Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease. According to WHO, in the absence of an immunization program, chickenpox affects almost all people until middle age.
This is one of the most common childhood illnesses. The highest incidence is observed among children from 3 to 6 years old, then among children 1-2 years old and 7-14 years old. In the first year after birth, children rarely get chickenpox.
The first manifestations of chickenpox appear after the incubation period (10-21 days) - fever and a characteristic itchy rash. A person is contagious until all lesions are crusted.
One of the symptoms of chickenpox in a child is a rash in the mouth. They cause a lot of inconvenience to babies and encourage parents to look for how to treat lesions in such an inconvenient place.
- Features of symptoms
- What to do for parents
How to treat rashes in the mouth
- Pharmacy products
- Traditional treatment
Features of symptoms
When chickenpox spreads to the mucous membranes of the mouth, the rash affects:
- language;
- gums;
- soft and hard palate;
- the inside of the lips and cheeks.
The appearance of such bubbles differs little from those that affect the skin. Over time, they also burst, forming ulcer woundsthat tighten, but are not covered with a film, as is the case with skin blisters.
Basically, the rashes on the mucous membranes are gentle, quickly open and turn into surface erosion. Near them, not very pronounced soreness is noted. Healing occurs on the 3-5th day of the rash.
In the photo of the manifestation of chickenpox in a child's mouth:
Ulcers from a rash in the mouth can cause significant problems for a child - swallowing and chewing food is painful. The baby does not take food and even water, the sleep regime is disturbed, the temperature rises, there is an increase in lymph nodes in the jaw area.
The transition of pathology to a severe stage is also dangerous because ulcers are subsequently transferred to the throat and respiratory tract, which significantly complicates breathing and makes it painful.
Chickenpox bubbles on the tongue, oral mucosa pose an additional danger in that they are easily confused with other diseases, for example, common stomatitis or sore throat. In order to accurately determine chickenpox, you need to consult a doctor. In case of difficulties in establishing a diagnosis, a blood test may be performed. Some of the symptoms of chickenpox are:
- severe pain in the head;
- high body temperature that is difficult to bring down;
- rash all over the body;
- severe itching;
- loss of appetite;
- sleep disturbance.
What to do for parents
Pay special attention to the nutrition of the child.
Chemically and mechanically heavy food can further damage the bubbles and cause complications. It is important that liquid or semi-liquid food predominates in the diet of a sick child.
When it comes to a baby and his abandonment of the mother's breast, it is necessary to express milk and feed through a syringe or nipple. For an older child, light and low-fat broths, mashed soups, milk porridge, yoghurts, and fruit purees are suitable. All of these foods will make food easier to chew and swallow.
It is necessary to fence off the child during the chickenpox illness from eating sour, salty, spicy and canned foods. After eating, you need to rinse your mouth well with an antiseptic or ordinary boiled water. If the child is small, give him food to drink with plain water.
In order to eliminate toxic elements from the body as soon as possible, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed by the child. Drinks with a high content of vitamin C are especially useful during the period of chickenpox illness, for example, a decoction of rose hips or dried fruits, fruit juice. In addition, it is recommended to use pure water, weak tea, various compotes and jelly without sugar.
How to treat rashes in the mouth
When a rash forms on the mucous membranes or respiratory tract, medication or rinsing with folk methods is used. An experienced pediatrician will tell you how and how to treat chickenpox on the baby's skin and mouth, based on his age and symptoms.
Pharmacy products
Usually, when chickenpox appears on the mucous membranes, the following drugs are prescribed:
- Chlorophyllipt. The action is based on an extract from eucalyptus leaves. The medicine has a calming effect, relieves burning sensation. It is prescribed as a complex, used as a gargle for the throat.
- Miramistin. The action is aimed at relieving inflammation. Stimulates the body's resistance, promotes the early healing of ulcers caused by complications of chickenpox. The course of treatment exceeds seven days.
- Solcoseryl - an ointment capable of reliably protecting the mucous membrane from the effects of infection for several hours. It stimulates recovery processes, promotes good healing of rashes.
- Lysozyme is a drug that is used in practice in the form of a solution together with novocaine. The drug is of natural origin, is an antiseptic and has antibacterial properties.
- Holisal. It relieves pain, kills germs, suppresses inflammation in the oral cavity.
- Calgel - a drug used to combat pain during teething in babies. The gel provides good protection of mucous membranes from infections, copes with inflammation in the oral cavity.
- Sea buckthorn oil - softens mucous membranes, eliminates microbes, promotes rapid healing of ulcers. Smear several times a day.
- Hexoral - it is applied in the form of a solution and has a multi-sectoral effect from the destruction of microbes to an analgesic effect. It is not advised to give it to children under three years of age.
- Furacilin - antiseptic, effectively fights bacteria. They are advised to rinse the mouth for rashes. Crush the tablets to powder, add warm water and rinse the mouth at least three times a day.
The above means are used to treat the affected areas of the mouth strictly according to the doctor's prescription and instructions. At the same time, you can eat at the earliest 30 minutes after using the drug.
Before rinsing, smearing the oral cavity with chickenpox, you must make sure that the product does not cause an allergic reaction in the body. For this, the composition is first applied to the wrist and monitored throughout the day. If no extraneous reactions are found, they begin to treat the oral cavity.
Traditional treatment
Alcohol-based oral products are not used because they burn and dry out the mucous membrane. Zelenka also cannot be used, it is applicable only in the treatment of the skin.
You can rinse your mouth with chickenpox symptoms with folk remedies:
- Potassium permanganate. To rinse your mouth, you need to use a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
- Soda - a small spoonful of powder is diluted with 200-250 grams of water, rinsing is repeated every three hours.
- Green tea - pour boiling water over a few sheets, cool and rinse the mouth.
- Dried parsley - used as a tincture. Insist two tablespoons of the drug in 250 grams of boiled water for half an hour, then cool and strain.
- Herbal decoction: chamomile, sage, mint, dandelion, calendula, string. These herbs can be used alone or as a gargle.
The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.