Fiber in the diet

Fiber is a very important component of our diet. It is especially important for those who want to reduce their body weight, because it is known that diets containing such a component in a large number are most effective. However, we should not forget about the correct intake of fluid, which is necessary for the normal functioning of our body. Fiber has many benefits that have a positive effect on health and shape, but like any other component of the diet, it can harm and be dangerous in case of an overdose.

Fiber Benefits

Fiber increases the secretion of digestive juices and accelerates the intestinal peristalsis, which increases the speed of food through it - this is very important in the fight against constipation. Remember to regularly and adequately consume water. If this is not done, the problems can only worsen. Fiber controls the amount of toxic compounds in the body, they are effectively absorbed by it and removed through the intestine.

Fiber is an important component of the anti-cancer diet and plays a major role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Fiber reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and slows the absorption of glucose. Thanks to it, the glycemic index of products also decreases. With the right intake of fiber and water, you can ensure a stable feeling of satiety, which will reduce the calorie diet.

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Fiber sources

Its main sources are dry legumes, vegetables, fruits and whole grain products. If you want to provide yourself with fiber, the diet should include whole-grain foods, such as oat flakes, rye flour, bread made from coarse flour, brown rice and buckwheat porridge. More fiber contains fruits and raw vegetables that have not been heat treated and not peeled.

Therefore, if your diet should limit its consumption, eat wheat bread, and from vegetables and fruits prepare mousses. Fruits can also be brewed, baked, grinded in a blender, but try to choose recipes that do not require peeling. The daily intake of fiber for adults and healthy people should be 27-40 g.

Consequences of excess fiber

Its excess can irritate the intestines and lead to diarrhea, which can be very dangerous. This phenomenon can lead to dehydration of the body. In addition, excess fiber causes a decrease in absorption of calcium, iron and zinc. A lack of these elements can lead to various complications.

Lack of calcium, for example - to such as osteoporosis or tooth damage. It is also important for the heart, muscles and nervous system. Insufficient intake of iron can lead to anemia, decreased immunity, pale skin, brittle nails and irritability. Zinc deficiency, in turn, can cause changes on the skin, as well as weakening of immunity.

Fiber reduces the absorption of fats, which in turn causes a decrease in the intake of fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, E and K - into the body. A diet rich in fiber is undesirable for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, such as inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach or intestine.

Moderation of

.Of course, cellulose has a positive effect on various processes in our body, but this does not mean that you should abuse it. If you do not have medical contraindications, and you can contribute the recommended amount of this substance to your diet - take advantage of these benefits.

For this, there is no need to apply any special food additives - enough conventional products. For an example( values ​​are given for 100 g of product):

  • brown rice package yields 8.7 g of fiber;
  • 3 slices of rye bread from wholemeal flour - 6.1 g;
  • half a cup of white beans - 15.7 g.

As you can see, you do not need to work very hard to deliver fiber to the diet. And it is not difficult to control its recommended amount. The problem of an overabundance of fiber can concern people on a vegetarian diet, rich in legumes, vegetables and fruits.

Nutrition and health
  • Mar 10, 2018
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