How much do dentists earn in Moscow, in Russia per month: salary of a dentist, orthodontist, surgeon, orthopedist

In the United States, the average salary of a dentist is $ 80 per hour, and $ 140,000 a year. There are numbers less and more, but in any case, the income of dentists in America is huge. For comparison - in Kazakhstan, a dentist receives an average of 210,000 tenge, which is $ 560 per month (this is about $ 7,000 per year).

The dentist is a profession that is considered profitable in our country. Therefore, young people who are faced with the choice of a profession, who do not want to burden themselves with financial difficulties and having a craving for this medical industry, want to know how much dentists earn in Russia.

As in any other country, in Russia the salary of a dentist depends on the city, place of work and other factors. For example, most of all dentists receive in Kostroma, Kazan, Moscow, least of all - in Samara, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk.

The salary figures for 2018 shown in the article are approximate!


  • What determines the salary of a dentist
  • How much do different dentists get in Moscow (2018)
  • instagram viewer
  • How much is paid in the cultural capital - St. Petersburg
  • About payment for dental work in the districts of our vast country

What determines the salary of a dentist

The following factors and nuances affect the dentist's salary:

  1. Activity type. There are different professions that are united by one common name - dentistry. For example, surgeons, therapists, periodontists.
  2. The city where the clinic is located.
  3. A form of authority. For example, it is much more difficult to get a job in private, but the wages are also much higher.
  4. Experience. In some clinics, experienced dentists receive more than younger dentists.

In addition, much depends on the specialization:

  1. Orthodontist. His treatment is aimed at solving problems with bite. For example, it assigns the installation braces,trainers.
  2. Orthopedic dentist. Is engaged in dental prosthetics. Works together with dental technician.
  3. Maxillofacial surgeon. A doctor of this category performs complex operations that are carried out using anesthesia.
  4. Surgeon. The doctor helps to eliminate inflammatory processes, various deformations, as well as benign or malignant tumors.
  5. Therapist. This doctor consults, prescribes the necessary treatment or refers to a dentist of another specialty.
  6. Dentist for children.

Medical professionals can retire earlier. For example, specialists who work in a village retire after they have “collected” 25 years of work experience, while urban residents - 30.

How much do different dentists get in Moscow (2018)

For a long time, the highest wages have remained in Moscow.

Salaries in private and public clinics differ significantly.

The table shows the approximate salary of a dentist in different specialties for 2018.

Speciality Private clinic (in thousands of rubles) State hospital (in thousands of rubles)
Therapist 70 -150 35–50
Orthopedist 80-120 52
Orthodontist 100 62–75
Prosthetist 180 59
Surgeon 100 40-65
Implantologist 100-200 64
Children's doctor 70-100 45–65

How much is paid in the cultural capital - St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, wages can be lower than in Moscow.

Speciality Private clinic (in thousands of rubles) State (in thousands of rubles)
Therapist 80-100 30-60
Orthopedist 75-100 35
Orthodontist 100 35-70
Prosthetist 155-200 30
Surgeon 85-100 55
Implantologist 100-150 65
Children's doctor 100 50

About payment for dental work in the districts of our vast country

There are 8 federal districts in Russia. The table shows how much a dentist earns on average in a large city in each district (in thousand rubles).

Region State clinic Private
Ryazan (Central Federal District) 30 45-60
Volgograd (Southern Federal District) 30 40-85
Stavropol (North Caucasian Federal District) 35 45-90
Khabarovsk (Far Eastern Federal District) 40 60-100
Vologda (Northwestern Federal District) 35 55-100
Samara (Volga Federal District) 25 35-75
Chelyabinsk (Ural Federal District) 30 40-85
Novosibirsk (Siberian Federal District) 28 45-85

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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