Very often, patients notice small formations on the gums in the form of white spots. They can be in the form of ulcers, small seals, or plaque. This phenomenon signals the onset of the development of a serious illness. Therefore, at the first manifestations, you should immediately consult a doctor. The article will discuss the main reasons for the appearance of white spots on the gums, methods of their diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
- Common causes of occurrence
Diseases manifested by such a symptom
- Stomatitis
- Candidiasis
- Leukoplakia
- Cyst
- Wen
- Injury
- Cancer
- Periodontal fistula
- Herpes
- Effects of teeth whitening
- Plaque
White spots and spots in children
- Stomatitis
- Neonatal teeth
- Bon knots
- Prophylaxis
Common causes of occurrence
Changes in the gum surface can manifest as white spots, ulcers, seals, plaque, streaks, etc. This state can be caused by inadequate oral hygiene, resulting in a small white coating that is easy to remove and does not carry danger.
In other cases, changes in the gum surface signal the development of serious diseases. This can be a defeat by fungal microflora, the presence of purulent fistulas or tumor formations, etc.
Depending on the location, an assumption can be made about the existing disease. If they are located in the cheeks, tongue or palate, then we are talking about various forms of stomatitis. If the spots are formed exclusively on the gums, then we are talking about leukopenia, if they are located on the palatine tonsils, we can safely talk about the initial stage of tonsillitis.
Often, the presence of white spots on the gums indicates an acute lack of calcium and vitamin C in the body. Because of this, small wounds or cracks may appear on the gums, into which pathogens penetrate and provoke the development of an infectious process.
When exposed to toxic or chemical substances, small ulcers form in the mouth. In addition, the appearance of such changes indicates violations in the work of internal organs. Therefore, it is very important to identify this pathology in oneself in time and seek help from a specialized specialist.
Diseases manifested by such a symptom
So, as described above, in most cases, white spots on the gums are associated with the presence of serious diseases not only of the oral cavity, but also of the internal organs of a person. Consider each of them in more detail.
It develops when a viral, bacterial or fungal infection enters the human body. Is a kind of immune response to a pathogen. With a weakening of the immune system and non-observance of the rules of oral hygiene, the risk of infection increases several times.
Stomatitis in the initial stages, it manifests itself in the form of small ulcerative formations of white color, which are localized on the gums, lips and cheeks (their inner surface). This disease is of several types:
- bacterial;
- viral;
- fungal;
- allergic.
Often, this disease develops against the background of long-term use of antibacterial drugs or is transmitted by household means (through dirty hands or dishes).
Treatment consists in the use of special ointments Kamistad, Lidocaine Asept, etc. In addition, be sure to thoroughly brush your teeth and rinse your mouth after each meal. It is recommended to use special rinses or decoctions of medicinal plants (oak bark, chamomile, St. John's wort, etc.).
In this case, the disease is caused by the presence of a fungus of the genus Candida in the body. As a result, small white cheesy areas form in the oral cavity. They affect the gums, cheeks, and lips. If this disease does not start treat on time, the sores become the cause of a serious infection.
In addition, the patient experiences the following symptoms:
- discomfort while chewing food;
- increased body temperature.
Most often, candidiasis is diagnosed in patients childhood. Antimycotic drugs are used for treatment: Nystatin, Fluconazole, Nizoral, etc. At the same time, immunity is strengthened with calcium and B vitamins.
This disease is characterized by the formation of white keratinized areas on the gums. This is due to the effects of such irritants:
- the edges of the teeth, which are aggravated by decay by caries;
- incorrectly installed seals;
- malocclusion;
- abuse of tobacco products;
- constantly eating hot and spicy foods;
- metal crowns on the teeth;
- improperly installed dentures.
Among other signs leukoplakia you can distinguish a slight discomfort while eating, burning, when keratinous areas are injured, cracks or ulcers may form. Heavy smokers experience dryness and a burning sensation in the mouth. The danger of this disease is that in the initial stages it does not show any symptoms. However, over time, white areas on the gums can develop into cancerous tumors.
For the treatment of leukoplakia, the removal of the keratinized area and the elimination of the irritant are prescribed.
The reason for the development of this disease is the poor-quality installation of the filling, the development of infectious microorganisms in the roots of the teeth, carious damage or pulpitis.
Cyst is a small spherical growth filled with lymph. It is localized exclusively near the tooth root. With untimely treatment (especially on the upper gum), it can significantly increase in size over time.
For treatment, mainly surgical intervention is used, which includes the removal of the affected tooth and subsequent antibiotic therapy. No other methods are effective.
It is a volumetric formation, soft to the touch, has a white tint. It is a benign neoplasm, very often diagnosed in pediatric patients.
The reasons for the development of wen are:
- failure of hormonal levels;
- trauma;
- chronic forms of diseases.
Lipoma (wen) does not cause any painful symptoms, it causes slight discomfort while eating or talking. It does not have the ability to grow or degenerate into malignant formations.
