Constipation is a disease that develops with intestinal atony. But not all people pay some attention to such a violation, believing that it can pass independently.
But the stool delay can adversely affect the general condition of the patient, cause intoxication, inflammation and lead to surgery.
Atony of the intestine is a decrease in its tone and peristalsis. Because of this, there is a violation of the digestive system, the emergence of hemorrhoids and permanent constipation, which can become chronic. But with the elimination of provoking factors, it is possible to restore peristalsis.
- Causes of disease
- Symptoms
- disease Diagnosis
- complex therapeutic measures
- prescribe drugs
- introduction of a special diet
- Physiotherapy
- Hirudotherapy
- Possible complications
- Preventive measures
Causes of
disease Atony manifested by one or several factors that have a negativeinfluence on peristalsis of the digestive tract.
This may be an independent disease( as a result of heredity) or an adverse reaction from the consumption of drugs or another disease( helminthiosis, intestinal infections).Also atony can develop with hemorrhoids, sedentary lifestyle and excessive alcohol consumption.
The high-risk group includes people who experience stress, eat poorly, consume spasmodics, suffer from certain diseases( helminthiosis, dysbacteriosis, intestinal infections, tumors), smoke, and use opioid drugs.
In children, the causes of atony of the intestine include:
- various stresses;
- power change;
- heredity in the feeding of an infant or pregnancy);
- insufficient volume of liquid.
In the elderly, the reasons for the appearance of a disorder can be as follows:
- sedentary lifestyle;
- side effect after surgery.
Symptoms of the disease
The main symptom of atony of the intestine is constipation, the concomitant factor of which is bloating, a feeling of discomfort and pain in the abdomen.
As a result of this, the general state of health decreases, there is weakness, a feeling of heaviness and a complexion changes.
For constipation lasting more than 3 days, patients may have increased pressure and temperature, and loss of appetite.
These symptoms can occur during pregnancy, after childbirth, during menopause, with obesity, hypokinesia and emphysema.
So, the main symptoms of intestinal atony are:
- tight stool of rocky consistency;
- disturbed sleep and general weakness ;
- flatulence - violation of parietal and cavitary digestion with the formation of gases;
- unnatural shade of the face ;
- anemia - non-digestibility of iron and a decrease in hemoglobin.
Diagnostic tests of
If a suspected bowel disease is suspected, the patient should visit a proctologist and gastroenterologist. Research and diagnosis is not difficult and is preliminarily established according to the patient's complaints according to the main symptoms.
During the diagnosis it is important to determine the cause that led to the development of pathologies in order to prescribe effective treatment.
The physician can prescribe the following tests:
- bacteriological stool examination;
- Colonoscopy( examination of the intestine with possible tissue taking for biopsy).
Sometimes an X-ray examination can be performed, with the help of which the accumulation of feces is detected, often leading to the appearance of intestinal thrombi of adhesions.
The examination takes into account the patient's lifestyle, heredity and nutrition.
Complex of therapeutic measures
To obtain the desired effect, the treatment of intestinal atony needs to be approached in a comprehensive manner, eliminating the causes of the disease and factors that have a negative effect on intestinal motility.
At the same time, medicamental treatment, a special diet for normalizing the stool, physical exercises and normalizing the way of life( to eliminate bad habits and the habitual image), hirudotherapy are simultaneously used.
Assignable drugs
Medication includes the use of the following drugs:
- enzyme agents , aimed at improving the digestibility of products( Pancreatin, Mezim);
- laxatives ( Regulax);
- preparations for abdominal distention ( Espumizan);
- enhancing peristalsis and antiemetics ( Metoclopramide, Cerucal);
- means, which improve the impulse transmission to the muscles ( Amiridin).
For the reduction of intestinal muscles on an outpatient basis, Prozerin may be used( if other means are not used effectively).
In the treatment of the disease, rectal agents can be used to enhance the reflexes for emptying. The doctor can prescribe glycerin suppositories, candles with belladonna and cocoa butter.
In addition, you can use microclysters with the addition of vegetable oils.
Introduction of a special diet
When confirming the diagnosis, the patient should include in his diet products that facilitate the passage of feces through the colon.
The diet for intestinal atony includes:
- kefir, sour cream, yogurt and curdled milk;
- jam, juices from fruits or vegetables, compotes;
- dry biscuits and stale bread;
- soup, borscht, vegetable soups;
- veal, poultry and lean meat;
- buckwheat, millet and barley cereals;
- dried apricots, prunes;
- pumpkin, rhubarb, peaches, oranges, cranberries;
- greens, sea cabbage, pasta;
- carrots tomatoes, zucchini and cauliflower.
It is advisable to consume food in small portions about 5 times at the same time. For proper nutrition, you should add gymnastics and walks.
Frozen and smoked food, salted fish, canned food, legumes, mushrooms, rice, rich broths, coffee, chocolate, garlic, pomegranates, pears and blueberries are excluded from the diet.
The diet should include a constant intake of mixtures of products that are beneficial for the work of peristalsis:
- Stir fry with pumpkin : ¼ of the pumpkin should be cut into cubes, chopped onions, mix these ingredients and put them in a frying pan with vegetable oil. When the pumpkin is soft, boiled beans and a dish stew for 5 minutes.
- Juice from aloe : you need to wash several leaves of aloe, remove spines and grind. In a saucepan, 1.5 cups of honey should be warmed( to a temperature of 40 degrees), add aloe and insist for 24 hours. After that the mixture is warmed up and taken daily in the morning for 1 hour before meals on a tablespoon. The course of treatment is 7-10 days, after which a weekly break is made and the reception continues.
- Semolina without sugar and salt .
- Powder of tea ( large-leafed tea chopped in a coffee grinder and take powder 4 r. A day before meals for ½ dessert spoon).
Therapeutic gymnastics
With primary atonic constipation, therapeutic exercises are aimed at increased self-massage in the abdomen. This strengthens the general condition of the body. The breathing apparatus is also connected.
Exercises are conducted in any position with gradual complication:
- In the supine position on the back, it is necessary to lift straight legs and make them movements that mimic a bicycle ride.
- In the reclining position, one or two legs should be bent at the knee, wrapped around their hands, pressed to the abdomen and returned to their original position;
- You have to get on your knees, rest your elbows and hands and lower your head. Now you need to squat one by one on each buttock.
Hirudotherapy is an auxiliary method in the treatment of constipation, it is necessary in the presence of venous plethora of the organs in the abdominal cavity, with old constipation, constipation against a background of chronic or acute hemorrhoids.
The prefix of leeches is made on the anteroventric, lumbar, sacral and hepatic zones.
Possible complications of
In the absence of timely therapy, toxins and slags can accumulate in the body in large amounts, stool stones with pathogenic microorganisms can appear.
This has a detrimental effect on all systems and organs, reduces immune defense, provoking allergic reactions and interfering with normal assimilation of useful components of food.
Preventive measures
The optimal way of physical activity is exercise therapy. You should also lead a healthy and active lifestyle, move a lot, do long walks, go in for swimming, running and sports.
The causes leading to the disease are excluded:
- excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking;
- fasting, eating dry, frequent snacks;
- use of medicines in large quantities;
- atherosclerosis of intestinal vessels, endocrine diseases;
- mental stress.
In the treatment of intestinal atony, it is important to regulate nutrition, remove harmful foods high in calories, consume a lot of vegetables, fruits, and lead an active lifestyle. This will eliminate constipation and improve the functions of intestinal peristalsis.