy is used when other methods are powerless. The bump is frozen with liquid nitrogen and removed.
  3. Corticosteroid injections can help relieve symptoms of an inflamed mucous membrane.
  4. Homeopathy can cure cyst, papilloma and hemangioma with drugs such as Arnica, Psorinum.
  5. Drug treatment consists in taking antibiotics of the penicillin group (Tetracycline), anti-inflammatory (Diclofenac), pain relievers, immunostimulants (Echinacea, Eleutherococcus), includes mouthwash antiseptic agents.
  6. Surgical operations are most often prescribed for malignant neoplasms and to remove cysts. The operation is performed under local anesthesia.
  7. Hirudotherapy - leeches are used to dissolve benign seals.
  8. Folk methods: decoctions, lotions, infusions. They are used as concomitants of the main treatment.

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine has in its arsenal a huge number of recipes for infusions, lotions and rinses. To get rid of a bump on the lip, you can use the following tools.

Mouthwash solutions:

  • from sea salt: dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of warm water at 37 ° C. sea ​​salt;
  • baking soda solution is made by analogy with sea soda;
  • iodine and soda. Soda and iodine are dissolved in warm water. To do this, take a glass, add a teaspoon of soda and 3-5 drops of iodine;
  • a solution of furacilin tablets: grind the tablet to a powdery state, pour it into a glass and pour water at 37-38 ° C;
  • saline solution from ordinary or iodized salt: 1 tsp. Pour iodized salt into a glass of warm water. Such a solution can be supplemented with soda or a few drops of iodine added;
  • a solution with linden honey (another type of honey is also possible): dissolve a dessert spoon of honey in a glass of warm water. For greater effect, you can add soda or herbal decoction;
  • herbal decoctions for rinsing or making lotions are brewed according to a single recipe: pour 1.5 tsp into a glass of water at 37-38 ° C. a medicinal plant or a mixture thereof. Sage, chamomile, calendula, ivan tea, oak bark, yarrow, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, linden are suitable.

Lotions are made using a cotton swab, onto which a few drops of freshly squeezed juice are dripped useful plants (you can use a garlic for this) or oils and apply for 10-15 minutes to the bump. For lotions will be effective:

  • scarlet leaves, which are at least 3 years old;
  • Kalanchoe leaves (it is better to take not from flowering);
  • bastard leaves (another name is money tree);
  • garlic.


  • tea tree;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • castor;
  • coconut;
  • Aloe Vera.

Rub vitamin A or E into and around the lump or lotion.

Infusions are made on an alcoholic and non-alcoholic basis:

  • an infusion of propolis is sold in a pharmacy or you can make it yourself: pour propolis the size of a tennis ball with 0.5 liters of vodka and insist in a dark, cold place for 7 days;
  • it is also made from ficus leaves on an alcohol basis (medical alcohol, vodka): fill a 0.5 liter jar by a third with chopped ficus leaves and fill it with alcohol. Send to a cold dark place for 3 days;
  • infusion is made from horseradish root according to the same principle as the previous one.

Before using any of the traditional medicine, it is necessary to consult with your doctor so as not to aggravate the situation and not lead to serious complications of the disease that has arisen.


To prevent the appearance of a bump on the lip, it is important to adhere to several rules:

  1. Strengthen immunity (drink vitamins and minerals, temper);
  2. Get rid of bad habits such as smoking, alcohol;
  3. Do not drink or eat very hot or cold food;
  4. Avoid mechanical damage, trauma, bruises, lip bite;
  5. Lead a healthy lifestyle;
  6. Eat vegetables, berries, fruits fresh and in season;
  7. Do not gnaw seeds and nuts with your teeth;
  8. Refuse spicy foods and hot spices;
  9. Adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, use individual means for cleaning teeth;
  10. Visit the dentist regularly (2 times a year);
  11. Select high-quality prostheses, implants, crowns, braces.

Preventive measures will help to avoid the appearance of many diseases.

For any incomprehensible manifestations in the form of a bump or balls on the lip, you must immediately contact your dentist. The doctor will conduct research, diagnose and treat the disease. Do not waste time and put off a visit to a medical facility until later, so as not to suffer from complications that may arise.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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