What is an intact tooth?

Since ancient times, the process of chewing food has depended on intact teeth. Keeping them healthy, intact in today's variety of food and drink with a variety of chemicals is an important task for anyone.

Many patients, especially parents with children, having come to the dentist for an examination, may hear or see a record in the card that the teeth are intact - this can cause misunderstanding.

What it is?

Healthy teethTo a person who is not versed in dentistry, the concept of "intact tooth", "intact dentition" will seem "scary". This will present many problems and diseases such as caries, periodontal disease, stomatitis, pulpitisbut it is not.

Intact - represents a healthy tooth that is not affected by more than one disease. From the Latin language intactus means "untouched".

If the dentist tells the patient about intactness, then do not be afraid. Most people have intact (healthy) teeth from birth, which are necessary keep throughout life, performing correct hygiene procedures, eating healthy food, clean water.

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How to save?

The preservation of a person's health, namely his teeth, is an important task, the solution of which will help to satisfy physiological (getting food) and aesthetic (a person's appearance) needs.

With the appearance of the first tooth, it is necessary to carry out cleaning procedures, upon reaching 1-2 years, start using toothbrush and pasta, rinses, a thread.

Eat not only soft food, but also rough, visit dentist for preventive procedures, do gum massage, give up bad habits, do not consume large quantities of drinks with gas, coffee, sweets.

It is necessary to reduce the consumption of sour, spicy, sweet, hot, ice-cold food and water, which has a detrimental effect on the oral mucosa and tissues. Eat more food containing calcium, fiber, vitamins.

An important procedure is cleaning the tongue in the morning and in the evening with a special rubber brush to prevent the spread of pathogenic bacteria.

With weak enamel, it is better to go through the fluoridation procedure, use vitamin complexes, which include: fluorine, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D3, A, E, C. To rinse the mouth, use a strengthening decoction from oak bark, St. John's wort, chamomile.

In old age, you need especially careful care and professional cleaning of plaque, stone and constant supervision by a dentist.

Video from Dr. Malysheva:

Possible reasons for deletion

It so happens that the treatment of an unhealthy tooth requires complex operations in which the intact one is affected (its root is exposed in the cavity), then it has to be removed.

When removing uneven, damaged dental units, a prosthesis is installed, to hold which it is necessary to use adjacent, intact ones. They are ground and crowns are put on them.

It may also be necessary to remove the prosthesis when installing, completely corresponding to the dentition, when 1-3 remain healthy in it, and the rest are damaged.

Often, when prosthetics of the anterior incisors, it is necessary to remove the lateral ones.

Installation of a denture in the video:

The reason for the removal of an intact unit may be the alignment of crooked or incorrectly grown teeth to form a normal bite in the patient.

Also, an indication for removal is the disharmony of the development of the jaw, when the size does not correspond to normal growth, which disfigures the expression on the person's face.

In childhood, when changing teeth or pathological processes, injuries, prosthetics and remove temporary healthy ones, which is very important for the formation of the development of the child's dentition in the future.

There must be a good reason for removing or multiple intact units.

The decision to remove or use a tooth for other purposes is made only by the attending dentist. Self-removal will entail problems associated with the development of pathologies, deformation of a number, as well as changes in facial features.

In order not to resort to such a procedure, you should protect your health from childhood and use high-quality hygiene products.

The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.

  • Oct 28, 2021
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