Treatment consists of surgical removal: laser or traditional method. If a lipoma re-forms, it is recommended to take a biopsy test to exclude oncology.
In this case, white spots appear in the form of single damage to the gums at the point of contact with the stimulus. Food that is too hard or the edge of a nearby tooth can cause injury. This state does not pose any danger.
For treatment, rinse with antibacterial agents is used (rinses, decoctions of medicinal plants), this will help to significantly reduce the risk of infection in the wound.
This disease occurs among patients diagnosed with leukoplakia.
In the last stages, it becomes difficult for the patient to move the jaw, many nerve endings are affected. Also, this disease in almost 90% of cases is accompanied by a high body temperature without the presence of an infectious process in the body.
For diagnosis, first of all, a biopsy is taken, in case of confirmation of malignancy, the patient undergoes surgical removal of the tumor, followed by chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
Periodontal fistula
With periodontitis, severe tissue damage occurs. As a result, a strong inflammatory process develops, and a hollow space forms between the tooth and the gum. If the rules of personal hygiene are not followed, pathogens penetrate into it, thus, purulent discharge is formed there. As they accumulate, they begin to look for a way out, they form on the gum fistula.
This pathology is also formed with improper placement of the fillings, incompletely treated caries or improper teething. Symptoms include severe pain when chewing, an increase in body temperature. For treatment, surgical cleaning of the formed fistula is used, followed by antibiotic therapy.
The herpes virus lives in the body of every person, however, when exposed to adverse environmental conditions (weakening of the immune system, chronic infectious diseases) it tends to show its activity. On the gums, it develops in the form of small white bubbles, which eventually merge into one large spot.
In case of untimely treatment, it goes from the acute stage to the chronic one. Herpes infection usually goes away on its own. Its insidiousness lies in the fact that if it has already appeared, then with any weakening of the immune system it will appear again and again (as a rule, in the same place).
Herpes is often mistaken for stomatitis. There is a big difference between them: herpes infection affects only the gums, while stomatitis spreads throughout the oral cavity.
For treatment, antiherpetic drugs are used (Acyclovir, Atsik, etc.).
Effects of teeth whitening
White spots can form after a whitening procedure. This is due to the slight ingress of whitening gel during the procedure. It is a temporary condition that does not require any treatment. It goes away within 1 hour after the procedure. In some cases, it may cause mild tingling or burning.
If oral hygiene is not observed, plaque can form not only on the teeth, but also on the gums. In this case, tissue damage occurs under the influence of pathogens. With timely treatment, it does not pose any danger. You need to rinse your mouth with decoctions of medicinal plants (oak bark, sage, chamomile, etc.), soda solution or rinses for the mouth. A prerequisite is brushing your teeth after every meal.
White spots and spots in children
Problems in the oral cavity in children are very common. First of all, they are caused by contact with potential vectors of infection in kindergartens, schools, playgrounds, etc. There are several special pathologies, which will be discussed below.
Most often manifests itself in aphthous and herpetic form. The main features are:
- increase in body temperature,
- loss of appetite,
- enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes.
White spots at first appear singly, but over time they combine into one large formation. After a certain time, they burst, and in their place small erosive islands are formed. For treatment, rinse with antiseptic drugs is used (Furacilin, Miramistin, boric acid).
Gels can be applied to relieve pain symptoms Kamistad, Dentol and etc. For infants, rubbing the oral cavity with decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, etc.) is indicated. At a high body temperature, antipyretic drugs (Nurofen, Panadol Baby) are necessarily used. If stomatitis is caused by the presence of herpes infection, then Atsik, Acyclovir, etc. are prescribed.
Neonatal teeth
Neonatal teeth are found in newborn babies. These are teeth that originate during fetal development and appear during the first month of life in the form of small white tubercles. If they are not included in the number of obligatory teeth, then doctors carry out their removal.
Bon knots
This is one of the manifestations of cystic formations on the oral mucosa. Round in shape, they are single.
In most cases, Bon's nodules do not cause any discomfort and eventually dissolve on their own.
When unpleasant symptoms appear, it is imperative to see a doctor in order to exclude their degeneration into malignant formations.
Any disease is better prevented than cured. For these purposes, doctors recommend:
- carefully monitor oral hygiene, regularly brush your teeth and rinse after each meal;
- avoid possible injury or damage to the gums;
- strengthen general immunity;
- timely treat infectious diseases;
- regularly be examined by a dentist;
- eat properly;
- do not abuse alcoholic beverages and smoking;
- avoid excessive consumption of hot and spicy foods;
- do not engage in self-treatment;
- when white spots appear, it is not recommended to cauterize them.
Thus, by fulfilling all these conditions, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing any of the pathologies.
The presence of white spots can have several reasons, from poor oral hygiene and nutrition to the development of serious diseases. For timely diagnosis, it is necessary to regularly visit the dentist, take preventive measures. Correct therapy will avoid unwanted complications. It is not recommended to self-medicate, especially in pediatric patients.
The site is for informational purposes only. Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. If you find you have any symptoms of illness, contact your doctor.