The air contains a huge number of different harmful microorganisms that carry most of the infectious diseases transmitted by airborne droplets. The use of quartz lamps is necessary for the elimination of pathogenic bacteria for the prevention and treatment of diseases.
How the quartz lamp
works Bacteria can be destroyed with the help of special disinfectants or by exposure to high temperature. These methods can not give an absolute guarantee of efficiency and are not always convenient to use. Unlike chemicals, quartz lamps for disinfection of the room are more effective and convenient. The device was created as a substitute for direct sunlight, suppressing viruses.
Specialists have determined that this effect has a part of the spectrum that is indistinguishable for the human eye with a wave length of less than 320 nm. Thanks to this discovery, it became possible to create quartz crystals. These artificial solar radiation substitutes eliminate pathogenic bacteria and fungi in the air and on various surfaces. Such devices are equipped with a special viole glass, which transmits only rays of a certain spectrum.
Under the influence of ultraviolet rays of a quartz lamp, the DNA of harmful bacteria is destroyed, their synthesis is disrupted, which makes the reproduction process impossible. The apparatus for disinfection of the premises is intended to combat the causative agents of various diseases. The antimicrobial action of quartz lamps is aimed at destroying pathogenic microorganisms such as spores, bacteria, fungi and viruses.
What can be a bactericidal irradiator
Quartz lamps used for disinfection are a source of UV radiation, capable of killing microorganisms that harm a person. Devices divide by type into zero-ozone and ozone. The latter, interacting with oxygen, form a significant volume of ozone, which at a high concentration is harmful to the human body. After using such a quartz, the apartment or office needs to be ventilated.
Non-zoned lamps for disinfection are distinguished in that their emitter is placed in a quartz flask. The formation of ozone during the operation of the device is minimal, so the harmless device does not carry any harm to humans. Firms produce quartz lamps intended for different locations - wall, ceiling, mobile, desktop. By the method of processing and type of construction devices are divided into closed and open.
Closed type
Such quartz lamps for disinfection of premises have the second name - recirculators. Their UV-emitter is located inside the case, so the rays have no way out. Disinfection is carried out by air through the lamp( it is sucked in by special fans).Getting into the middle of the device, the dirty air is irradiated with ultraviolet and comes out cleaned.
Closed quartz lamps for disinfection can function continuously, at low intensity they can not be switched off within a week. When the recirculation system is in operation, it is not dangerous for a person to be in a room. Since the volume of the ozone produced by the apparatus is minimal, airing can be done rarely. The downside of closed quartz lamps is their non-versatility: the recirculator only produces air disinfection, leaving the bacteria on the surfaces of household items intact. Almost all closed models are not mobile and are mounted on the wall.
Open Type
Such a device spreads the flow of UV radiation around the perimeter of the room, disinfects the air and the surfaces of each object within the radius of the lamp. Use an open quartzizer only on the schedule, which is specified in the instruction. Disinfection of the room occurs quickly, but places and objects that fall into the shade are not cleaned.
The downside of the open lamp is the inability of its rays to penetrate deeply: if the microbes are located in several layers, only the upper one will die. For the most effective treatment of the premises, wet cleaning should be carried out regularly. The effectiveness of the device for disinfection depends on the distance between the open lamp and the surfaces: the further they are, the less the effect of the apparatus.
Quartz lamp for home or office requires certain safety measures. During operation of the device, animals or people should not be in the room. If ultraviolet rays get on the retina of the eyes or the skin, serious burns can occur, in addition, this can lead to aggravation of cardiovascular pathologies or to stimulate other health problems. UV rays of open quartz have a negative effect on the interior decoration of premises: over time, it fades.
The best bactericidal lamp for the home
Quartz lamps for home use should be chosen, depending on their purpose. It is important to read the instructions before purchasing the device. So, for example, there are quartz holders of homeland, which disinfect the air and destroy pathogenic microbes, but work exclusively in rooms where there are no people. For home use there is a separate kind of devices, it is useful to have those families in which there are children and pets. With the help of a quartz lamp, the room is disinfected from viruses and parasites.
For home use it is better to stay on a closed quartz holder or screened device. The duration of the lamp depends on the area of the room and the tasks that are assigned to the device. For most families, the best option would be to use such models of quartz lamps for room disinfection:
- "Sunshine" lamp. The device has a relatively low cost, is available in several models and is universal.
- BactoSfera. As a rule, this device is used in medical institutions, but can be used at home to prevent seasonal epidemics. The firm produces high-quality mobile and stationary devices for disinfection of premises at favorable prices.
- Beurer. This company offers a wide range of quartz for household use. German devices have excellent quality, but they are distinguished by a high price.
Lamp for quartz public spaces
Quartz disinfection devices are divided into bactericidal and mercury. The first is often installed in public places in order to prevent the spread of infections and viruses. They are used in preschool, school, public organizations, hospitals. Devices of mercury-quartz type are almost not in demand in gardens and schools, because they are dangerous because of the large release of nitrogen. Excess of its amount in the air leads to severe consequences - intoxication, blurred consciousness, poisoning.
For the treatment of some skin and viral diseases, as well as for preventive purposes, such quartz lamps for disinfection of public premises are used:
- Primed LBK-150.This UV lamp destroys pathogens that are in the air and on different surfaces. The device is used in medical, children's, medical and preventive institutions, where there is a high risk of infection. This quartz model can be mounted in production and public premises.
- Philips TUV-25W.This device destroys pathogenic microorganisms, disinfecting air, surfaces and water. It is used in pharmacological firms, hospitals, food industry enterprises. Quartz is suitable for disinfection of waste water, air conditioning systems, swimming pools, warehouses, packaging materials.
- Quartz 125-1.Suitable for processing rooms up to 25 m2, including hospital wards, rooms in kindergartens, schools, production halls and warehouses. The device effectively destroys fungi and various pathogenic bacteria.
Where to buy and how much is the quartz irradiator
Choose the power and dimensions of the quartz can be based on the area of the room. A wide range of devices for disinfection of premises allows you to use one device in different rooms. Stores of quartz lamps are carried out by medical equipment stores. You can buy the device on the Internet. The cost of devices depends on many factors - power, dimensions, manufacturer, type of UV lamp. Household appliances can be bought for 1000-4000 rubles. The device for public places will cost more - at least 5000-6000 rubles.
Video: bactericidal lamp with their own hands
Olga, 28 years old : Acquired silica "Sunshine" to cope with a permanent runny nose in a child. With this device you should handle extremely carefully so as not to earn even more serious health problems. Begin the procedure with a heel: if the reaction of the baby is normal, then go to the problem area. Many children have an allergy.
Natalia, 33 years old : We have long been using a closed-type quartz lamp to disinfect the nursery. Seasonal sores children pick up extremely rarely, which is a great merit device. I use it 2 times a week, not more often, because I think that immunity should work too. Minus quartz - it can not be transferred, so we plan to buy a mobile.
Margarita, 29 years old : I did not dare to buy the device for a long time, but I bought it when the child once again became ill with stomatitis. Excellent thing, I'm sorry that I have not used it before. I advise young mothers to choose models with mouthpiece - angina and other diseases go away very quickly. Previously spent on treatment for at least 1-2 weeks, now the child recovers in 2-4 days.